Chapter 40

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"Finally, Sunstream I want you to lead a hunting patrol out by the river. Take Tigertail, Icepetal, Cloudstorm and and Brightclaw with you." Sunstream nodded and quickly gathered her patrol to and left camp to go hunting. Once again, prey was plentiful and the forest was becoming lush and beautiful.

Life in the SunClan camp wasn't as beautiful. It had been a half-moon since Marshpelt died and Foxstar was still very sick and only getting worse. The entire Clan was preparing for the worst, even Flowerpelt. Despite her fears of not being ready to become leader, she had essentially been leading the Clan while he was sick. Foxstar couldn't even leave his nest anymore, she hadn't seen him in days. As much as it hurt her, Flowerpelt knew that it was only a matter of time before Foxstar joined StarClan.

When Flowerpelt was finished organizing patrols for the time being, she planned on visiting Stormwind and Dovekit. Dovekit was almost five moons old and would be an apprentice soon, Flowerpelt was excited to have her sister back on duties so they could go hunting and patrolling together like the old days.

However, as she was making her way to the nursery she was stopped Poppyfur. "Can I talk to you?" The medicine cat questioned, but Flowerpelt knew it wasn't really a question.

"Sure." Flowerpelt nodded and followed Poppyfur into the medicine cat den, it smelled strongly of herbs as usual. "What is it?"

"It's Foxstar." Flowerpelt's heart dropped, though she had an inkling that he was what Poppyfur wanted to talk about. "There's nothing more I can do for him. I don't think that he'll survive the night."

Flowerpelt dropped her head. "I had a feeling I just...I don't know if I'm ready to be leader."

"You are ready." Poppyfur said in her usual sharp tone. "Foxstar wouldn't have picked you as deputy if he didn't think so." She sighed. "I know it's hard, trust me I do, but you have to stay strong." Flowerpelt blinked, remembering the words Feathernose had spoken to her after Falconclaw's attack. But you have to stay strong, you have an incredibly strong destiny ahead of you. You have to stay strong, no matter what.

Flowerpelt sighed, nudging a stray leaf with her paws. "I know I do. I've heard that plenty of times, but it's not easy."

"I know." Poppyfur mewed, sitting down and smoothing down her long fur. "I didn't know if I could ever be a medicine cat after what happened with Honeywing. Because of my mistake, because I broke not only the warrior code, but the medicine cat code as well, I got Honeywing killed." Flowerpelt looked a good look at Poppyfur's face. Since the death of Honeywing she had matured greatly, her eyes were haunted and her attitude even more ill and sharp. I hope she knows that the rest of us don't blame her for Honeywing's death. Then again, I'm the only one who knows about Branchfur.

She then thought back to Marshpelt's dying words. That didn't stop me from blaming myself. Even if Flowerpelt told Poppyfur that no cat blamed her, it wouldn't change her mind. Flowerpelt just hoped that one day, Poppyfur would be able to forgive herself. She deserves, she's been through so much and she doesn't deserve the pain she's feeling from one mistake.

Poppyfur sighed. "Regardless," She stood up. "We're not here to talk about me," Poppyfur met Flowerpelt's gaze. "Foxstar told me he wanted to talk to you before he died. We should probably do that now."

Flowerpelt blinked, she hadn't expected to talk to him but she nodded. "Okay, let's go." Flowerpelt followed Poppyfur out of the medicine cat den and to the SunTree. It was dim inside and smelled like sickness and herbs. Flowerpelt made out the shape of Foxstar in his nest. As she got closer she realized that he looked even worse than Marshpelt did. She could see his ribs and his face was gaunt. His ginger fur was matted and dull, his eyes devoid of any light.

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