Chapter 2

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 "Are you ready?" Flowerkit eagerly twitched her tail, jumping around Thornkit and his four siblings. The five of them looked as excited as Flowerkit felt. Thornkit, Rainkit, Crowkit, Tigerkit and Bramblekit had all been allowed to go outside of the nursery for the first time. Flowerkit and Stormkit would be joining them, and Flowerkit couldn't be more excited. She wanted nothing more than to play with her friends without being stuck in the confines of the nursery.

"We're ready." Tigerkit nodded. "Let's go!" The large group of kits bounded out of the nursery and into SunClan camp. It was sunhigh and the Clan was lively. In the center of the camp where the SunTree was there was a group of cats having a conversation. One of them was SunClan's leader, Foxstar. Beside him was his deputy, Mallownose and a selection of other warriors including Owlfoot, Rockfall and Flowerkit's father, Stonewhisker.

"What are we going to do now that we're out here?" Crowkit questioned, looking towards her denmates.

"Play a game obviously." Tigerkit twitched his striped tail. Flowerkit wondered if he would ever get the black stripes on the rest of his body, or if they would just stay forever on his tail.

"What kind of game?" Rainkit questioned, tilting her head. Tigerkit thought for a moment and looking around the camp.

"I got it." Tigerkit bounded towards the warrior's den while the other kits followed. The brown kit slipped behind the warrior den, confusing Flowerkit as to where he was headed. The warrior's den was a large bush, lined with thick and twisting brambles to make it stronger. Behind the warrior's den was a space of area between the den and the wall of the hollow. The land went up in a slight incline forming a hill.

Tigerkit climbed up the hill, his fellow kits following him. At the top of the small hill was the beginnings of some kind of bush, the hill also stopped abruptly and had a bit of a drop off. Flowerkit looked at Tigerkit, wondering what he had planned exactly.

"We'll play here. One team will have a moss ball and they'll try to get it here and drop it off the edge. The other team will try and get it behind the nursery, each team will have someone defending each point." Tigerkit explained while the kits listened intently. "First team to make their goal wins."

Flowerkit nodded along, it sounded like a fun game. Tigerkit was very good at taking charge.

"But," Rainkit stepped forward. "There's not an even number of us. One team will have one more cat unless one of us sits out."

Tigerkit thought for a moment. "Okay, the first team will be myself, Stormkit and Bramblekit. We're all pretty big, but your team will be bigger and faster. And each of us has one of the older kits."

"So the other team would be me, Flowerkit, Crowkit and Rainkit." Thornkit mewed, looking at the she-cats that would be on his team.

"Does that sound fair?" Tigerkit questioned his brother, looking at him for a moment then turning to the rest of the group for their opinions as well.

"Sounds fair to me." Rainkit nodded. The other kits agreed, Flowerkit still felt that her team had a slight advantage because they had one more but both Tigerkit and Stormkit were the biggest kits in the nursery, Tigerkit was even bigger than Flowerkit.

"We can both plan, then." Tigerkit lifted his head. "We'll meet in the center of camp in just a few moments." Tigerkit gathered up Stormkit and Bramblekit and led them away, Flowerkit assumed that the hill would be their goal that they had to protect.

"Well," Thornkit began speaking once the other three were out of earshot. "Who is going to be defending."

"I think it should be Flowerkit." Crowkit pointed with her paw towards Flowerkit. "She's the biggest and we'll want the three of us wanting to steal the moss ball and Rainkit is really fast."

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