Chapter 3

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 "You need to work on your catching." Stormkit teased, twitching her ears playfully. Flowerkit snorted and reached over, pulling the moss ball back over to her nest using her claw.

"You try catching when you can't stand up." Flowerkit retorted and batted the ball back over to her sister who caught it with ease and stuck out her tongue. Flowerkit rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but laugh.

Flowerkit had been in the medicine cat den with her injured ankle for four moons, a lot longer than Feathernose first intended. He had originally thought that her injury was just a sprain, but learned that it was actually broken. This discovery was made at Flowerkit's own expense when she tried to stand up and pain shot through her leg.

However, not even broken bones took this long to heal and Flowerkit was starting to become concerned. It just a few days, she would be six moons old but her leg still wasn't fully healed. It hurt to walk and if she couldn't walk how could she be an apprentice? Flowerkit held her fears from Stormkit, but part of was really scared that her leg would never properly heal.

Flowerkit heard pawsteps and looked up to see Honeypaw, Feathernose's apprentice. During Flowerkit's time in the medicine cat den she had become pretty good friends with Honeypaw. Honeypaw was made an apprentice when Flowerkit was barely a moon old, but the she-cat had always been nice.

"Hello, Stormkit." Honeypaw nodded at Flowerkit's sister, Stormkit looked up at Honeypaw with interest in her eyes.

"Hi, Honeypaw. Do you know when Flowerkit will be let out of here? We're supposed to become apprentices soon." Stormkit questioned. Honeypaw visibly tensed and began avoiding Stormkit's gaze, shuffling through some herbs.

"Well, Stormkit." Honeypaw's voice shook slightly. "That's for Feathernose to say, not me. I'm just an apprentice so I really can't tell you."

Stormkit's ears twitched and she looked over at Flowerkit. "Can you walk?" She asked, her gaze intense.

Flowerkit had tried the day before, only to be met with the same pain. I could I try. Flowerkit began standing up, but the moment she placed her injured leg on the floor, pain shot through. She quickly stopped and flopped down in her nest. "No." Flowerkit mewed, feeling and sounding defeated. What happens if I can't become an apprentice? She closed her eyes and flattened her ears.

She heard a sad sigh from Stormkit, but more pawsteps were approaching the medicine cat den. Flowerkit opened her eyes and lifted her head to see the gray fur of her father, Stonewhisker. Her spirits instantly lifted as she saw her father. His amber eyes looked at his two daughters with love. "How are you feeling, Flowerkit?"

"Her leg is still broken!" Stormkit complained. "I thought it was a medicine cat's job to heal cats, and yet Flowerkit still can't walk! Our apprentice ceremony is only a few days."

"Stormkit," Stonewhisker nudged Stormkit. "You're being rude. It is a medicine cat's job to heal but they can't perform miracles. Flowerkit's ankle will heal with time, if we try and force it then her leg could be permanently injured. She'll be healed in time."

"In a few days?" Her blue eyes still held onto hope.

Stonewhisker sighed. "Perhaps, but don't keep your hopes up. We just need to allow Flowerkit to heal."

Flowerkit felt guilty, Stormkit was really upset with the fact that she might not be able to become an apprentice on time and Flowerkit was upset about it too. Would Foxstar postpone Stormkit's apprenticeship too? I wouldn't want that. Flowerkit rested her chin on her paws, she hoped that her leg would heal soon, but she doubted that it would happen in just a few days.

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