Chapter 1

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 There was a gentle breeze, rustling the leaves of the trees outside the nursery. Flowerkit shifted in her nest, feeling her sister's pelt close against hers. Her ears twitched as she heard a small chorus of tiny snores from the cats around her. Flowerkit opened her eyes, blinking away sleep and her dreams of the forest. She lifted her head, letting out a large yawn and turning to look at her sister, Stormkit who still slept soundly. Behind her was the sleeping figure of her mother, Dovewish as well. She was starting to wonder if she was the only cat awake in the nursery until she glanced over to the other side.

The other queen in the nursery had a large nest full of kits, and two of them wrestled on the nursery floor while their littermates slept. There was tom with spiky fur wrestling with a black she-cat. Flowerkit watched them, the tom was Thornkit and the black she-cat was his sister Rainkit. Their littermates, Tigerkit, Bramblekit and Crowkit were all sleeping soundly in their nest but Thornkit and Rainkit wrestled quietly.

Flowerkit didn't say anything, she just watched the two kits play. Thornkit was larger than Rainkit, but the black she-cat was quick. Flowerkit looked over at her own sister, twitching in her sleep. Stormkit's fur was soft and gray, but her paws were silver. Flowerkit attempted to sit up without waking either Stormkit or Dovewish, but found that her tail was pinned by Stormkit's body. She let out a snort, her sister was so lazy.

Thornkit's ears twitched when Flowerkit let out her snort and he turned his head with curious amber eyes. "You're awake." He mewed excitedly, Rainkit rose to her paws and looked with Flowerkit with eager blue eyes.

"Come play with us, Flowerkit." Rainkit dropped into a playful stance, sticking her hindquarters high in the air.

"I would but," She glanced over her shoulder at where Stormkit had her tail pinned. "Stormkit is sleeping on my tail."

Thornkit laughed and padded over to their nest, looking at the sleeping form of Stormkit. "Doesn't this happen a lot?" Flowerkit thought for a moment, Stormkit was very restless in her sleep and sometimes would roll over onto Flowerkit's tail or paw but would roll off soon. "Just pull your tail out from under her."

"It will hurt if I do that." Flowerkit complained, trying to tug her tail out from under Stormkit's weight. Thornkit scoffed and placed his paws in the nest, and starting gently pushing Stormkit away. "Don't wake her." She hissed.

"I won't." Thornkit replied, and kept pushing Stormkit away. Stormkit let out a groan and rolled over on her own, freeing Flowerkit's tail. "She's too lazy, she won't wake up until you're loud." Thornkit dropped back down to the floor and looked up at Flowerkit. "Now come play with us."

Flowerkit licked her tail and nodded, leaving her nest and shaking away a stray piece of moss that clung to her pale pelt. She faced Thornkit and followed him over to his own nest where his littermates and mother, Nightwing slept. Flowerkit cast a glance outside towards SunClan camp, it was barely past dawn, it might be a while before the others woke up.

"It's unfair now." Rainkit pointed out. "There's three of us."

Thornkit stuck his head in the air and puffed his chest out. "Please, I could take both of you at the same time." Flowerkit shared a glance with Rainkit, she rolled her blue eyes at her brother's arrogance.

"Is that so?" Rainkit teased and motioned with her head towards Flowerkit. Flowerkit nodded, understanding what Rainkit meant. "I guess you'll have to prove it." Rainkit twitched her tail, which Flowerkit assumed was the signal to attack. The two she-cats jumped forward, knocking Thornkit to the ground in a flurry of dust. He let out a cry of alarm and kicked his paws, Flowerkit felt his paw hit her shoulder but it didn't hurt.

Thornkit struggled underneath Rainkit and Flowerkit, letting out squeals and grunts as he tried to get out from under then. "I don't see you taking on both of us." Flowerkit taunted, her voice breaking into laughter at the same time.

"It's not fair!" Thornkit complained, still underneath the both of them. "You didn't give me a chance to dodge."

"I'm pretty sure enemy warriors don't give you a chance to dodge in a real battle." Rainkit teased, her eyes sparkling. The black she-cat let up on her brother, twitching her white ear tips.

Flowerkit let up as well and Thornkit sat up, attempting to smooth down his pale brown fur and shooting annoyed glances at the two she-cats. While he sulked away from then, Flowerkit glanced over towards Stormkit and Dovewish to make sure that their fight hadn't woken up. Both cats were sleeping soundly, tails twitching in their sleep.

Suddenly, Flowerkit was launched forward, tumbling head over tail across the nursery floor. The world around her tumbled and she felt herself hit something soft that jumped in alarm with a cry.

"What the--" A sleep riddled voice cried out while Flowerkit tried to regain her balance. She quickly recognized the voice as Stormkit's. Flowerkit rolled over on her belly, looking up to see Stormkit standing above her with her gray fur standing on edge. Behind them Dovewish stirred as well. "What are you doing?" Stormkit demanded, lashing her tiny tail

Flowerkit looked over her shoulder, she had a sneaking suspicion she knew who attacked her. She looked over her shoulder at Thornkit who had taken a step back and had his ears flattened with shame. "He pushed me." Flowerkit hissed at the tom. Turning back to her sister she dipped her head. "I'm sorry." Stormkit shrugged and cast her blue eyes past Flowerkit towards Thornkit.

"It's fine." Stormkit stood up and got out of the nest, staring down Thornkit who starting to look uncomfortable. "It was his fault." Flowerkit watched as Stormkit dashed forward towards Thornkit. The small brown tom didn't have much time to react as Stormkit tackled him to the ground. "Don't you have any respect for sleeping she-cats?" Stormkit placed a silver paw on his head while Thornkit struggled underneath.

Flowerkit couldn't help but laugh at her sister and Thornkit. Stormkit was feisty and didn't tolerate being teased or messed with. She was a force to be reckoned with.

"I'm sorry!" Thornkit wailed, squirming below her paw.

"I hope so." Stormkit sneered and let Thornkit up. The spiky brown tom scrambled to his paws and shook his fur free of dust. He glanced over at Stormkit with annoyance in his amber eyes.

"You guys are loud." There was large yawn following whoever spoke. Flowerkit, Stormkit, Thornkit and Rainkit all looked towards Nightwing's nest. Tigerkit was now sitting up, and looking incredibly tired. Beside him, Crowkit and Bramblekit were also starting to stir.

"Tell your brother not to be rude." Stormkit stuck her nose in the air and sat beside Flowerkit with a huff.

Tigerkit looked at Thornkit. "Why is it always you waking us up?" He grumbled before stretching out and climbing out of the nest.

"It was Flowerkit who bumped into her!" Thornkit pointed at Flowerkit with his paw.

Flowerkit hissed at him, annoyance flaring inside of her. "Because you pushed me!" She looked at Stormkit, lashing her tail. "Arrogant furball."

Stormkit and Rainkit giggled, Thornkit looked almost hurt. He stared at his paws, twitching his tail in annoyance. Flowerkit wasn't really that mad at Thornkit, she still considered him a friend. Flowerkit stood up and padded over to Thornkit and nudged him. "Hey, it's okay you mousebrain." She teased. "None of us are mad, and Tigerkit is just grumpy 'cause you woke him up."

Thornkit looked up at her, looking grateful. He then looked at Bramblekit and Crowkit who were now sitting up and yawning. "I wish we could play outside." He twitched his ears. "But we're not two moons old yet."

"You two can play outside." Rainkit pointed out to Flowerkit and Stormkit. "So why don't you?"

Flowerkit hadn't really thought about it, both she and Stormkit were two moons old but they hadn't really gone outside to play. "Because, while playing with Flowerkit is fun and all, it wouldn't be as fun without you five." Stormkit explained. "You lot will be two moons old soon and then we can play outside all we want!"

Flowerkit nodded eagerly, Stormkit was right. She wanted to play outside with Thornkit and his siblings, there were so many of them they could play all the games they wanted! She thought of when they would be two moons old, all the games they could play. She looked at her friends, waiting impatiently for the moons to pass.

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