Chapter 20

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SunClan reached their camp after a long, tiring walk back through the forest. Flowerpelt walked beside Stormwind, dragging her paws. All cats who had been involved in the battle knew of Stonewhisker's death, but Dovewish had been one of the cats who stayed behind to guard the camp. Flowerpelt didn't want to see the look on her mother's face as she told her that Stonewhisker was dead. Stonewhisker was the reason that Dovewish was even a member of SunClan, what would she think?

The Clan trudged into camp, the worst of the wounded went directly to Feathernose and Honeywing who had been preparing their herbs. Flowerpelt's eyes scanned the camp for Dovewish, she wanted to tell her mother before she saw Stonewhisker's body. Dovewish was outside the nursery, speaking with a very frightened Marshpelt.

"We need to tell her." Stormwind mewed, nudging Flowerpelt. She sighed and nodded in agreement. They approached Dovewish who turned around when they got closer. Her eyes filled with relief when she saw her two daughters.

"I'm glad you two are okay!" Dovewish's eyes glowed, Flowerpelt looked at Stormwind, feeling her heart break once again. "What's wrong?" Her voice faltered.

When Flowerpelt failed to reply, Stormwind stepped forward. "Stonewhisker is dead." Flowerpelt could see the expression on her mother's face shift, her eyes widened and her ears flattened.

"What?" Her voice cracked, through her eyes, Flowerpelt could see her mother's heart breaking. Dovewish sat down, staring at the ground in shock. Flowerpelt and Stormwind sat on either side of their mother, pressing close against her. This is all Goldenstar's fault. Flowerpelt thought. It's her fault that Stonewhisker is dead, it's her fault that we're all in pain. She pressed her muzzle into Dovewish's shoulder, she could feel her mother's body trembling. For a moment, Flowerpelt was back in the nursery. She and Stormwind cuddling into their mother, she could feel her love very intensely. Only this time, Stonewhisker wouldn't be coming to check on them.

He wouldn't ever tell them how hunting was, how the patrol went, how much he loved them. Flowerpelt's heart twisted and twisted, on the verge of shattering into pieces. Why did StarClan let this happen? She questioned, opening her eyes and looking up at the sky that was slowly turning to night. Why would StarClan let a SunClan warrior die in such a senseless fight? Flowerpelt dropped her head once more. There was no reason that Stonewhisker had to die.

After Stonewhisker's vigil, Flowerpelt watched as Fishtail, Flintstripe and Alderfang carried away his body to be buried. Her entire body hurt, inside and out. Feathernose has treated her wounds, but no herb in the forest could heal the broken hearts of her, her sister or her mother. Dovewish had been given herbs for shock and went to sleep. Flowerpelt wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep, everytime she closed her eyes she saw the look in Stonewhisker's eyes as Jayclaw killed him.

Flowerpelt ripped at the ground under her paws, her claws tearing at the grass. She would especially never forgive the heartless warrior that murdered her father. Flowerpelt took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, it didn't work. Behind her, Stormwind approached. Her blue eyes were glossy and exhausted. "I'm going to go get some sleep, Flowerpelt." Flowerpelt could hear the strain in her voice, it pained her to hear her sister in such a state. Last time Stormwind had been this upset was when she lost Firetail, even this seemed worse. "You should rest too."

"I can't right now, Stormwind." Flowerpelt was surprised at how her own voice sounded. It was dry, speaking hurt. "I promise I will soon." Stormwind stepped forward, pressing her muzzle against Flowerpelt's cheek.

"Please do." She mewed desperately, her voice just above a whisper. "I love you, Flowerpelt." Her voice cracked, as if she was on the verge of breaking down once more.

"I love you too." Flowerpelt watched her sister walk away, Stormwind dragged her paws and tail. How Stormwind looked was how she felt, the pain inside of her was worse than what any wound could bring. How could she continue living with this pain? Would it ever go away? Part of her didn't want it to go away, she never wanted to forget about Stonewhisker, but there was no way she could focus on her warrior duties like this. Flowerpelt dropped her head and let out a long, painful sigh.

"Flowerpelt?" A nervous voice beside her spoke. She looked up to see Thornpelt standing beside her. What did he want? Suddenly on edge, Flowerpelt narrowed her eyes slightly. Last time they had spoken Thornpelt had told her that her mother would never stop being a kittypet.

"What do you want, Thornpelt?" She asked, not even trying to hide the hostility in her voice. If he says anything about my mother being a kittypet again I'll claw his ears off. She flicked her tail.

"Can I talk to you?" He questioned, gaze shifting awkwardly.

Flowerpelt was hesitant, but let out a sigh. "Sure."

"Let's go by the moss hollow." Thornpelt turned and started leading Flowerpelt out of camp. She wasn't sure why they couldn't just talk outside of camp, but she followed anyway. When they reached the moss hollow he turned, amber eyes looking incredibly nervous. "Look," He began, shuffling his paws like am embarrassed apprentice. "I'm sorry about what I said a while back, about your mother." Flowerpelt twitched her ears, she wasn't sure what to expect from this apology.
"I was just blinded by what Falconclaw was telling me, I really don't believe that you, your sister or your mother aren't great warriors. I saw both you and Stormwind during the fight and you're both incredibly talented fighters." Thornpelt kept avoiding her gaze. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry." He looked up, Flowerpelt saw genuine guilt his amber eyes.

She thought for a moment, what Thornpelt had said about Dovewish had really upset her, but if he was trying to make amends, surely she should forgive him? Flowerpelt had never really judged Thornpelt to be a cat like Falconclaw. With the loss of her father she really just wanted a friend, she had Stormwind but she wanted someone to be close to that wasn't her family. She didn't need any enemies. Flowerpelt closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I forgive you, Thornpelt." His ears perked up as if he was surprised.


Flowerpelt gave a small nod. "Really." She stepped forward, brushing her cheek against his, somewhat of a peace offering. "You've always been one of my best friends, and I don't want to lose you."

She heard a purr from Thornpelt. "I'm glad, because you're one of my best friends too." They met each other's gazes, Flowerpelt purred loudly. The two of them walked back to camp, as they neared the back entrance pain rushed through Flowerpelt's body. I may have made amends with Thornpelt...but my father is still dead. She dropped her head.

"You know," Thornpelt spoke up, looking at her. She lifted her head and met his eyes. "One thing that Falconclaw told me is that death is one of the most honorable things a warrior could do. Stonewhisker saved Foxstar from losing more than one life. He may be dead but he's not gone, Flowerpelt. If you ever become leader then he'll be there to give you one of your nine lives. He'll always be watching over you and your family."

Flowerpelt blinked, surprised at how much his words had actually soothed the pain in her heart. She was also a little shocked at him talking about her being leader. "You think I could be leader?"

Thornpelt's amber gaze was serious. "I do." His eyes lightened up a little. "But if you do, you have to promise me that you'll make me deputy."

"You want to be leader?"

He nodded. "I want to serve my Clan, it's the only thing I want to do. I'll fight until I die to protect my Clanmates, if I'm leader then I can do that nine times."

Flowerpelt looked at Thornpelt closer, something seemed different about him. He seemed brighter, bolder and more mature. He had a brave gleam in his eyes that he didn't use to have. He really could be a great leader. Flowerpelt felt her heart race a little faster. "Well, if you become leader...then you have to make me deputy."

Thornpelt let out a small chuckle, he looked at her with glowing eyes. "It's a deal."

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