Chapter 10

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 Flowerpaw woke up to coughing. She sat up in alarm, looking around the apprentice den to see who it came from. However, each of the apprentices in here where sound asleep. She twitched her ears, hearing it again and realizing that it came from outside the apprentice den. She lowered her head, sickness was running rampant throughout the Clan. Firetail, Slatepaw and Fernsong had all moved to the medicine cat den but they weren't the only ones. Moonfur and Jayflight had also joined them in the medicine cat den.

The Clan was incredibly stressed out with how sickness was gripping the Clan, even the birth of Rowanfall's kits wasn't very celebrated. She had given birth to three kits, Birchkit, Nutkit and WIllowkit, but the Clan was terrified that the kits would get sick. Flowerpaw only hoped that the coughing was from a cat who was already sick and not someone new. Prey was running low and SunClan was struggling.

Flowerpaw looked at her denmates, luckily none of them had become sick, she was terrified of losing any of them. However, three apprentices had to be assigned new mentors while their actual meteors were sick. Stormpaw, Bramblepaw and Sunpaw were now the apprentices of Alderfang, Frostclaw and Nightwing. All three apprentices were incredibly concerned for the well being of their mentors, and Flowerpaw shared their fears.

She closed her eyes, she didn't want the Clan to lose to any of its members. She hadn't experienced death before, and she wasn't sure she could handle it. Please, StarClan. Don't let any of my friends or family get sick. She closed her eyes, not knowing what we should do if she lost her parents or Stormpaw. Even if she lost Thornpaw or any of his siblings she would be devastated.

Flowerpaw opened her eyes, looking at Thornpaw who slept soundly. It had been a moon since they went hunting together and even if they hadn't hunted together since, she couldn't help but feel like the two of them had grown closer to each other. She was grateful that she went hunting with him that day, and she was grateful that he was her friend.

Unable to fall back asleep due to the coughing from her Clanmates, Flowerpaw climbed out of the apprentice den and instantly regretted it as cold swept over her, chilling her to the bone. She looked up to the sky, it was just before sunhigh but the cats of SunClan weren't active. When cats weren't hunting or patrolling, they were hiding in their dens.

"Feathernose!" Flowerpaw tensed as she heard Tallfern calling from the nursery. Flowerpaw turned her head to see the gray and white she-cat standing with Marshpelt at her side. Marshpelt was coughing.

There's sickness in the nursery! Flowerpaw thought in a panic, she looked at the two she-cats while Feathernose ran out of his den.

"Come with me, Marshpelt." Feathernose said calmly.

"My kits need me..." Marshpelt mewed, her voice sounding dry and cracking. "I can't leave them alone."

"They're not alone, Marshpelt." Tallfern assured her friend. "Rowanfall and I will look after them, I promise."

Marshpelt seemed to hesitate, but eventually followed Feathernose. Flowerpaw watched with fear in her heart. What if the kits get sick? Flowerpaw looked away, unable to hide or contain her fears. What happens then? Would they be able to survive greencough?

"Honeypaw," Feathernose spoke to his apprentice as he lead Marshpelt away from the nursery. "Will you check all the kits for signs of sickness? I need to make sure that Marshpelt didn't spread the sickness."

"Yes, Feathernose." Honeypaw dipped her head and entered the nursery, with Tallfern and Rowanfall following her.

"If I got any of those kits sick..." Marshpelt breathed with a raspy voice. "I will never forgive myself." Her voice slipped into a whimper.

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