Chapter 16

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Flowerpaw placed her paw firmly on the ground, feeling no pain. There was a feeling of excitement and put more pressure down, still no pain. She lifted her head and looked up at Feathernose who was watching with interest. "Does it hurt?" He questioned.

"Not at all." She purred, continuing to put even more pressure on it. "It feels pretty good actually," She added. "It hasn't hurt for the past couple days."

"That's wonderful news." Feathernose stood up and looked around. "I'm going to go tell Owlfoot that you're cleared for hunting and battle training."

"Thank you, Feathernose!" Flowerpaw exclaimed, her paws itching to get out and train, she wanted to run and hunt. She had been confined to camp for so long. It had been six days since Stormwind's warrior cat ceremony and for the past two Flowerpaw was cleared to collect moss and help but not much else. However, her leg was healed now and she felt that she could run across the entire territory.

Flowerpaw saw Feathernose speaking with Owlfoot across camp and Owlfoot lifted his head, green eyes shining bright. He turned to look at Flowerpaw and padded over to her while Feathernose returned to his den. Flowerpaw stood to face her mentor, puffing out her chest and holding her head high.

"Feathernose told me the good news." Owlfoot purred. "I suppose you want to get out there and hunt?"

"Absolutely!" Flowerpaw could hardly contain her excitement.

"Then let's get out there!" Owlfoot turned and quickly made his way out of camp, Flowerpaw followed very close behind him, breathing in the fresh newleaf air. The forest filled her with an energy that she had longed for so much. "Go out and hunt as much as you want to, Flowerpaw." Owlfoot sat down and nodded to Flowerpaw to go hunt.

Flowerpaw broke into a sprint, testing the limits of her healed leg. Her paws hit the ground, propelling her through the beautiful forest. She came to a stop, breathing in the forest and taking in her surroundings. She closed her eyes, trying to scent her prey. She caught the scent of mouse not too far from where she was standing. She scanned the forest, catching a glimpse of movement to her left.

Flowerpaw crouched down, her eyes intently looking over the forest floor to make sure that there were no ways she could make a mistake or hurt herself again. Once she had a good feel for her surroundings, Flowerpaw crept forward to catch her prey. The mouse was sitting still in a small pile of leaves.

Flowerpaw extended her claws, getting low to the ground and waiting for the right moment. She narrowed her eyes and focused. Flowerpaw took a deep breath and then attacked, leaping forward and hitting the mouse with ease and precision. She killed it with a swift bite to the next and sat up proudly. She forgot how much she loved the rush of a hunt, the taste of fresh mouse blood on her tongue.

I'm not stopping there! Flowerpaw told herself, buried her mouse and continued hunting. She trekked through the forest, forgetting the time she had spent confined to camp and just focusing on her hunt.

She caught two more mice and a squirrel before she spotted Owlfoot coming for her. She looked at her mentor, had he been watching? "Great hunting, Flowerpaw." He praised, warming every part of Flowerpaw's heart. "I knew you wouldn't lose your hunting skills."

"It comes naturally to me now." Flowerpaw replied, her paws itching to hunt some more. She looked around the forest, every sound getting her attention.

"That's wonderful." Owlfoot purred. "There was something I wanted to talk to you about."

Flowerpaw turned her attention back on her mentor. "What is it?" She questioned, twitching her ears in interest.

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