Chapter 35

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"But I wanna go outside!" Dovekit complained, her blue eyes filled with a fake sadness.

"Sorry, sweetie." Stormwind nuzzled her daughter. "You're too young and it's too cold. I don't want to risk sickness."

Flowerpelt nodded in agreement. Dovekit was a moon old and leaf-bare was in full swing. Luckily, there hadn't been in any serious signs of sickness. Flintstripe and Briarheart had been coughing but were quickly treated by Honeywing and Poppyfur and were already recovering.

"Are you going to the gathering tonight?" Stormwind questioned, distracting Dovekit with a ball of moss to play with.

Flowerpelt nodded. "I haven't been to one since I was injured." Flowerpelt took a look at the scar down her chest, it was healing nicely and she could go on patrols but couldn't do much else. Honeywing had finally cleared her to go the gathering tonight. "I just wish it wasn't during leaf-bare, it's gonna be so cold."

"I'll be in a nice warm den tonight." Stormwind held her head eye, a bragging glint in her eyes.

Flowerpelt playfully shoved her sister. "Yeah? With a kit crawling all over you? I'd rather take the cold."

Stormwind stuck out her tongue and flicked Flowerpelt over the ears with her tail. "Don't you have a cold gathering to get to?"

"I do." Flowerpelt laughed and stood up, leaving her sister and niece to stay warm in the nursery. The sun was starting to set and Foxstar was gathering the cats who were preparing to leave for the gathering. Flowerpelt stepped in beside Icepetal who was talking with Snowtail.

She noticed Poppyfur, the medicine cat looked incredibly uncomfortable. I wonder if she ended things with Branchfur. Flowerpelt wondered. I hope so, I hope Poppyfur can be happy now.

"If we're ready we should head out." Foxstar mewed, Flowerpelt noticed his voice was slightly dry. She tensed, he wasn't coughing but his throat was definitely strained. Foxstar led his Clan out of the camp and through the snowy forest. It was already cold, Flowerpelt hoped this gathering wouldn't take too long.

One thing she did know that she missed about the last gatherings was that Jumpstar of LichenClan had joined StarClan and they were now led by Elmstar. Flowerpelt heard a lot of rumors that Elmstar was very battle hungry and that he had gotten into fights with both AshClan and MoonClan since he had been made leader. I don't like battle hungry leaders. Flowerpelt thought back to Goldenstar, she was battle hungry and caused the death of Stonewhisker. SunClan was lucky that Foxstar was a very peaceful leader.

When they reached the gathering hollow, Flowerpelt noticed that there weren't as man LichenClan as their usually were, even for leaf-bare. She couldn't even find the deputy, Jaggedtail. Is LichenClan full of sick cats? She wondered. She spotted Elmstar talking with Cloudstar and Ivystar near the trees.

Elmstar saw SunClan and a there was a glint in his eyes that made Flowerpelt uneasy. It was very malicious. She tensed and ducked her head, the SunClan cats settled down and Flowerpelt still felt awkward stares from the cats of LichenClan. Her eyes found Branchfur, a large, dark brown tom. He was looking directly at Poppyfur, and it wasn't a love-filled gaze, it looked malevolent. Flowerpelt restrained herself from extending her claws.

"Sorry for being late." Foxstar dipped his head to the other leaders.

"It's alright, Foxstar." Ivystar said kindly. "But let's get started, I'm freezing my ears off." The leaders jumped up to their trees, looking over their Clans. "Foxstar, you start us off."

"First off, Stormwind gave birth a healthy kit and Lakeflight should be giving birth soon as well. Despite the cold, SunClan is thriving well and we haven't had any sickness." Foxstar sat back down, his voice still sounding dry. Did the other leaders notice that?

"Good to hear." Ivystar nodded. "AshClan is also doing well, we don't have much to report other than that we haven't had any sickness either and we have enough prey." Ivystar nodded to Cloudstar who stood up next. Flowerpelt noticed that Elmstar's claws were digging into the branch under his paws, she narrowed his eyes. What's his problem?

"MoonClan is doing well, we are happy to announce that we have two new apprentice. Please welcome Ebonypaw and Shadepaw." The Clans cheered. "And we haven't had any bad sickness either."

"Your turn, Elmstar." Ivystar nodded to Elmstar, the dark brown leader stood up.

"My only announcement is to the other Clans." Elmstar's voice resonating throughout the forest, Flowerpelt tensed. So did Snowtail and Icepetal beside her.

"What's he talking about?" Flowerpelt heard Crowfur mutter.

"Since I was young, LichenClan have been at odds with MoonClan, simply because they don't know how to forgive or forget." Elmstar's eyes sparked dangerously. That whole thing is still going on between them?

"You started that war yourself, Elmstar." Cloudstar growled.

"And you had continue it, Cloudstar." Elmstar lashed his tail. "We've had battles with MoonClan and AshClan alike, you want to hold grudges so I can do it too. You've messed with LichenClan one too many times!" He was shouting now, the cats from the other Clans were hissing. "There's one Clan here who hasn't dared attack us." Elmstar's eyes locked with Foxstar's. "I don't want you thinking you're safe. You have to know that LichenClan is a force to be reckoned with."

"I hope you're not threatening my Clan." Foxstar's voice was calm, his tail tip twitched.

"And if I am?"

"Then you'll regret it." There was a dangerous edge to Foxstar's voice. "You are a young leader, since you have nine lives you think you can do whatever you want. You think you can win any battle or fight any war. If you think like that then your nine lives will be gone before you can blink." Foxstar jumped down. "If you try and fight me and my Clan you will lose, Elmstar. SunClan! We're leaving!"

"Run away, Foxstar!" Elmstar taunted. "I'll see you on the battlefield! I won't lose!"

"You're insane, Elmstar." Cloudstar growled.

"No, Cloudstar. I'm a fearless, leader who will drive LichenClan into a life of victory!"

"What is his problem?" Mallownose questioned, lashing her tail. "He must think he's entitled to the entire forest because he became leader."

"That's a very dangerous leader." Foxstar said with an angry sigh. "But, we do need to prepare for an attack from LichenClan very soon. I want constant patrols around the river and any battle training."

"We can't risk a fight, Foxstar." Honeywing spoke up. "We don't have the herbs to deal with severe wounds."

"We might not have a choice, Honeywing." Foxstar replied. "Elmstar was serious about attacking us. We have to prepare." Honeywing sighed and turned away, mumbling something about stupid, careless leaders.

"Don't fear, SunClan." Foxstar raised his voice. "We've faced sickness, betrayal, and even things we don't understand, but we are strong. No matter how hard Elmstar tries, he will not tear us down!"

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