Chapter 17

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Flowerpaw and her fellow apprentices walked into camp, their heads held high. It was finally time for their warrior ceremony, they would receive their warriors names and have a whole new array of responsibilities. It was nearly sunhigh and SunClan was incredibly active, Barkkit, Rustkit and Snakekit were all playing outside with each other. Fishtail was talking with Flintstripe and Tallfern outside the elder's den and Feathernose and Honeywing were drying herbs in the sun. It was a beautiful newleaf day and the perfect day for a warrior ceremony.

The group of mentors went to the SunTree to speak with Foxstar who was presumably inside his den. Flowerpaw looked at Rainpaw and Crowpaw, the two sisters were excitedly talking about the ceremony, all of them looked eager to become warriors and Flowerpaw was no different.

Flowerpaw stepped away from the group, wanting to share the news with her own family. Stormwind was talking with Alderfang and Applespots near the warrior's den. Flowerpaw bounded up to her sister, Stormwind turned her attention to Flowerpaw. "Hi there!" She greeted cheerfully. "What's up?"

"Me and Nightwing's kits just passed our warrior assessment." Flowerpaw held her head high. "Our mentors are talking to Foxstar right now."

"That's awesome!" Stormwind jumped up, bouncing around Flowerpaw. "You're finally gonna be a warrior! We can hunt together and go on patrols together! I'm so proud of you!" Stormwind nuzzled Flowerpaw who let out a laugh, pressing against her sister. That's all I want. She thought.

"Looks like it's time." Alderfang motioned over towards the SunTree where Foxstar was stepping out along with the mentors, Mallownose remaind by his side.

"Get over there." Stormwind shoved Flowerpaw towards the SunTree. "I'll go get our parents! They'll be so happy!" With a flick of her gray tail, Stormwind bounded away, looking for Dovewish and Stonewhisker.

Barely able to contain her excitement, Flowerpaw walked swiftly over to the group of apprentices, watching Foxstar with joy in their eyes. Foxstar climbed the SunTree, looking over the camp with his green eyes. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" His voice echoed throughout the hollow.

Flowerpaw walked with the other apprentices to the center of camp as the Clan started to gather. Off to her side, Flowerpaw spotted Stormwind sitting with Dovewish and Stonewhisker, their eyes filled with joy, pride and love. Flowerpaw's heart skipped, now it was her time to be made a warrior! Flowerpaw sat down between Rainpaw and Bramblepaw, gazing up at Foxstar on the SunTree. "I've called the Clan to gather because it is time for the six apprentices to become warriors." There were murmurs of excitement from the cats around them. "This is probably the biggest ceremony I will hold in my lifetime, and I couldn't be happier to do it."

Foxstar jumped down, facing the six apprentices. "I, Foxstar, leader of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices, for they have trained long and hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Flowerpaw trembled slightly, a million emotions racing through her body. "Thornpaw, Tigerpaw, Bramblepaw, Rainpaw, Crowpaw and Flowerpaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the Clan even at the cost of your lives?"

"I do." Thornpaw's voice was bold and loud, his amber eyes bright and full of confidence.

"I do." Tigerpaw's voice held the same bravery.

"I do." Bramblepaw's voice was steady, his green eyes full of certainty.

" I do." Rainpaw's voice trembled but with excitement rather than fear.

"I do." Crowpaw's sounded full of confidence.

"I do." Flowerpaw spoke, keeping her voice steady despite the excitement that was making her body tremble.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." Foxstar stepped closer. "Tigerpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Tigertail. SunClan honors your courage and fighting skill." Tigertail stepped forward, licking Foxstar's shoulder and Foxstar touched his muzzle to Tigertail's forehead. "Bramblepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Bramblepelt. SunClan honors your nobility and bravery." Bramblepelt repeated the same process." "Thornpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Thornpelt. SunClan honors your strength and independence. Crowpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Crowfur. SunClan honors your spirit and hunting skill. Rainpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Rainears, SunClan honors your kindness and your agility." Flowerpaw tensed, it was her turn. All of her friends had their new names, and now it was her turn. "And finally, Flowerpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Flowerpelt, SunClan honors your dedication and patience." Flowerpelt stepped forward, taking in her new name, she licked Foxstar's shoulder and felt his nose against her forehead.

Foxstar stepped back, looking over all six apprentices with joy in his eyes. "SunClan welcomes you all as full warriors of SunClan!"

"Tigertail! Bramblepelt! Thornpelt! Crowfur! Rainears! Flowerpelt!" The cats of SunClan cheered their brand new warriors.

"Before I call this meeting to a close I want to point out that we now have no apprentices, with the exception of Honeywing so I want all warriors helping out with duties around camp until we have some more apprentices." Foxstar spoke and dismissed the Clan.

Flowerpelt whirled around and ran to her family who greeted her with cheerful mews and purrs. "Congratulations!" Stormwind purred loudly, rubbing up against her sister.

"We're so proud of you." Stonewhisker brushed his tail across her shoulders. "You've earned this, Flowerpelt."

"Thank you." Emotions welled up inside Flowerpelt, she was so lucky to have such supportive parents. She looked at Stormwind who was still lit up with excitement.

"Tonight you have your vigil, which isn't too bad." Stormwind explained, walking in circles around Flowerpelt. "And here soon is the gathering! We'll be announced as warriors together!"

"I'm excited." Flowerpelt purred.

Flowerpelt heard pawsteps behind her and turned to see Owlfoot standing behind her, his green eyes sparkling. "Congratulations, Flowerpelt." He purred her new name.

Flowerpelt stepped towards her former mentor. "I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for being such a great mentor."

"Thank you for being such a great apprentice." Owlfoot purred, flicking his tail over her ears. "Now enjoy celebrating with your family, you also have a vigil to prepare for."

Flowerpelt watched Owlfoot walk away, grateful that she had such a wonderful mentor to train her. She looked back at her family, then at Hawktalon and Nightwing who looked just as proud for their kits. Flowerpelt let out a happy sigh, feeling incredibly content. She was finally a warrior.

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