Chapter 39

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There was cloud of sadness that hung of SunClan. Despite their best efforts, greencough still claimed two lives. Briarheart and Flintstripe had gotten too weak and couldn't fight the sickness, eventually joining StarClan. Tallfern and Fernsong were both distraught over the deaths of their mates and Flowerpelt feared that they would not be the last deaths. They were a moon into newleaf and two cats were stick, Marshpelt and Foxstar.

Both cats had heavy coughs that Poppyfur couldn't treat, even with catmint. Flowerpelt knew she feared the worse. The two remaind in Foxstar's den under the care of Poppyfur. Flowerpelt spent most of her days in fear that they would die, she knew that Foxstar was on his last life. Flowerpelt wasn't sure she was ready to be leader, she had only been deputy for three moons. Could she really take over the Clan so soon?

Flowerpelt tried to distract herself and the Clan by having constant hunting and patrols over the territory. She would go on as many of those patrols as she could to keep herself busy. She didn't want to think about being leader, she didn't want to say goodbye to Foxstar. During her time as deputy the two cats had become close and Flowerpelt considered Foxstar one of her close friends. He was wise, kind and a great cat to do things with. Please, StarClan. I'm not ready to be leader yet. She prayed yet again, something she did several times a day.

Flowerpelt shook the thoughts away and gathered up the patrol she had set up along the MoonClan border. The cats with here were Blazeheart, Rowanfall, Rustpelt, and Applespots. The snow was gone with and the forest regrowing itself as it always did. Prey would be returning and surely some new kits would be born.

This season would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact that Foxstar and Marshpelt were still suffering from sickness. It should've been gone by now. Flowerpelt couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't something other than greencough.

Flowerpelt led her patrol towards the river where she spotted movement on the other side. She narrowed her eyes and saw what looked like Crowsky and Baderstripe. Flowerpelt approached the river and called over to them. "Greetings." She dipped her head.

"Hello." Crowsky mewed in return.

"Where are going?" Flowerpelt questioned. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Cloudstar lost her last life." Badgerstripe replied sadly. "Crowsky is on his way to earn his nine lives."

"It's sad to hear that." Flowerpelt mewed. Crowsky's been a deputy even shorter than I have, Ivystone died two moons ago. "But I know you'll be a great leader, Crowsky." Flowerpelt honestly didn't know Crowsky that well, but from what she did know he seemed to be peaceful and kind.

"Thank you, Flowerpelt." He dipped his head. "But we should really get going, thank you for your kind words."

"May StarClan light your path." Rowanfall mewed.

"Yours as well." Badgerstripe said respectfully and the two cats vanished into MoonClan's territory.

"There's so many new leaders." Applespots mewed. "First Jaggedstar and now Crowsky is going to be leader." She didn't mention Foxstar but every cat knew that she was thinking it. I'm going to be among them soon, aren't I?

Flowerpelt marked the border and continued with their patrol. Her mind was racing with thoughts. At least she wouldn't be alone in being a new leader, she would hopefully be able to relate with the other new leaders even though both Jaggedstar and Crowsky were older than her. She also knew that Ivystar was nearing the end of her nine lives and soon Lionpelt would take her place. I guess it's just that time. Flowerpelt thought sadly.

I wonder what it's like getting nine lives. She wondered, she had been to the moonstone once before, but never got to actually see it. Foxstar had chosen Thornpelt to go in with him and she had only a dream of seeing StarClan cats. The only StarClan cat she had seen was Feathernose when he came to talk her.

Flowerpelt soon found herself feeling guilty for thinking about becoming leader. I can't think about that, I can't think about what's going to happen if my leader dies. She tried to shove the thoughts away, but they stuck with her even more.

Flowerpelt and her patrol made their way home, and what Flowerpelt found made her heart stop. There were cats gathering around Marshpelt who was laying down outside of Foxstar's den. Foxstar watched from the entrance, his eyes wide with pain and horror. Flowerpelt quickly ran up to the group, Poppyfur was sitting beside Marshpelt. The mottled brown she-cat was still alive, but she looked weak. Her pelt clung to her frame and her eyes were dull.

"Marshpelt you need to get back inside." Poppyfur tried to move Marshpelt back into the SunTree, but she didn't budge.

"It's no use, Poppyfur." Her voice was scratchy and dry. "I can feel StarClan." She laughed, Flowerpelt's heart twisted. Beside her, Rustpelt and Barkfang watched their mother with pain in their eyes. It's hard to see Marshpelt in such a state. "Maybe now I can finally forgive myself." Forgive herself?"

"What do you have to forgive yourself for?" Foxstar stepped closer to his mate, his green eyes dark and pained.

"So long ago, I refused to get treated for my greencough and as a result, I got Rowanfall's kits sick. Two of them died...and it was all my fault." Marshpelt dropped her head, various gasps spread throughout the Clan.

Rowanfall stepped forward. "Marshpelt," Her voice was steady and gentle. "Nutkit's and Birchkit's deaths were not your fault. Neither me nor Alderfang blamed you for it."

"That didn't stop me from blaming myself." Marshpelt wept. "For so long I've been haunted by dreams of those two poor kits, dying because of me. I should've died, not them." She lifted her eyes and Flowerpelt say something in her eyes that shocked her. It was happiness, pure happiness. "But now it's finally my turn. I can see Nutkit and Birchkit and apologize to them. I can finally be forgiven by the kits I killed."

"Why didn't you ever tell me about this, Marshpelt?" Foxstar laid down beside his mate, Marshpelt buried her muzzle in his ginger fur.

"Because, Foxstar, you had to focus on the Clan. You are an amazing leader, an amazing father and an amazing mate. I couldn't have had a better one." Her voice trembled. "I'll see you in StarClan." Marshpelt's voice was getting weaker, after a few moments she let out a long breath and fell limp against Foxstar's body.

Foxstar pressed his nose into Marshpelt's, pain visible on his face. The Clan was left in a stunned, depressed silence. None of them had any idea what Marshpelt had been going through. Flowerpelt stared at her paws, Foxstar and Marshpelt had such a powerful love between them, but Flowerpelt knew Foxstar blamed himself for not noticing what was wrong with her.

Flowerpelt took a deep breath, Foxstar was in no state to lead the Clan right now, she had to step up. "The death of Marshpelt is sad," Flowerpelt spoke up, getting the Clan's attention. "Let's give Foxstar and their kits the room to grieve and we can hold a vigil for her tonight."

She felt somewhat awkward taking charge, but the cats of SunClan did what she said. Rustpelt and Barkfang laid down beside their father and dead mother, huddling close one last time.

Flowerpelt turned away, feeling sadness gripping her heart. She looked up at the sky, Marshpelt was dead and Foxstar was still sick. How much more sadness would they have to deal with before SunClan found their peace?

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