Chapter 4

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 "Try it once more." Feathernose instructed, watching Flowerkit closely. Flowerkit pressed her injured paw down on the floor. There was a feeling of stiffness, but not so much pain anymore. "How does it feel."

"It doesn't really hurt." Flowerkit explained. "It feels weird though." She looked up Feathernose, wondering if she should be concerned about the feeling.

"It's great that you don't feel pain." Feathernose said, giving her ankle a sniff and touching his paw gently to it. "That means the bone is healed. It will feel weird for a while as you start to walk again."

"So it's healed?" Flowerkit nearly jumped with excitement, she looked at her ankle that had kept her down for so long. It had been almost a whole moon since Stormpaw's apprentice ceremony and now the pain was going away.

"Pretty much." Feathernose said cheerfully. "You can return to nursery today." Flowerkit stopped, her excitement dying nearly instantly.

"The nursery? Can't I become an apprentice?" Flowerkit looked at the medicine cat, feeling somewhat disappointed.

"I meant to talk about this with you before, I've discussed it with your mother and Foxstar." Flowerkit blinked. "But, we've wondered if you would like to become apprenticed with Nightwing's kits. You would have to wait just a bit longer, but at least you wouldn't be made an apprentice alone."

Flowerkit thought for a moment, she knew that despite Stormpaw having her ceremony alone she still enjoyed it, but Flowerkit had the option of having a ceremony with others. They weren't siblings, but Flowerkit did consider the five kits her friends. They had come to visit her several times while she had been confined to the medicine cat den.

"Okay." Flowerkit nodded, looking up at Feathernose. "I like that idea, plus it will give my ankle even more time to heal."

"Exactly." Feathernose purred. "Now, why don't you head on back to the nursery. You're able to walk there yourself now." Flowerkit nodded and stepped outside of the medicine cat den, breathing in the fresh-air of the SunClan camp. She looked towards the nursery where Thornkit and his littermates were playing. She twitched her tail with excitement and began padding over to them. Her walking was somewhat uneven and clumsy, but she managed.

Rainkit was the first one to spot her, she looked up with excited blue eyes. "Flowerkit!" She exclaimed, pulling the attention of her four littermates. "You're walking again!"

"Are you better now?" Crowkit asked, jumping to her paws and watching Flowerkit's movements.

"I am!" Flowerkit reached the group of kits who all looked incredibly happy to see her. "Feathernose told me I was okay to leave the medicine cat den."

"That's awesome." Thornkit twitched his ears playfully. "Does that mean you're going to become an apprentice now?"

Flowerkit nodded. "Well, not right away. I'm actually going to be having my apprentice ceremony with you guys."

"Awesome!" Bramblekit exclaimed, jumping around playfully. "It's gonna be such a big, fun ceremony and we'll all get to train together." Flowerkit felt their excitement, though she was nervous about jumping around the way that he was.

"Oh yeah," Tigerkit said suddenly. "Your mother left the nursery just a bit before Stormpaw became an apprentice, so I don't know if she'll come back but we have two more she-cats in here now."

Flowerkit tilted her head. "Really?" Two new queens had moved into the nursery? Flowerkit hadn't heard anything about it, she wondered who they were. Flowerkit followed Tigerkit and poked her head into the nursery where Nightwing was talking with Tallfern and Marshpelt. Neither of them looked like they were very close to having their kits.

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