Chapter 15

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Flowerpaw tested her paw, pain going up her leg. She winced and stumbled forward, trying to balance herself. She looked over at Feathernose who was watching her intensely. He looked at her paw and then seemed to mumble something to himself.

"How much does it hurt?" He questioned.

"Not as much, but," Flowerpaw looked at her injured paw. "It still hurts though." She couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty clinging to her.

"Less pain is an improvement." Feathernose's tone was light, he was trying to be uplifting. "You can move back into the apprentice den but it could still be a few days before you're back on your duties."

Flowerpaw sighed. "Thanks." She couldn't force herself to feel upbeat, she was falling behind on her apprentice training and there was nothing she could do about it.

"I'm doing all that I can, Flowerpaw." Feathernose brushed his fluffy tail across her pelt. "It just takes time, but you'll be back on your paws before you know it." The medicine cat turned and vanished back into his den. Flowerpaw felt guilt creeping up on her, she knew that Feathernose was doing everything in his power to help her leg heal. It's not his fault, it's mine. She dropped her head, feeling even worse than she did before.

Flowerpaw's ears twitched as she heard the voice of her sister. She looked up to see Stormpaw walking into camp with Cloudpaw and Slatepaw, all three of their eyes were glowing and they were laughing. Flowerpaw narrowed her eyes, why were they so happy? Flowerpaw watched as Alderfang, Flintstripe and Briarheart all padded over towards Foxstar's den.

Flowerpaw caught Stormpaw's gaze and for a moment there was a flash of guilt across her blue eyes. Stormpaw said something to Cloudpaw and Slatepaw before padding over to Flowerpaw who was sitting near the drinking pool. "Hey," Flowerpaw greeted her sister. "What's going on?"

"Well," Stormpaw shuffled her silver paws. "Alderfang spoke with Briarheart and Flintstripe and...." She trailed off. Flowerpaw blinked, feeling nervous. "Our mentors thought it was time for us to become warriors."

Flowerpaw's heart dropped, feeling as if it shattered into a million pieces. "You--you're becoming a warrior?" Stormpaw looked away, flattening her ears.

"I'm sorry, Flowerpaw." Her voice was a whimper. When Flowerpaw saw the look on her sister's face, her heart broke all over but for a different reason.

"No, Stormpaw." Flowerpaw nudged her sister. "Don't be sorry for becoming a warrior, you earned it." Stormpaw looked up, the guilt still there. "I'll become a warrior when it's my time, but until then I'm gonna celebrate you becoming a warrior." Stormpaw's eyes lit up and so did Flowerpaw's heart. "And during the ceremony, I'll be cheering louder than any other cat in the Clan."

Stormpaw pressed up against Flowerpaw. "That means the world to me." She purred. "And when it comes to your warrior ceremony I'll do the same thing for you."

"Thank you." Flowerpaw said quietly, her heart still having a slight ache. I should be made a warrior with you. She thought painfully. But I won't let my sadness ruin your big day. She stepped back from her sister, loving the look of excitement on her face. And it's all worth it as long as you're happy.

Stormpaw ran off to Alderfang as he and the other two mentors stepped out of the leader's den when Foxstar coming out behind them. Behind Flowerpaw, Dovewish and Stonewhisker stepped up. "We heard about your sister becoming a warrior." Dovewish mewed softly.

"Yeah," Flowerpaw breathed out in a sigh. "I'm proud of her.'

"And we're proud of you." Stonewhisker nudged Flowerpaw. She looked up in confusion at her father. "We know you're struggling, and you want to be made a warrior as well. Yet, you're keeping a brave face for your sister. You may not have your warrior name yet, but you have the heart of a leader."

Heart of a leader? Stonewshisker's words echoed in her mind. "What does that mean?" She questioned.

"A leader will make sacrifices for the overall happiness of their Clan. It's not quite a big situation for the whole Clan, but it's a big deal to you and your sister. You may not be happy but you did your best to make sure that Stormpaw is."

"I suppose." Flowerpaw looked at the ground, slumping over.

"Just wait and see, Flowerpaw." Dovewish nuzzled Flowerpaw's cheek. "You'll see someday how much this one action will pay off your for you." Flowerpaw did her best to hold onto parent's words, wanting to truly believe them.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" Flowerpaw looked up as Foxstar called the Clan together from the SunTree. This is it. Flowerpaw followed her parents to the center of camp.

Mallownose looked at her kits from her position, sharing a loving look with Rockfall who looked just as proud as she did. Flowerpaw watched her sister sit before the SunTree and felt a rush of pride for her sister. I really am so proud of her. Flowerpaw thought, her heart feeling light.

Once the Clan had gathered, Foxstar jumped down to face the future warriors. "Today we are welcoming three new warriors into SunClan." The leader spoke proudly. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained long and hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." The three apprentices were trembling with excitement. "Cloudpaw, Slatepaw and Stormpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Slatepaw replied, his voice steady.

"I do." Cloudpaw was trembling, but confident.

"I do." The sound of pride and confidence in Stormpaw's mew made Flowerpaw even more happy for her sister.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." Foxstar looked at Slatepaw. "Slatepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Slateclaw. StarClan honors your bravery and strength." Slateclaw licked Foxstar's shoulder and the leader touched his nose to Slateclaw's forehead. Foxstar stepped back and continued. "Cloudpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Cloudstorm, StarClan honors your kindness and energy." Cloudstorm and Foxstar repeated the same process and then Foxstar continued. Flowerpaw tensed, watching her sister become a warrior. "Stormpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Stormwind. StarClan honors your determination and spirit." Foxstar and Stormwind exchanged the shoulder lick and forehead nuzzle and then Foxstar stepped back, overlooking the brand new warriors. "I am proud to welcome you all as full warriors of SunClan!"

The Clan stood up and began cheering. "Slateclaw! Cloudstorm! Stormwind!" Flowerpaw cheered as loud as she could, just like she promised. When the cheering stopped, Stormwind bounded over to her family.

"Oh, we're so proud of you!" Dovewish pressed against Stormwind, both she-cats purring incredibly loudly.

"Thank you." Stormwind nuzzled each of her parents, then turned to face Flowerpaw. "Don't you worry, your warrior ceremony will be here before you know it! I promise!"

"Thank you." Flowerpaw replied, keeping her tone light. I will become a warrior. She vowed. No matter how long it takes, I will be a warrior that my family can be proud of!

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