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If you have not read Dawnstar's Trouble please do. Flowerstar's Judgement is the prequel and features some spoilers from that book! Please enjoy!


LEADER                 Foxstar - Ginger tom with white paws and green eyes

DEPUTY                 Mallownose- Pale gray she-cat with green eyes

MEDICINE CAT    Feathernose- Soft gray tom with blue eyes
                                      Apprentice,  Honeypaw

WARRIORS          (toms and she-cats without kits)

Hawktalon - Brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Falconclaw- Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Owlfoot- Pale brown tom with darker paws and green eyes

Marshpelt- Mottled, dark brown she-cat with green eyes
     Apprentice, Sunpaw

Firetail- Ginger she-cat with green eyes

Leafwhisker- Brown she-cat with green eyes
     Apprentice, Sandpaw

Stonewhisker- Gray tom with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Applepaw

Moonfur- Cream colored she-cat with blue eyes

Brightclaw- Golden tom with green eyes

Rockfall- Gray tom with amber eyes

Alderfang- Ginger tom with green eyes

Briarheart- Brown tom with green eyes
    Apprentice, Cloudpaw

Flintstripe- Dark gray tabby tom with green eyes
    Apprentice, Slatepaw

Tallfern- Black, white and gray she-cat with blue eyes

Fernsong- Golden brown she-cat with amber eyes

Frostclaw- White she-cat with pale green eyes

Jayflight- Gray tabby tom with amber eyes

APPRENTICES       (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Honeypaw- Golden she-cat with green eyes (Daughter of Leafwhisker and Brightlcaw)

Sunpaw- Golden she-cat with green eyes (Daughter of Leafwhisker and Brightlcaw)

Sandpaw- Calico she-cat with pale ginger paws and green eyes (Daughter of Firetail and Owlfoot)

Applepaw- Calico she-cat with green eyes (Daughter of Firetail and Owlfoot)

Cloudpaw- White she-cat with blue eyes (Daughter of Mallownose and Rockfall)

Slatepaw- Black tom with amber eyes (Son of Mallownose and Rockfall)

QUEENS      (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

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