Chapter 16: Movie Theatre

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Hallo Minna~

I am sorry for the late updates. School and art classes have dominated my free time nowadays.

But in about a month, it's summer break for me! You know what that means. MORE NALU.

Okay, so Tumblr has been exploding in NaLu lately so I am inspired to write. Even if I stay up all night!

Thanks for reading!

~Wendy's POV~

I watched the girls slowly surround Mira into the corner of the elevator. I was quite confused about what they were so upset about.

I turned towards Carla, who was wearing a similar Abnegation outfit to mine. "What's got them so upset?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Mira is known, not only as the 'She-Devil', but the 'Matchmaker'. She puts guild members into pairs that she thinks would make the perfect couple. Mira will go to any lengths until her fantasy couple becomes a reality. I believe she refers to this act of pairing them off with one another as 'shipping' and the pair itself as 'OTP'"

"What does that that stand for?" I ask her. Carla has a skill for explaining things to people, specifically me.

She scowls at me, as of I am stupid for not knowing, "OTP stands for One True Pairing. Anyways, the girls are upset with Mirajane because she is trying once again to pair them off. As you could see, each of the girls has a corresponding outfit to one of the guys. Erza to Jellal. Juvia to Gray. Levy to Gajeel. Lucy to Natsu. Even you to Romeo."

"Eh?!" I squeal, my cheeks burning up. "Romeo and I?!"

Carla nods her head, "Yes, that is what I just said. If I am being honest, you two do make an adorable couple. Romeo is intelligent, handsome, strong, and kind. He is perfect for a clumsy, innocent girl such as yourself."

I just stood there, utterly speechless. Carla and Mirajane think Romeo and I would make a...a.....cute couple.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shout from Lucy. "MIRA! STOP IT WITH THIS COUPLE OBSESSION!" They must have gotten her to admit to her schemes.

"BUT YOU GUYS ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!" Mira yelled back. She stared mindlessly at the ceiling, as if dreaming about her favorite couples.

Erza grabbed the white haired girl by the arm and argued back at her, "When will stop it with this couple crap?"

Mira pursed her lips and scrunched her face together. "WHEN YOU AND JELLAL HAVE BABIES!" She thrusts her finger accusingly at the poor red head.

Erza backed away against the elevator door, "W-WHAT?!"

"I WANT AT LEAST 30 JERZA BABIES! DO YOU HEAR ME? 30!" Mira cries. She stomps her foot on the metal floor.

Just then, the elevator doors open to the lobby floor. Standing in front of the door was all of the guys. Before we could understand what was going on, Mira pushed us aside and skipped out the door.

We followed her, while Erza was bright red. She was wide eyes and kept muttering to herself "... 30.... babies.... Jellal..."
~Lucy's POV~

We walked into the movie theatre's lobby. To the left side was the counter where you buy tickets, candy, popcorn, etc. On the right side was the bathrooms and arcade area.

"Erza and I will buy the food and tickets. The line looks pretty long, so just stay over by the games." Jellal indicated towards the arcade area. Everyone then spread out.

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