Chapter 8

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"The moonstone?" Flowerpaw echoed tilting her head in confusion. She looked at Foxstar and the group of apprentices, each of them looked excited. "Why are we going to the moonstone?"

"Every apprentice goes to the moonstone at some point during their apprenticeship, and now it's your turn to go." Foxstar explained. "Normally I like to take apprentices who all started their training together, but I feel like seven apprentices would be quite the hassle. Tigerpaw, Rainpaw and Bramblepaw will go next time. To make them feel better i told them they could go to the next gathering."

Crowpaw twitched her ears. "So does that mean we can't go to the gathering?" Disappointment heavily lined her mew.

"I"m sorry Crowpaw, but with the amount of apprentices we have it's hard to take all of them at once. You'll get to go to the next one; plus." Foxstar's green eyes rested on Thornpaw. "This one isn't allowed to go to the gathering anyway." Thornpaw snorted and looked away, his fur puffing out slightly. Flowerpaw withheld laughter, and turned back to Foxstar. "All of you need to go to Feathernose and Honeypaw to get some travelling herbs, we'll leave once you all do that. Meet back up here when you're finished."

"Let's go!" Stormpaw pushed Flowerpaw forward, nearly causing her to stumble over her front paws. Behind them, Crowpaw and Thornpaw followed, Crowpaw looked excited but Thornpaw still looked annoyed. Is he really that upset about what Foxstar said? Flowerpaw wondered. It's your own fault that you ran off that night. Flowerpaw ran ahead of Stormpaw so she would stop being shoved and made their way to the medicine cat den.

Flowerpaw stepped inside and was surprised to see Firetail talking with Feathernose. "So I should be okay?" Firetail asked, her voice sounded slightly uncertain.

"Yes, Firetail. Just eat this tansy and come back to me if it persists." Feathernose pushed a yellow flower towards the ginger warrior. "You were smart to come to me now." Is Firetail sick?

"Firetail?" Stormpaw stepped forward, her voice trembling slightly. "Is everything okay?" She looked at her mentor with great concern in her blue eyes. Firetail turned to look at Stormpaw and let out a purr.

"Yes, Stormpaw, I'm alright. Just a small cough, but Feathernose helped me out. I hear you're going to the moonstone?" She questioned, looking over the apprentices with interest.

Stormpaw nodded. "We came here to get some travelling herbs." Stormpaw replied, Flowerpaw could tell that she was still uncertain. I hope that Firetail really is okay. Flowerpaw thought with worry. I don't want Stormpaw to lose her mentor, I can tell they're close. Flowerpaw wondered what would happen if she lost Owlfoot. He's not family, but he's been a great mentor to me. Especially today.

"That sounds wonderful." Firetail brushed her tail against Stormpaw's flank. "Travel safe and tell me all about it when you get back." The ginger she-cat left the medicine cat den, Stormpaw looked after her with concern written all over her face.

"Don't worry about her, Stormpaw." Feathernose said in a reassuring tone. "Even if her cough does get worse I have the means to treat her." His tone was gentle and calming, it seemed to help Stormpaw. She lifted her head and her eyes lit up. "Now, for your herbs." Feathernose turned to face Honeypaw who was gathering four bundles of herbs. "Take these and they'll help you travel."

Feathernose gave a bundle to Crowpaw, Thornpaw and Stormpaw but stopped when he reached Flowerpaw. "As for you, I've added a little something extra to your herbs. There's comfrey root in there to help with any pain you might deal with while travelling." He pushed the herbs towards Flowerpaw. "If the pain gets too bad don't hesitate to ask Foxstar to stop and let you rest, you don't want to injure yourself."

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