Chapter 38: The Shining

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Sup' Minna?

I'm back, yo! I MISSED YOU BABIES. Literally, the second I got home from an obnoxiously long car drive, I found my phone and lap top both dead.

I cried cause they both take HOURS to recharge. BLARGH.

But they are finally working. I finally get to write more. Oh, and sorry for lying about the whole 'finish the story before the hiatus' thingy.

That sorta failed..

Well....FAIRY TAIL TIME *throws jars of Nutella as diversions (like smoke bombs) while runs awkwardly away*


~Mira's POV~

I pushed through the crowded beach shore, lugging behind me two idiots. I ignored their groans and grunts of pain every time we hit a rock, a sharp shell, or a rather unpleasant sleeping individual.

So what if they were battered and bruised? A smile curled around me cheeks as I thought of Lucy and Juvia having to nurse the two back to health.

I dozed off into day dream land as we walked, mostly thinking about what their babies' names will be. I hope they name one Mira Jr. I did help guide them into their blossoming relationship, did I not?

"Er, Mirajane," I heard a voice say from above me, "I think I see the bathroom building up ahead."

I snapped my thoughts back into reality. From up ahead, I could see a squarish shaped rick building with two doors on either side. "THE POTTY HOUSE!" I exclaimed in excitement.

I yanked on the boy's limbs and sprinted giddily towards the building, earning a few questioning looks from the other occupants of the beach.

Happy had grabbed ahold of one of each boy's feet and was attempting to help then from getting beaten by the ground any further.


~ Juvia's POV~

Lucy and I had curled ourselves into the corner of the bathroom. I hugged my legs close to my chest and planted my face between my knees.

The bathroom floor was extremely uncomfortable. Lucy continuously complained about the sand that dotted the tiled floor, as well as the puddles that I begged are ocean water.

Every so often, some lady would come in, give us a quizzical look, then hurry out of the bathroom or pretend we weren't there.

A clammy hand grabbed my arm. I lifted my head and looked towards Lucy. Her eyes were wide and staring at door. At first, I didn't understand, but then I heard it.

"Happy, can you grab Gray's swimsuit? They're falling again!" A horrifyingly familiar voice said. The She-Devil.

Without a word, Lucy stood up and grabbed the trash cans that stood underneath the sinks. She dragged them over to the front of the door and began to build a barricade.

She looked over desperately at me. She pleaded, "Come on, Juvia! She's coming!"

"R-right." I nodded.

There was a small table beside the door that had random things placed on it. I stumbled over to it and pushed it towards the door.

Just as the barricade was sealed, the door jolted on its hinges. I leapt backwards as someone-I wonder who!-began pounding on the wood.

Lucy followed me back towards the corner. I struggled to hide behind the blonde. Mira boomed from the other side, "Would you two quit being so difficult. You have-"

She slammed her fist into the door. The wood began to crack. Mira continued to yell through the door, "-to see-"

Chips of wood from the door began to fall, "-your future-"

She shrieked, "-HUSBANDS!" With one final blow, the door cracked and a large hole revealed Mira in her devil form. A was smirk curled around her face. She sneered, "Heeeere's Mira!"

"AHHHH!" Lucy and I cried out. Our screams melted into desperate sobs as she pushed the crappy barricade away with ease.

To no surprise, she was dragging behind two unconscious guild members. The pink haired dude and Gray-sama.

I looked behind her and saw that he was missing his shorts. My face heated up as I tried to contain my squeals.

Lucy glared down at me. I whimpered at the towering monster above us.

She pushed the two boys into our arms. Mira glared at us, "Don't come out of this place until you've all kissed atleast eighteen times. See, I'm even being generous about the number, not even bringing up your future babies!"

With that weird note, she turned on her heel and steeped out of what used to be a doorway.

The boys seemed badly battered and bruised from whatever Mira had done to them. They both groaned in pain as they moved ever so slightly.

"Lucy and Juvia should probably help them." I suggested to Lucy.

Her face was a bright red shade, and I'm sure mine was too. She stared back at me, "Are you crazy? I can't even look at him without wanting to melt with embarassment. How the hell can I help him!?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and went over to the paper towel dispenser. I grabbed some to help with the cleanup, but mostly to cover up Gray's *ahem*, valuables.

As soon as he was, in some form, clothed I knelt down behind his face. I gently picked up his head and rested it onto my lap.

He was still unconscious, but I could feel his shoulders and chest moving with each breath he took. His raven black hair tickled my bare legs.

I took a wet paper towel and began to gently dab the areas were the cuts were worst. Which were mostly on his back. I found four sharp seashells lodged into his back. Seriously, four.

I looked over at Lucy to see how she was doing with Natsu. Yeah, she wasn't lying when she said she couldn't touch him.

Lucy had retreated into one of the bathroom stalls while he just laid on the ground. Drool was beginning to seep from his mouth.

"Lucy should stop being a cowards and come out of the bathroom stall. Natsu could be dying!" I tried to convince her to come out.

She retorted, "He's faced a lot worse than this and survived!"

"And so has Lucy! Natsu is unconscious, Lucy doesn't even have to talk to him. Just help his wounds." I yelled back. She shook her head and went back into hiding.

I knew it was pointless, but I had to try. "Lucy, please-"

"NOPE. I can't hear you! La, la, la, la..." She stubbornly plugged her ears with her fingers. Lucy could be less mature than Happy when she wanted to be.

I threw my hands up in frustration as I felt something move beneath me. I glanced down and saw Gray-with his eyes wide open and looking up into mine.

He smiled warily, "H-hi, Juvia."


Lucy is such a baby. At least Juvia can suck it up!

Sorry if any of you thought this was short. I still have a lot of unpacking to do and stuff. Then later in the week, I'm packing up all over again to go see my grandma in Seattle at the end of this week.

So that'll be a long, fun-filled air plane ride. But I can bring my phone this time, so no more hiatuses.

And I promise I will continue writing Lucy's Secret! This fan fiction is just so much more demanding so, y'know...


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