Chapter 12

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I should be excited about this. Flowerpaw looked towards the sky, for once snow wasn't falling and the sky was clear of all clouds. It wouldn't be long before the full moon was up, and it would be time for the gathering; Flowerpaw's first gathering. She lowered her head, she didn't really feel up to it. It had only been a day since Firetail, Birchkit and Nutkit died from greencough and their loss still stung like a fresh-wound. All the other cats were still sick, and the entirety of the Clan was hungry.

"I apologize for not attending your first gathering with you, Flowerpaw." Flowerpaw turned around upon hearing the strained voice of her mentor Owlfoot. "I can't make the journey, and Applepaw and Sandpaw need me right now."

"It's okay, Owlfoot." She dipped her head. "I understand." Gratitude flooded Owlfoot's green eyes and he padded across camp to sit with his daughters once more. Flowerpaw turned back, she wished that she could help her mentor.

"I'm sorry, Foxstar but both Honeypaw and I will be staying here." Flowerpaw's ears twitched as she heard Feathernose's voice. She looked at the medicine cat, he still looked exhausted and unkempt. "We need to put all of our attention onto the sick cats."

"It's okay, Feathernose." Foxstar dipped his head. "I'm sure the other Clans will understand. We can't be the only ones suffering from greencough. Thank you for being so dutiful."

"It's my job." Feathernose nodded and started walking back to his den, dragging his tail and paws. I feel so sorry for him. Flowerpaw thought sadly. It can't be easy.

"Alright," Foxstar turned his attention back to SunClan. "It's a small group, but I don't think this will be a long gathering." Flowerpaw looked around at the cats attending, several cats other than Feathernose, Honeypaw and Owlfoot had decided to stay in camp, not to mention all the sick ones.

"Fishtail," Flowerpaw heard a sense of urgency in Flintstripe's mew. "Are you sure you should go?" She turned to see him talking to Fishtail, his mother and the only elder in SunClan.

"I may be old, Flintstripe." She spat. "But sickness ain't no match for me! I ain't never been sick since the day I was born. I also haven't missed a single gathering since I earned the name Fishtail, nothin' will keep me stuck here on the night of a gatherin'!"

Flintstripe flinched and stepped back, nodding in respect to Fishtail. "When I start coughin' then you can put me in the medicine cat den, but I haven't coughed once, so outta my way." The silver she-cat pushed her way past Flintstripe and looked up at Foxstar. "You wanna stop me?"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Fishtail." Foxstar dipped his head, for a moment he sounded like he was a normal warrior talking to a leader.

Fishtail snorted. "You've always been a charmer, Foxstar." The elder flicked her tail over his ears. "I guess that's why you're our leader though." For a moment, Flowerpaw felt a sense of humor watching the elder. She didn't get to see much of Fishtail, as she would often just stay inside her den.

"Alright," Foxstar lifted his head. "I suppose we should head out, we want to get home as soon as possible." Foxstar began leading the Clan out of the camp. Flowerpaw gave a final glance towards the apprentice den, Stormpaw had decided to stay as she was still very sad about Firetail's death. Flowerpaw was slightly upset that she wouldn't get to experience her first gathering without Stormpaw. There will be others. Flowerpaw reminded herself. She needs her time.

The apprentices that did go however were Thornpaw and his four siblings. They all walked close together, near their parents however. Flowerpaw walked towards the back of the group, feeling alone. She didn't have her mentor or her sister.

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