Chapter 37

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Flowerpelt's entire body ached from the fighting. The wounds that Ashstream had given her had stopped bleeding but they still burned. Cats were lining up outside the medicine cat den to get their wounds treated. Foxstar had sent Tigertail and Sandfoot to retrieve Honeywing's body, Sunstream was in the process of grieving with Brightclaw over her death. Flowerpelt felt a hollow feeling in her body. We lost so many. All the cats that had died were Mallownose, Jayflight, Rockfall, Honeywing and Moonfur. No we're without a deputy and one of our medicine cats.

Flowerpelt painfully padded over to the nursery, hoping to find her sister, her niece and Lakeflight in safe conditions. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw all in the nursery were safe. Dovekit was hiding in the corner, clearly shaken up by the battle and Stormwind had a small series of wounds on her shoulder, but they had already stopped bleeding.

When Stormwind saw Flowerpelt she ran up to her, nuzzling her all over. "I'm so glad you're alright." She said in relief. "Do you know if Snakewhisker is okay?"

Flowerpelt nodded. "Snakewhisker is fine." Flowerpelt remembered seeing the gray warrior with only minor wounds. "I'm sure he'll be here to visit you as well."

"What about Slateclaw?" Lakeflight questioned, her eyes filled with worry.

"He was in the medicine cat den a while ago, but I'm pretty sure he'll life. He did just lose both parents though. He'll be upset about that."

"I'll be there for him." Lakeflight vowed, her belly was so round with kits. If only Mallownose and Rockfall could meet them. Flowerpelt thought sadly.

"I wonder who the new deputy will be." Stormwind thought. "Foxstar has plenty of time to pick one, but it's been Mallownose for so long." Flowerpelt nodded slowly, Mallownose had been deputy for longer than Flowerpelt had been alive. She had wanted to become deputy for a long time, but Flowerpelt didn't know if it even would be her or if she would be able to match up to Mallownose.

"I'm going to go help with things around camp." Flowerpelt touched her nose to Stormwind's cheek. "You take care of Dovekit, okay?" Stormwind wrapped her tail around her daughter.

"I always do." She gave a half-purr. Flowerpelt dipped her head and turned out of the nursery. She felt something cold hit her nose, she looked up and saw that it was snowing again. For once, I'm grateful for snow. I hope all of this bloody snow gets covered up with pure, fresh snow. She breathed out a sigh, her breath billowing out in front of her.

From across the camp, Flowerpelt heard coughing. It was coming from Briarheart. Flowerpelt heart dropped. Please, we can't deal with sickness right now. Flowerpelt sat down, watching her Clan try and recover from the horrific battle that had taken place. They had a lot of things to do, they had to hold a vigil for the fallen cats and Foxstar had to name a new deputy before moonhigh. Luckily, the battle itself had taken place after moonhigh so they had an entire day before they had to do that.

Flowerpelt felt exhausted, her wounds had already been treated so she decided she would rest for a bit. Flowerpelt turned and entered the warriors den, several warriors already had the same idea that she did. She thought it would be hard to fall asleep, with the weight of all the deaths weighing on her shoulders but she was exhausted enough that Flowerpelt fell asleep the moment she curled into a ball into her soft nest.

Flowerpelt felt a paw jabbing into her side. She forced her eyes open and looked up, Icepetal was standing over her. It took Flowerpelt a moment to remember everything that happened. LichenClan attacked. We lost a lot of warriors. She shook her head, trying to clear her sleep-clogged brain. "What is it?" Her speech was slurred.

"Foxstar is going to announce the new deputy soon. You should gather with us." Icepetal explained. Flowerpelt looked around the warriors, a few remaind in here from their own rests and they were waking up as well. Flowerpelt gave a groggy nod and climbed out her nest and into the cold, night air. She didn't realize she had slept so long, but it was nearly moon high. Foxstar was sitting on the SunTree, it looked strange to see that Mallownose wasn't there either.

The cats were starting to gather, Flowerpelt made it to the crowd and sat down beside Snakewhisker and Icepetal, she noticed Foxstar watching her closely but she didn't give it any thought.

"Cats of SunClan," Foxstar began. "I know this battle has been horrible, we lost many good warriors including our deputy and one of our medicine cats. All cats that have joined StarClan today will be remembered with love and honor." The Clan held a moment of silence for their fallen warriors. "However, life must go on and the warrior code must not broken. It is nearly moonhigh and it is time for me appoint a new deputy." The cats of SunClan muttered to themselves, all wondering who it would. Flowerpelt figured that Tigertail would make a great deputy, he was strong, young and brave.

"I say these words before the spirit of Mallownose, and all the cats lost today, so they may hear and approve my choice." There was a long moment of anticipation. "Flowerpelt will be the new deputy of SunClan!"

Flowerpelt's jaw dropped, she was completely taken by surprise. "Me?" She replied, looking around. She met Icepetal's gaze, her blue eyes were glowing with excitement.

"I spoke to many cats about it and they all gave me the same answer. I also saw your conversation with Jaggedtail during the fight, you understand the warrior code but also understand that sometimes you have to challenge what we think we know."

Flowerpelt couldn't believe her ears, but deep down inside, this felt right. Is this the destiny Feathernose was telling me about. Flowerpelt took a deep breath. "Mallownose was an incredibly deputy and it will be hard to even compare to her," She spoke, raising her voice so that all of SunClan could hear. "But I vow to all of you that I will do my absolute best to serve my Clan."

"I know you will, Flowerpelt." Foxstar's eyes glowed. She met her leader's gaze and felt a wave of confidence and faith wash over her. I can do this. She told herself.

"Flowerpelt! Flowerpelt! Flowerpelt!" The Clan cheered her name and Flowerpelt could feel her Clanmate's supportive and loving gazes on her back. She turned her gaze to the nursery entrance where Stormwind was watching with fierce pride burning in her eyes. Flowerpelt quickly padded up to her sister.

"I'm so proud of you." Stormwind nuzzled Flowerpelt. "I always had a feeling you could be leader some day."

"Thank you." Flowerpelt replied, feeling even more reinvigorated by her sister's words. "This all feels right. This feels like my destiny." She glanced up towards the sky, was Feathernose watching? Was this the destiny he was talking about? Is this who I'm really meant to be?

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