Chapter 13

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"Applespots! Sandfoot! Sunstream!" The cats of SunClan cheered their three newest warriors. The three she-cats held their heads high, green eyes brimming with pride. Beside Flowerpaw, Stormpaw jumped with joy and their mentors watch on with pride. Outside the medicine cat den, newly named Honeywing watched her sister with glowing green eyes.

It had been a moon since Firetail and the kits died and Honeywing found catmint. While SunClan was away at the gathering, Honeywing travelled all night to find catmint in the twolegplace and came back to save the Clan. She was then given her full medicine cat name by Feathernose. I want to announce Honeywing's full medicine cat name. I've given her this name to honor how she has taken all of SunClan under her wing to care for. Feathernose had announced that to the Clan when they returned from the moonstone.

All the cats that had been sick were now better, Bramblepaw had Fernsong as a mentor again, Marshpelt had returned to the nursery with her kits who were overjoyed, Willowkit was back safely in the nursery with Rowanfall and the rest of the cats had returned to warrior or apprentice duties, in Slatepaw's case. Now, the snow was starting to melt as the forest was welcomed into an early newleaf season. It felt as if a huge, dark cloud had been lifted over SunClan territory and they welcomed in the new season with joy.

Owlfoot has also gotten Flowerpaw back into training, while had had been recovering over the loss of his mate Flowerpaw would tag along training sessions with various mentors. Mostly Stonewhisker or Rockfall, but she was glad to be training with Owlfoot once again.

She turned to her mentor who was now speaking with his daughters, congratulating them on being warriors. Flowerpaw knew that it wouldn't be long before Cloudpaw and Slatepaw became warriors as well, but it was delayed because of Slatepaw's sickness. I know that feeling. Flowerpaw thought with a slight chuckle. Flowerpaw felt as if she had caught up on her apprentice training as well, she wasn't as far behind Stormpaw anymore. Thornpaw, Rainpaw, Bramblepaw, Tigerpaw and Crowpaw were also becoming quite advanced. I hope we all become warriors together.

After Owlfoot stepped away from Applespots and Sandfoot, allowing them to celebrate their new titles as warriors. Flowerpaw caught his eye and stood up to face him. She waited for Owlfoot to approach her. "Are we going hunting?" She questioned.

"Sort of," He looked around. "You're going to have a bit of an assessment." He mewed. "Not a warrior assessment, but some of us mentors agreed it would be a good idea to test your skills at the beginning of newleaf."

Flowerpaw tilted her head. "Who is all going to be a part of the assessment."

"Stormpaw, Thornpaw and Tigerpaw." Owlfoot explained. "We thought about doing all of you, but that's a lot. So we decided to group you on how good you are doing. You and the others are the most skilled apprentices out of the bunch; with the exception of Cloudpaw and Slatepaw who are almost warriors."

"Really?" Flowerpaw stared at her mentor in disbelief. "I'm one of the most skilled apprentices."

Owlfoot chuckled. "What, you don't believe me?" He nudged her. "I think you are a very good apprentice, you're a wonderful hunter and your fighting skills have improved exponentially."

Flowerpaw looked away, her pelt burning. Is that really true? I haven't noticed any improvement. She looked up. "Well, if you say so." She said awkwardly, Owlfoot just looked at her with amusement in his green eyes.

"Let's go meet up with the others, I believe Falconclaw and Thornpaw already headed out." Owlfoot explained, looking around camp. His eyes rested on Alderfang who was talking with Mallownose, Stormpaw and Tigerpaw. She twitched her ears and followed Owlfoot who padded towards the other mentors. Mallownose looked up, her green eyes looking over both Owlfoot and Flowerpaw.

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