Chapter 11

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Flowerpaw barely slept, her heart twisted in her chest with each thought of the greencough that plagued the Clan. Willowkit and her littermates had been moved to the nursery and Rowanfall was incredibly distraught, so was the entire Clan. Cats were getting sicker and the Clan had almost no catmint or prey to help them. Why is this happening to us? She stood up, letting out a yawn.

Thornpaw, Tigerpaw and Crowpaw were all out of their nests, but Bramblepaw, Rainpaw and Stormpaw remained. Flowerpaw dropped her head, Willowkit, Birchkit and Nutkit were only a few days old, they didn't have the strength of a full grown warrior to fight away greencough and the entire Clan knew it. Alderfang and Rowanfall seemed to be already grieving their kits as if they were already dead.

How can they give up hope so easily. Flowerpaw wondered, she didn't want to believe that those kits would die before they even had a chance to live. It's unfair, would StarClan really be so cruel?

Flowerpaw climbed out of the apprentice den and was instantly overwhelmed by the cold. The storm had completely covered the forest in snow that went halfway up Flowerpaw's legs. I want leaf-bare to end! She spat, hating the entirety of the season. It's nothing but death and pain!

Flowerpaw searched the camp for her mentor, but didn't find many cats at all. The only cats she saw that weren't in a den were Tigerpaw and Mallownose who were talking just in front of camp, both looked cold and troubled. Every cat in the Clan is stressed. Flowerpaw looked up towards the sky, the sun was out and high but covered by what Flowerpaw assumed was snow-filled clouds. I wonder if the other Clans are struggling as much as we are.

She lowered her head and let out a sigh, she looked at the snow that covered her paws. She wanted nothing more than to see her Clan happy again. Flowerpaw looked up, hearing voices coming from the medicine cat den. One of them sounded like Owlfoot, the other was obviously Feathernose. He's probably visiting Firetail, but I thought cats weren't allowed in the medicine cat den.

Flowerpaw jumped back in alarm as Owlfoot burst out of the medicine cat den, nearly falling into the snow. The brown tom lifted his head and let out a wail of pain, Flowerpaw's heart twisted. Part of her already knew what happened, but she sprinted over to her mentor. "Owlfoot!" She proclaimed. "What happened?"

"Firetail is dead." Owlfoot said, his voice barely above a whisper. Flowerpaw could hear the pain and heartbreak in his voice. Flowerpaw felt fear and pain turn her stomach into knots, she looked up at her mentor, her voice trembling.

"Owlfoot...I'm so sorry." She didn't know what else to do or say, Owlfoot looked like he was in so much pain. Firetail can't be dead, why would StarClan allow something like this? The rest of SunClan had heard his cry and were now stepping out into the camp, Flowerpaw looked over her shoulder and spotted Applepaw and Sandpaw who looked at their father with incredibly pain in their eyes.

They already know what happened. Flowerpaw looked away, stepping back to allow Owlfoot's daughters to approach him. I have to tell Stormpaw. Flowerpaw looked towards the apprentice den where her sister slept, completely unaware of the fact that her beloved mentor was dead.

"Is Firetail--?" Applepaw questioned her father, green eyes trembling. "Is she dead?" Owlfoot stood up and padded up to his daughters, sitting down once more and pulling both of them close.

"I'm so sorry," He whimpered. "She died before I even woke up, she was so sick. Please know that she loved both of you so much and so do I. I will never stop loving the two of you, for as long as I live."

Sandpaw and Applepaw let out small wails as they fell into their father, closing their eyes and sharing their loss together. Flowerpaw turned away, she couldn't imagine what they were going through. I don't know if I could handle loving Dovewish. She flattened her ears and crossed the camp, nearing the apprentice den.

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