Chapter 36

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"SunClan! SunClan! LichenClan is attacking!" Flowerpelt jolted awake, feeling a slight pain in her chest. The cats around her in the warrior's den where scrambling awake as well. The warriors in the den scrambled out to defend their camp. Flowerpelt saw that the camp had been overrun with LichenClan warriors.

Flowerpelt was instantly tackled to the ground by a dark gray she-cat named Ashstream, she felt claws ripping into her pelt. I shouldn't be fighting, Honeywing told me not to. Flowerpelt bit down into Ashstream's foreleg. I just have to be careful. Ashstream clawed violently at her haunches, Flowerpelt hissed and dug her claws into the she-cat's shoulder, flipping her over and throwing her to the side.

Ashstream jumped up and spat at her, lashing her tail with rage. Flowerpelt jumped at the she-cat, they collided half way and landed on the ground. Ashstream's claws tore through Flowerpelt's flesh, she felt blood welling from deep wounds on her side. If I'm not careful, I could easily end up tearing open my old wound. Flowerpelt thought, she made sure to not ever let her belly and chest be exposed to Ashstream.

Ashstream jumped onto Flowerpelt's back, forcing her to the ground. Flowerpelt could attack from this angle, she was left with Ashstream clawing at her back. She hissed and did her best to throw the LichenClan warrior off but she was stuck to her like a tick. With nothing else to do, Flowerpelt cried out for help.

Sure enough, Mallownose came running from the fray of battle and tackled Ashstream to the ground, allowing Flowerpelt to stand up. Flowerpelt spun and around and faced Ashstream who was now locked in battle with Mallownose. The SunClan deputy fought viciously, biting and clawing all around Ashstream's body.

Ashstream let out an angered, sickening hiss and jumped on Mallownose, pinning the gray she-cat on her back. Flowerpelt ran to help Mallownose, but Ashstream moved quicker. The she-cats teeth sank into Mallownose's neck and the deputy let out a choked cry. "No!" Flowerpelt cried and jumped onto Ashstream once more, the two she-cats did a somersault over each other and landed a few mouselengths away.

However, Flowerpelt wasn't staying to fight. She scrambled to her paws and ran to Mallownose. "Mallownose!" She cried. The gray she-cats eyes were glossy, she tried to speak but no words came out. She let out a shaky breath, then the deputy's breath stopped entirely. "Mallownose!" She cried once again, trying to nudge her awake. Ashstream will pay for this. Flowerpelt stood up, anger blazing inside her like a fire. "You killed my deputy!" She spat. Ashstream's eyes went a little wider.

"I-I didn't--" Flowerpelt let out a caterwaul and launched herself at Ashstream, clawing violently at her chest. The cat let out a shriek of pain and scrambled away from Flowerpelt, running into the forest, out of SunClan camp. Her entire body ached and her wounds burned, Flowerpelt panted heavily. The battle didn't seem to be ending anytime soon, however. Cats were fighting viciously, bleeding from heavy wounds.

Flowerpelt looked at Mallownose's body. I can't leave her here. Flowerpelt quickly padded back to the deputy's body and grabbed her by the scruff, dragging her body to the medicine cat den. Inside the den was just Poppyfur, she was frantically tending to a nasty chest wound on Fernsong. Cloudstorm and Sandfoot were also resting from wounds.

Poppyfur looked up, her eyes going wide at the sight of Mallownose's body. "She's dead?" Her voice was strained and full of fear. Flowerpelt nodded and set down the deputy's body.

"Where's Honeywing?" Flowerpelt questioned, the golden medicine cat was nowhere to be found.

"She went to go get some more marigold." Poppyfur's voice trembled. "I'm using the last of it on Fernsong." Her entire body and voice shook, her paws were uneasy. "She's been gone a while, I'm worried about her."

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