Chapter 9

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 "Are they here yet?" Rainpaw questioned, the black she-cat was walking around in circles.

"Not yet." Stonewhisker purred. "Kitting takes time."

"But Marshpelt has been kitting since dawn!" Rainpaw complained, twitching her white ears impatiently. "It didn't take Tallfern long at all to have Snakekit."

"Every queen is different." Stonewhisker flicked his tail over Rainpaw's tail. "Plus, Tallfern only had one kit. Marshpelt is probably having more than one."

"Why do you care so much anyway?" Bramblepaw questioned, taking a bit of the mouse he was sharing with Tigerpaw.

"Because," Rainpaw stuck her nose in the air. "Kits are always fun, and the nursery has been empty of kits since we became apprentices."

"Oh wow," Thornpaw teased, smoothing down a piece of fur on his chest. "A whole two moons."

Rainpaw hissed. "Well you may not be excited, but I am." She sat down and looked away from her brothers.

"New kits are always a good sign." Stonewhisker added. "Especially in leaf-bare." Flowerpaw looked up at her father, she couldn't help but agree. Leaf-bare was in full swing, the forest was frozen over and covered in snow. Flowerpaw for one, hated the cold, but at least kits were a good sign.

"I thought it was dangerous to have kits in leaf-bare?" Stormpaw questioned, looking up at Stonewhisker.

"It can be." Stonewhisker replied, looking towards the nursery. "But we have two wonderful medicine cats here to make sure that the kits are healthy." Stormpaw nodded and looked at the nursery as well. Every few moments, Flowerpaw would hear Marshpelt letting out a cry of pain. Foxstar was pacing outside the nursery, waiting for his kits to arrive.

Flowerpaw shivered, pressing close against her sister for warmth. They had spent the day trying to find more prey, which wasn't easy since the forest was covered in snow. The cold also aggravated her old injury, which Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw teased her for by saying she sounded like an elder.

Flowerpaw ignored their taunts, knowing that they were only teasing. She was incredibly close to all of them that she knew they didn't mean any harm. She turned her focus to the nursery when Honeypaw poked her head out and Foxstar stepped inside after her.

"Are they here?" Rainpaw questioned, sounding suddenly excited. She jumped to her paws, blue eyes glowing.

"That's normally a sign that they are." Stonewhisker looked towards the nursery. "We'll just have to wait." The apprentices did wait, and Flowerpaw couldn't help but notice that even Tigerpaw, Thornpaw and Bramblepaw looked excited. Flowerpaw felt excitement herself, it was very exciting when Snakekit was born. He was the only kit born to Tallfern and Flintstripe, but he was born quite big.

After what seemed like forever, Foxstar stepped out of the nursery and held his head high. "Cats of SunClan, I am proud to welcome my two sons into the Clan; Barkkit and Rustkit!" The cats of SunClan let out cheers, welcoming the two new cats into SunClan. Flowerpaw felt warmth despite the cold, she was very excited to have to new cats in the Clan. Not to mention, Rowanfall was only a moon away from having her own kits.

The cheering came to an eerie stop when one of the SunClan warriors broke out in coughing. The entirety of the Clan looked towards the warrior's den where Fernsong was sitting beside Briarheart. The golden brown she-cat's body shook as she coughed heavily. Bramblepaw tensed and stared at his mentor with worry.

"Fernsong?" Briarheart questioned, his voice filled with worry. "Are you okay?" From the nursery, Feathernose swiftly moved to Fernsong with Honeypaw following closely behind him. The Clan watched intensely while the medicine cats looked over Fernsong. After a few moments, the she-cat followed Feathernose and Honeypaw into the medicine cat den.

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