Chapter 29

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"I can't believe it's already leaf-fall." Flowerpelt mewed, watching the trees above as their leaves turned from green to red, orange and brown. "It seems like just yesterday it was leaf-bare and we lost so many warriors."

"I know." Thornpelt replied, walking beside Flowerpelt. "I hope leaf-bare isn't as bad this season."

"Even with all the precautions we took last season," Flintstripe added. "We still lost five cats and Foxstar lost a life." He sighed. "I can only hope that this season will be kinder to us." Flowerpelt shuddered as she remember the death of her mother, she couldn't imagine what would happen if she lost Stormwind, she was all that Flowerpelt had left.

The patrol returned and Flintstripe turned in their reports to Foxstar while Lakepaw ran off to talk to her fellow apprentices and Fernsong went to talk with Briarheart and Blazepaw. Flowerpelt was left alone with Thornpelt.

"Are you scheduled for any more patrols today?" Thornpelt questioned.

Flowerpelt thought for a moment. "I don't think so, Mallownose hasn't told me otherwise."

"Wanna go hunting with me? We can go out by the training area, Snowtail said she say a nest of birds there, I bet we could find some good prey." His eyes were as soft as honey, Flowerpelt let out a purr.

"I'd love to." Flowerpelt and Thornpelt walked side by side out of camp, their pelts brushing as they moved. Her heart sped up, their pawsteps were in sync as they moved. I really love spending time with him. Flowerpelt thought, her pelt heating up slightly.

They neared the training are and sure enough, Flowerpelt could hear the sounds of birds chirping in the trees. They each ducked down in the brush, looking for prey. Flowerpelt spotted a wren pecking at the ground. Flowerpelt extended her claws and crept slowly closer to the bird. She kept her breaths and pawsteps silent, not disturbing any of the fallen leaves under her paws.

The bird had its back turned to Flowerpelt as it searching for its own food. She gave a jump and landed on the bird, snapping its neck. Flowerpelt looked around to see where Thornpelt had gone but she couldn't spot his tabby pelt anywhere. She buried the bird and waited for him to show up, she didn't want to ruin a catch of his.

Sure enough, a few moments later Thornpelt stepped out of the brush with another wren in his jaws. Flowerpelt gave him an approving look. "I caught one too, Snowtail was right." Thornpelt put his prey with Flowerpelt's and looked around, sniffing the air.

"We should try and catch more." He mewed, already on the trail of another bird. Flowerpelt let him catch his own prey and she turned to track down more prey. She soon located another wren and caught that one with ease as well. On her way back to the training area she also found and caught a mouse. I'm glad we're catching so much prey during leaf-fall. She thought, hoping prey kept up being this plentiful.

Flowerpelt returned and found Thornpelt with two more birds. "Nice job." She purred. "I caught another bird and a mouse as well."

"Hunting is great today." Thornpelt set his prey down, eyes glowing. "And it helps that we're both amazing hunters." He stepped closer to Flowerpelt.

Flowerpelt looked away bashfully, her pelt burning. "You're the amazing hunter around here. You're the one who helped me catch up on my hunting skills when we were apprentices."

"Yeah, well," Thornpelt was inches away from her. "I love helping my friends."

Flowerpelt blinked and turned back to him, meeting his amber gaze. "Friends, huh? I don't see you asking Stormwind to go on private hunting sessions all the time." Flowerpelt flicked her tail.

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