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Flowerstar looked outside her den watching Blazeheart quickly run from the nursery to Poppyfur's den. "Windflight must be having her kits." Flowerstar said to Stormwind who was washing her chest inside the den.

"Hopefully it's not just another false alarm." Stormwind mewed. "She's had a lot of those."

"I don't know, Blazeheart seems pretty excited about it. This could be the real thing, it's about time." Flowerstar returned to her den and sat down beside her sister. It had been many, many moons since Flowerstar became leader and a lot of things had happened. Over time, SunClan lost many warriors including Brightclaw, Fernsong, Rowanfall, Frostclaw, Slateclaw, Lakeflight and Rockfur's brother, Stonepaw when he was an apprentice. They all died to various causes, mostly sickness but Fernsong, Brightclaw and Stonepaw died to a fox attack a few moons back.

Despite all the deaths, SunClan had plenty of new members as well. Sandfoot and Rustpelt had two kits, Redpaw and Squirrelpaw. Bramblepelt and Willownose had a single daughter named Fawnpaw and Snakewhisker and Stormwind had a second kit named Adderpaw. Stormwind's own kit, Dovetail had given birth to Rockfur's two kits, Breezekit and Owlkit but they didn't survive long after being born. All the cats in Dovetail's family had been torn apart by it, but now Dovetail was back in the nursery expecting another litter which they all had high hopes for.

Sunstream finally had Tigertail's kits, two golden kits named Lionkit and Goldenkit and finally, Windflight moved into the nursery with Blazeheart's kits and was due any day now. After a while passed, Flowerstar heard the familiar cries of a queen giving birth and sat outside to keep an eye on the situation, Stormwind joined her.

After a long while, the crying stopped and Poppyfur stepped inside and Sunstream took her kits back in the nursery. It was nighttime, Flowerstar looked up at the sky and noticed it was the half-moon. Poppyfur is going to be late for her meeting. Flowerstar thought and looked down, seeing that Poppyfur was hurrying towards the SunTree.

"How are the kits?" Flowerstar asked her friend.

"Perfectly strong and healthy," Poppyfur replied, her voice filled with joy. Flowerstar knew how much Poppyfur loved helping deliver kits. "There's three, two she-cats and a tom."

"Wonderful." Stormwind purred, Flowerstar couldn't help but notice a distant look in her sister's eyes. She's thinking of Owlkit and Breezekit. "With Lionkit and Goldenkit at four moons old, we'll have a full apprentice den here soon."

"That's a good sign." Flowerstar pointed out. "Apprentices mean warriors."

"I'd love to stay and talk," Poppyfur mewed, looking up at the night sky. "But I need to hurry to the moonstone." Flowerstar dipped her head.

"I understand, I'll see you when you get back." Flowerstar watched as Poppyfur nearly ran out of camp. She let out a small chuckle.

"Well," Stormwind stood up and stretched out. "I'm gonna go get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, Flowerstar."

"Goodnight, Stormwind." Flowerstar purred and say goodbye to her sister, turning into her own den. She had grown used to sleeping alone in her den, some nights she wished the company of her warriors, but most times she enjoyed the solitude and space. After a short time getting settled, Flowerstar fell into a gentle sleep.

The next morning, Flowerstar found that Poppyfur was visiting her quite early. Something seemed to be bothering her. "What's wrong?" Flowerstar asked the medicine cat stepped into her den.

"Last night," Poppyfur kept looking at the nursery. Is something wrong with the kits? Flowerstar wondered with concern. "At the moonstone, Honeywing visited me and she told me of a prophecy. 'When the forest is in danger, a new dawn will blaze brighter than the sun.'"

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