Chapter 33

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Flowerpelt enjoyed the cool, gentle breeze that ruffled her fur. She was resting outside the warrior's den. It wasn't cold yet, but leaf-bare would be here soon. Flowerpelt was worried about the upcoming season, but for once she was taking a moment to relax and not panic about everything going on around her.

It had been half a moon since Falconclaw turned up dead and SunClan was finding a little bit of normalcy again, even Flowerpelt. She hadn't spoke with Thornpelt in a while and she accepted the fact that whatever they had before Falconclaw tried to kill her was a thing of the past, she had to focus on her future which would be without Thornpelt.

Owlfoot's family had also been doing a little better, they were still in mourning and Flowerpelt knew that the feeling of loss would never go away, but they would learn to live without Owlfoot.

Flowerpelt closed her eyes, resting her chin on her paws and allowing herself to relax. She still wasn't cleared for any duties, but Honeywing let Flowerpelt sleep in the warrior's den and do her own thing around camp, but she would often visit the medicine cat den and help out if the two needed her.

Flowerpelt allowed the world around her to blur and she focused on her breathing and the sound of the leaf-fall breeze rustling through the leafless trees. It was refreshing almost. She had almost dozed off until a cry of fear ripped her back to the real world. Flowerpelt's heart instantly turned in knots. She jumped to paws, waiting to see a dead Clanmate.

Towards the back entrance of camp Flowerpelt saw the most recent patrol to the back of the territory, a patrol that Stormwind had been a part of. Flowerpelt sprinted across camp to see what was wrong. The cats of the patrol, Icepetal, Stormwind, Bramblepelt, Hawktalon and Windpaw all had a strange, black liquid on their coats.

Windpaw had the liquid on her left shoulder, Bramblepelt's chest was covered as well several spots on his forelegs. Icepetal and Stormwind both had it on their chests and shoulders but it was Hawktalon that scared Flowerpelt. Almost his entire face was covered with it, the tabby tom trembled, clearly in pain.

"What happened?" The voice came from Honeywing who was pushing her way through the crowd with Poppypaw on her tail.

"We were patrolling the back area of the territory beside the thunderpath," Bramblepelt explained, panting heavily. "A monster drove by and splashed this liquid onto all of us, we can't get it off and it tastes horrible. I don't if it's toxic or not."

"Get to my den." Honeywing commanded, Flowerpelt stepped aside so the affected cats could get help. She felt a twisting fear in her heart, what would happen to them? What was on them?

The cats who were close the ones in the medicine cat den were all pacing outside, Flowerpelt included. "Did it look bad?" Snakewhisker questioned Flowerpelt. "Was Stormwind in pain?" She could see the obvious love and concern in Snakewhisker's eye, a feeling they shared.

"Stormwind only had it on her chest, I think she'll be okay but I had no idea what the liquid was. I'm more concerned for Hawktalon, he had it all over his face." Flowerpelt heard a whimper from Nightwing who was sitting with her kits, clearing fearing what would happen to Bramblepelt and Hawktalon.

"We have very talented medicine cats." Snakewhisker spoke up, pulling the attention of Hawktalon's family as well as Snowtail who sat near Flowerpelt. "If any cats could figure out what this was and heal our warriors, it's them."

They all seemed to be soothed by his words, Flowerpelt was as well. Honeywing and Poppypaw are both incredibly medicine cats, the entirety of SunClan knew that they would do their absolute best.

After a long day and night of worrying, Flowerpelt and the others had to call it a night and sleep but not much sleeping was done from any of them. The next day, all of them went to the medicine cat den to see if they had made any progress. All of the affected cats were in nests. They still had the black liquid sticking to their pelts, none of them looked comfortable.

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