Chapter 41

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"Are you ready to go?" Poppyfur questioned. Flowerpelt gave a nod, her nerves about being a leader had quickly returned. Now she had to face whatever was going to happen to her at the moonstone. She had no idea how the ceremony would go and she knew that Poppyfur didn't either. The last medicine cat to help a leader though this ceremony was Feathernose when he helped Foxstar.

"We wanna get there before moonhigh so we should leave now." Poppyfur urged her impatiently. Flowerpelt agreed and followed the medicine cat out the camp. Before she left she took a glance over her shoulder. When she returned to camp she wouldn't be the same, she would have nine lives. Everything would be different, what would change about her?

Poppyfur and Flowerpelt quickly made their way through SunClan territory, Poppyfur was intent on not wasting any time but Flowerpelt had a lot of questions. "So, what is the moonstone like? I've only been the Spirit Woods once but I didn't get to go in."

"It's hard to explain. It's a giant stone that looks like it's filled with starlight. When you touch your nose to it your fall asleep and then you share dreams with StarClan. As for being a leader I don't really know. I know only what Feathernose told Honeywing. The leader speaks to StarClan, there's a ceremony and you get your nine lives."

Flowerpelt was still a little unsure. Was that all there was to it? Just touch her nose to a stone and get nine lives? Surely there had to be more to it than that. She supposed she would just have to wait and see.

They crossed into MoonClan territory and made it through without having to speak with any other cats. They'll learn at the next gathering that I'm leader. Flowerpelt tensed at that though. She was in charge of sharing the news at gatherings now. I have so many new responsibilities.

They finally reached the Spirit Woods, it was nearly moon high and the white trees glowed as she remembered them. Flowerpelt felt presences all around her, surrounding her and making her feel both unsettled and welcome at the same time. Is this where StarClan spends their time? She looked around, trying to catch glimpses of her starry-eyed ancestors.

When they reached the Spirit Tree, Poppyfur stopped her. "Okay, just do what I said. Go in and touch your nose to the moonstone. You'll fall asleep and wake up talking to StarClan cats. It's going to be scary down there, it's very dark and the tunnel down there is very narrow. Just stay calm and follow me."

Flowerpelt nodded and watched as Poppyfur stepped into the darkness of the cave. Flowerpelt took a deep, trembling breath and followed the medicine cat inside. She was instantly enveloped by darkness and her vision was reduced to nothing. She could hear Poppyfur's steps ahead of her, but the darkness was suffocating. She felt panic creeping in on her, but she did her best to remain calm despite the fact that she wanted to turn and run around. Stay strong. She told herself.

After what seemed like an eternity, Flowerpelt finally saw light. She could see the outline of Poppyfur and eventually the tunnel opened into a large cave. Her jaw dropped when she saw the moonstone. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was just as Poppyfur had described it, a large stone that looked like it had stars trapped inside of it. It shimmered with the same beauty as Silverpelt, only much, much closer. Flowerpelt inched closer to it, she felt drawn to it almost.

"We're here right on time." Poppyfur mewed, her voice giving and eerie echo in this gave. "Go ahead. Everything will be okay." Flowerpelt swallowed her fears and stepped forward, she laid town, tucking her paws under her chest and faced the moonstone. It was even more beautiful up close. Taking another deep breath, Flowerpelt touched her nose to the surface of the stone and was plunged into blackness.

Flowerpelt couldn't move, she couldn't open her eyes. As she struggled to move she felt the warmth leaving her body. What's happening to me? Flowerpelt questioned herself. This feels...familiar. Flowerpelt recalled when Falconclaw had attacked her and she realized what was happening. They're stripping away my old life to give me my nine lives. I'm dying right now.

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