Chapter 14

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Flowerpaw lifted her head, feeling incredibly down. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes, sunlight shining across her face. Normally, she would've welcomed the bright, newleaf sunshine but she didn't want to step outside. Her leg still ached from injuring it two days ago and she was back in the medicine cat den with Feathernose and Honeywing. She dropped her head, resting it on her legs. Both medicine cats seemed to be out gathering herbs and she was incredibly grateful.

Since her accident, Flowerpaw had been incredibly sad and bitter about the whole situation. She had worked so hard to get the place she was at with her training, and now she would fall even more behind. I was so close to being a warrior too. Flowerpaw buried her nose in her paws, trying to hide from the world.

"Hey there," A voice spoke from the entrance of the medicine cat den, Flowerpaw's ears twitched. "You alright?" Flowerpaw lifted her head and saw Thornpaw standing there with concern in his eyes.

"I guess." She couldn't hide her despair, so why would she try? Flowerpaw looked away, resting her chin on her paws.

"I'm sorry that you got hurt again." She could hear him stepping further into the medicine cat den.

"I shouldn't have gotten hurt." She snorted. "I should've been paying attention to where I was going."

"It was an honest mistake, Flowerpaw." Thornpaw was trying incredibly hard to be reassuring. "It could've happened to any cat."

"But it didn't." Flowerpaw flicked her tail. "It happened to me." She sighed. "I just want to be alone, Thornpaw." She closed her eyes, wishing he would leave.


"Thornpaw!" A sharp hiss came from outside the medicine cat den, pulling both Thornpaw's and Flowerpaw's attention out there. It was Falconclaw, looking incredibly annoyed with his apprentice. "We have better things to do than hang out in the medicine cat den."

"I was just checking on Flowerpaw." Thornpaw defending himself.

"That's not your job. You're not a medicine cat, you're a warrior. " Falconclaw's amber eyes cut into Flowerpaw, she tensed. "Flowerpaw got injured and now she has to rest in the medicine cat den, but you don't have to. You need to train if you want to be a semi-competent warrior."

Thornpaw winced slightly at Falconclaw's words, but turned away and followed his mentor without another word to Flowerpaw. Flowerpaw felt incredibly uncomfortable with what had just happened, she knew Falconclaw was a harsh mentor but now he just seemed rude. Why's he's always around anyway? Flowerpaw thought with contempt. She crossed her paws and looked at the ceiling of the medicine cat den.

Whenever I'm talking with Thornpaw he shows up looking all angry. She looked down. Does Falconclaw not like me? We're Clanmates, we should get along. Then Flowerpaw had a moment of realization. He doesn't like my mother. Flowerpaw flexed her claws. Dovewish is just as capable a warrior as he is, and I'm no kittypet. She lashed her tail. What a jerk. She looked out into camp, Falconclaw and Thornpaw were nowhere in sight. I really hope he doesn't convince Thornpaw that my sister and I are kittypets because of our mother.

Flowerpaw sat outside the medicine cat, resting her injured leg and eating a small piece of prey. Honeywing and Feathernose allowed her to sit outside and get some fresh air, she was already feeling antsy enough. She watched the camp, the sun was going down at the Clan was starting to settle down. Outside the nursery, Rustkit, Barkkit, Snakekit and Willowkit were playing under the watch of Tallfern and Rowanfall, though Marshpelt was nowhere in sight.

Flowerpaw, as well as a few other SunClan warriors, felt that Marshpelt hadn't quite gotten over the death of Rowanfall's two other kits, and that she still blamed herself. Flowerpaw hoped that Marshpelt would feel better about it soon, she was such a nice she-cat.

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