Chapter 7

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The stars formed a path, leading Flowerpaw out of camp. The starlight reflected in her eyes and her paws itched to follow the star path. Where is it taking me? She questioned, flicking her tail curiously. Where are they going? Flowerpaw stepped forward, in the distance she swore she could see the figure of a cat, but she couldn't be sure. "Hello?" She called out, trying to get the cat's attention. "Is someone there? Where am I?"

The figure stopped walking, it looked over its shoulder and Flowerpaw saw bright glowing eyes. She ducked her head slightly. Why do I feel so weird about this cat? Flowerpaw stepped forward. "Hello?" She called out once again, starting to feel more anxious. "Are you a StarClan cat?" She questioned, the words felt frozen in the air. She had never seen a StarClan cat before, why would a StarClan cat come visit her; she was just an apprentice.

The cat looked at her for a few long heartbeats. With a nod, the cat turned and ran ahead; vanishing into the shadows. Flowerpaw stepped forward, but felt something pulling her back. I shouldn't follow. Flowerpaw thought, feeling slightly disappointed. She turned her head away, trying to forget about the strange cat.

Flowerpaw opened her eyes and found herself back in the apprentice den. Dawn light was barely breaking through the den's opening, shining onto the pelts of her fellow apprentices. It was mostly full with the exception of Thornpaw. Falconclaw taking him out early again I suppose. Flowerpaw sighed, she was worried about her friend. He told me that the cut was from him falling, but... She closed her eyes. Something seems off.

Beside Flowerpaw, Stormpaw shifted in her sleep. Her silver paws twitched and she let out a slight whimper. Is she having a nightmare? Flowerpaw leaned down, touching her nose gently to Stormpaw's head. Almost instantly Stormpaw stopped her twitching, she relaxed and let out a small sigh. I wonder what she was dreaming about. Flowerpaw looked away from Stormpaw and out of the apprentice den entrance.

It looked cold, Flowerpaw was grateful to be surrounded by her denmates and not out there in the cold. I suppose if I'm awake I should do something. Flowerpaw stood up and carefully crossed over her denmates, when she made it outside the cold nearly took her breath away. She stopped and shivered, her breath billowing out in clouds in front of her. I guess leaf-bare's finally here. She thought bitterly. My first leaf-bare. Flowerpaw twitched her stinging ears and looked around for something to do.

It was just past dawn and not a lot of SunClan cats were awake yet, just the dawn patrol and a few select warriors. She looked around the camp, spotting Leafwhisker speaking with Firetail outside the warrior den, both she-cats looked quite cold. Flowerpaw looked around for Owlfoot, wondering if her mentor was awake yet. The only other cats she spotted in camp however were Frostclaw and Jayflight who were sharing a piece of prey near the drinking pool.

It had been half a moon since AshClan attacked SunClan on the border and Frostclaw's injury healed without issue. All that remained was a scar down her side that was nearly hidden by her white fur. The only cat that had a scar was Owlfoot who had a small scar above his eye, Flowerpaw was grateful that no other cats had been hurt.

Flowerpaw looked over at the nursery, it was starting to fill up again. Not only were Tallfern and Marshpelt incredibly close to having kits but Rowanfall had recently moved in as well, expecting Alderfang's kits.

SunClan is going to be filled with so many kits. Flowerpaw thought happily. We'll have more apprentices than we'll know what to do with. She looked towards the sky, which was covered in pale gray clouds. I don't think that's a bad thing, though. Flowerpaw closed her eyes. That's why Foxstar always says that having apprentices shows that SunClan is strong. Flowerpaw sat down, huddling up and trying to stay warm while she waited for Owlfoot to wake up.

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