Chapter 32

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"What happened to him?" Poppypaw spoke, the young medicine cat was frozen in shock as she looked at her father's dead body. Flowerpelt was the same way, she couldn't move her paws, her heart was pounding.

"I was on the hunting patrol and I found him like this." Brightclaw set down Owlfoot's body, Moonfur ran to his side and threw herself on the ground beside Owlfoot, burying her nose in his brown fur.

"Who did this to him?" Rowanfall demanded.

"I think it was Falconclaw." Flowerpelt's blood turned to ice. It was Hawktalon who spoke, he was looking at Owlfoot's body. "He has the same wound that Flowerpelt has." The entire Clan turned to look at Flowerpelt who was standing in shock by the medicine cat den, she couldn't speak, it felt as if she was trying to swallow stones.

"That disgusting foxheart." Sunstream lashed her tail. "How could he kill his own Clanmates."

Because he was my mentor. The thought cut Flowerpelt even deeper. Because Owlfoot spoke out against him from the beginning. Flowerpelt's legs gave out and she sat down, staring at the ground in shock. Images flashed in her mind, Owlfoot's mossy gaze, warming and encouraging as he trained her. Her claws dug into the semi-frozen earth. She took the image of Owlfoot's happy, caring eyes and kept it in her head. What reason did he have to die? Huh, tell me that Feathernose! Why did Owlfoot have to die?

Honeywing returned to camp in shock of what had happened, she quickly took charge of the situation. She gave thyme to Moonfur and let Owlfoot's daughters gather and mourn their father. Sandfoot and Applespots already lost their mother, I know what they're feeling. Flowerpelt thought, remembering the pain she experienced with losing her parents. Honeywing also told Flowerpelt to return to the medicine cat den, giving her poppy seeds to help her sleep.

Flowerpelt argued, saying she didn't want to sleep but she did want to fade away for a little bit. After all the things that had happened between Thornpelt and now her mentor dying, Flowerpelt wanted everything to go away. She curled up in her nest, closing her eyes and longing for some kind of comfort to calm her aching heart.

"Honeywing?" Flowerpelt heard her sister's voice at the entrance of the medicine cat den but Flowerpelt didn't have the energy to open her eyes.

"Yes, Stormwind?"

"Can I please stay in here with Flowerpelt? I know she's upset about Owlfoot and she needs me." After a moment of silence, Flowerpelt felt another body up against hers. She could feel the warmth of her sister and Flowerpelt was suddenly grateful that she was her. She cuddle up against her sister and for once, felt a little bit of her pain slipping away.

In the two days since Owlfoot's death the Clan hadn't really relaxed, Foxstar had stepped up patrols all over the territory to keep an eye out for Falconclaw, both day and night. Flowerpelt was still confined to the medicine cat den and still in a lot of pain from the loss of her mentor as well as everything that was going on with Thornpelt, but that hadn't been on her mind as much since Owlfoot's death. Moonfur, Sandfoot, Applespots, Lakepaw and Poppypaw were all taking time to mourn and the Clan still held the thick fog over it, nothing felt right.

When Flowerpelt was asleep she was plagued by nightmares of Falconclaw attacking her or Stormwind. Every time that Stormwind left the camp Flowerpelt was terrified that she wouldn't return alive. What about when I can finally get back to my duties? Flowerpelt wondered. I don't know if I'll be able to walk the forest knowing Falconclaw is out there? Waiting to attack and kill me at any time.

Flowerpelt shook her head, trying to shove the thoughts away but they just wouldn't leave her mind. She knew a lot of SunClan felt the same way, they didn't want to spend the rest of their lives thoroughly patrolling the territory or never leaving alone because Falconclaw could kill without remorse.

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