Chapter 19: Erza's Wrath

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I have gotten so many comments, mail, and even text messages (from my weirdo friends) about last chapters NaLu moments.

It's been a day and I have received three death threats from my creepy friend. Shout out to you, Lauren!

I might get killed. Send help.


~Lucy's POV~

My hand hovered over my cheek. Was that real?

I looked around the hall. It was completely empty and silent. How long have I just been standing here?

I placed the palm of my hand on the cold tile floor and pushed myself up. My legs wobbled beneath me. I limped over towards my door.

I fumbled for my keys in my purse. My fingers shook as I shoved the key into the lock.

I stumbled into the hotel room. I felt the wall for the light switch. I flipped on the blazing lights. I tossed my key onto the dinner table.

"Hello! Anyone home?" I called out. No answer. I shrugged, "No ones home."

I heard a collection of muffled screams and thumps from across the hallway. They must still be over there, it's best not to disturb them.

I looked over at the large mirror on the wall. I gasped at my reflection. I was a mess. My blonde hair was sticking out in various places. My makeup was smeared from my sweat. I felt disgusting.

I decided to go take a shower. I stepped into my bathroom and turned on the hot water. I felt the warm wash over my hand.

I quickly went back into my room and pulled out my pajamas; an oversized T-shirt and a pair of purple shorts. I grabbed a towel and sprinted back to the bathroom.

I took my clothing off and placed it in the corner of the bathroom. I slowly dipped my body into the bath.

The warm water hugged my bare skin. I sighed and began to wash myself. I started thinking about the events of the night. From my date with Evan to Natsu and me fighting. And Natsu...

"OH MY MAVIS!" I scream. I shoot down into the water, kind of trying to drown myself. I merge out from the water and stare at the ceiling.

I ask myself, "Was that real? Did Natsu-my Natsu-actually kiss my cheek?"
It didn't make any sense. Natsu was the most dense idiot.

He doesn't even know what a kiss is. I am serious about that. Natsu has no clue. There was no way that was real.

"But it felt so real" I whispered to myself. I pressed my hand to my cheek where Natsu possibly kissed me.

I finished up my bath and changed into my pajamas. I dried my hair and threw my dirty clothes into a nearby hamper.

I slipped into my bed and drifted off to sleep.

~Natsu's POV~

"YOU DID WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU!" an enraged Erza screamed in my face. She had lifted me about three feet off the floor by the collar of my shirt.

With my loud outburst, I had awoken the worst group of people from their deep slumber. And the complete mayhem had begun.

Happy was flying high above me singing, "YAY! LUCY'S MY MOMMY! LUCY'S MY MOMMY!"

Juvia was gasping and Gray wouldn't wipe his dumb smirk off his face. Did he already forget that he woke up cuddling with Juvia?

"Where exactly did you kiss her, Flamebrain?" Gray sneered.

"What did you say, Stripper?" I screamed back at Gray. Erza shook me harder.

"STOP FIGHTING AND ANWSER HIS QUESTION!" Erza was on the brim of snapping my neck in half. Jellal stood behind her, attempting-yet failing-to calm her down.

"Erza, be calm. Just put the Natsu down."




Mira was dancing around behind us. When she woke up, she was the only one who didn't decide to attack me. She was running around singing some random stuff. Happy and her were having the time of their life.

Levy and Gajeel were standing over in the corner. Levy was balled up and muttering stuff with a goofy grin on her face. Gajeel stood over her, also trying to calm her down.

Romeo and Wendy just sat awkwardly on the couch, not saying a word. They just watched the mayhem.

Lisanna came up behind Erza and glared at me. "Tell me, did you molest Lucy?"

Levy perked up at the question, "NATSU MOLESTED LUCY! I'LL KILL YOU!" She was about to jump on me and, most likely, scratch out my eyeballs.

But when she jumped into the air, Gajeel grabbed her and pulled her back down. Gajeel rolled his eyes as he held down the angry bluenette, "Girls please, do you honestly think that idiot is capable of molesting anyone? Let alone Lucy! I mean, just look at him" He paused and gestured towards my hanging corpse, "there is no way he could do that!"

"Fine." Erza huffed. She slammed my had down onto the floor and left me there to die.

Juvia raised her hand, "Um, Juvia would still like to know where Natsu kissed Lucy"

We all turned our attention to Juvia, who was staring shyly at me.

Mira's eyes light up and she almost sang, "I bet it was a passionate kiss in the lips~"

My face began to heat up at her strange comment. It became worse when the others joined in.

"Really! You think"

"That would be so cute!"

"They would make a good couple"

"Lu-chan and Natsu..."

"Sitting in a tree..."

They all chanted together in unsion, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"S-SHUT UP" I stammered. I used my hands to shield my ears from their horrid singing.

"First comes love..."

"then comes marriage.."

"Then comes-"

I've had enough of this. I screamed, "THE CHEEK! I-I kissed her on the cheek..." I looked up, expecting them to be relieved, but it the opppsite. I explained to them what happened.

The guys looked disappointed, while the girls looked angry, and Mira was a combination on both.

"Why. Not. On. The. Lips." Mira manage to say through gritted teeth. Everyone shook their heads in disappointment.

"Huh?! You were just threatening to kill me before, and now you're mad at me?" I coughed. I was utterly confused.

"But you guys are so perfect for one another!" Lisanna chimed.

"You too? Okay, just don't tell her that I told you." I said.


I waved my hand to signal their silence, "No buts. She is probably going to be really pissed off already, I don't want to get her any more angry at me."

It took awhile, but then they finally agreed. I knew one thing for sure, tomorrow was going to be very awkward.


Very awkward indeed.

Okay, so my parents want to read this because I was screaming that I got over 6K views. What do I do?! I NEED ADVICE/HELP!!!

Anyway, comment and vote!



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