Chapter 38

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"Tigertail, I want you to lead a patrol along the AshClan border. Take Snowtail, Slateclaw, Sandfoot, Windflight and Barkfang." Flowerpelt instructed. Tigertail nodded and gathered up the cats she had listed off. "Icepetal, I want you to lead a hunting party out near the training area. Take, Applespots, Blazeheart, Cloudstorm and Frostclaw. When they return then Rustpelt can lead a hunting patrol on the other side of the territory, take Brightclaw, Sunstream, Thornpelt, Crowfur and Willownose." All the cats she had listed nodded and went out to prepare for their duties.

In the past moon, Flowerpelt had adjusted easily to being deputy. She planned out each patrol before she went to sleep so she could have them ready by the time she woke up. Flowerpelt woke up at dawn every morning to make sure no patrol was late. They were still in heavy leaf-bare so she had to make sure that SunClan had plenty of prey.

Briarheart and Flintstripe had come down with sickness but were under the care of Poppyfur. Flowerpelt prayed to StarClan that they wouldn't lose any more cats, not after all they had lost during the battle with LichenClan.

"Flowerpelt!" Flowerpelt turned her head to see Foxstar leaving his den. She trotted up to her leader. "I want to talk to you about the gathering tonight." Flowerpelt blinked, she had been wondering what would happen at it. Would Elmstar challenge the Clans again? Had he attacked the other Clans?

"Sure, what about?"

"I don't want to take as many warriors as we usually to the gathering tonight. I don't trust Elmstar." Foxstar explained. "I also don't want to start another fight, we will share the news of our dead and what happened but we will let the other Clans decide how to feel about Elmstar and his actions."

"Alright, Foxstar." Flowerpelt dipped her head. "I'll figure out which cats to take and I'll let them know." She turned away, but Foxstar stopped her.

"One last thing," His eyes were bold. "We have to let the other Clans know that we're still strong."

Flowerpelt eventually decided on the cats she would take, leaving several strong warriors like Tigertail and Rustpelt behind to guard the camp in case Elmstar tried to attack during the gathering. Flowerpelt didn't know if he would really go that far, but they couldn't risk it.

When they reached the hollow, Flowerpelt noticed that LichenClan hadn't arrived yet. The thought made her fur on end. She also felt nerves clawing at her, this was her first gathering as deputy and she wasn't sure what the other deputies would think of her. Flowerpelt walked beside both Foxstar and Poppyfur to where the leaders, deputies and medicine cats met.

She quickly recognized Cloudstar with her deputy Ivystone and her medicine cat, Badgerstripe. They were talking with Ivystar, Lionpelt and Moonwhisker. The first cat to notice them was Moonwhisker. "Hello, Foxstar." Her eyes went to Flowerpelt and Poppyfur. "Where's Mallownose and Honeywing?"

"In StarClan." Foxstar replied sadly.

"Both?" Cloudstar blinked, her eyes sympathetic. "I hope this doesn't have something to do with what happened at the last gathering."

"I wish I could say that it didn't." Foxstar mewed. "I'll explain more once the gathering actually starts. I can say that I'm not looking forward to see Elmstar again." Flowerpelt couldn't help but agree.

"Well, I'm sad to hear about your loss." Ivystar mewed. "But Flowerpelt seems like a very capable deputy and I'm sure Poppyfur is just as talented as Honeywing."

"Thank you, Ivystar." Flowerpelt dipped her head respectfully to the AshClan leader, they were all kind.

Cloudstar lifted her head and looked to the other side of the gathering hollow. "It looks like LichenClan is here." Flowerpelt tensed and she could feel Poppyfur and Foxstar do the same beside her. She looked towards where the Clan was entering, expecting to see Elmstar's smug expression, instead she saw the Clan being led by Jaggedtail with Mossleaf and Barkclaw by his side.

"Jaggedtail?" Foxstar stepped forward when Jaggedtail neared the other leaders. "Where is Elmstar?"

Jaggedtail took a deep breath. "I had to act, he was going to destroy m Clan so Elmstar was driven out and he died. I'm the leader of LichenClan now." Flowerpelt stared in shock, he had really driven Elmstar out of the forest and killed him?

"I'm sorry you had to do that." Foxstar dipped his head. "But I know that LichenClan is under good leadership now, you've always been a noble warrior."

"I agree." Cloudstar and Ivystar stepped forward as well. "I think that LichenClan has a bright future with you as their leader."

"Thank you, all." Jaggedstar's eyes were soft, he was genuinely happy. I hope LichenClan will be okay now, I know the rest of us will be. He lifted his head. "Let's get this gathering started, shall we?"

Flowerpelt sat with the other deputies, she looked at Mossleaf who looked incredibly shy and nervous. It's her first gathering as a deputy too. Flowerpelt sat beside the brown she-cat and gave her an encouraging gaze, Mossleaf's eyes were grateful.

"I suppose I should start." Jaggedstar spoke up. "After Elmstar attacked LichenClan we lost a lot of our own cats including Gingerdust, Daisyfern, Timberfall and Rabbitwing. Not long after we lost several more cats to greencough including Stormsong, Willowstrike, Poppywing, and Cedarcloud. The next day, Cherrypool died as well." Flowerpelt stared in shock at the new LichenClan, she didn't know that LichenClan had lost so many cats. Jaggedstar was clearly in pain as he named off all the loss his clan had experienced.

"I realized that Elmstar would destroy our Clan if he remained leader, so I drove him out of the Clan. I am now leader and my deputy is Mossleaf." He took a deep breath. "I want to apologize to SunClan for all the death we brought to you. Elmstar was twisted in the head, but he wasn't always like this. I hope that you don't look down upon LichenClan for his actions, but I also hope that one day you'll be able to forgive him for his mistakes." Flowerpelt blinked, she wasn't sure how she felt about that. "Elmstar was my best friend, like a brother to me and it hurt so much for what I had to do, but I had to do what was best for my Clan."

"Elmstar left his scar on this forest," Foxstar spoke up. "But I do not blame LichenClan. I don't see us forgiving Elmstar soon, but perhaps in the future. What I do know is that with you as leader, LichenClan has a bright future." The other two leaders nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Foxstar." Jaggedstar dipped his head and sat down, done with his news. The next leader to stand up was Foxstar who looked over the Clans.

"During LichenClan's attack we lost several cats including Mallownose, Honeywing, Rockfall, Moonfur and Jayflight. It's saddening but SunClan has been recovering. "Our new deputy is Flowerpelt and Poppyfur is a more than an exceptional medicine cat to take over in Honeywing's place." The Clans cheered for both Flowerpelt and Poppyfur. "We've also had two new kits born to Lakeflight and Slateclaw, Rockkit and Stonekit. We are looking at these cats as hope for our future."

Flowerpelt agreed with what her leader was saying, Rockkit and Stonekit's birth had brought a lot of hope to SunClan. Those two as well as Dovekit were very healthy and strong kits, they would surely being hope to SunClan. Flowerpelt listened to the other Clans as they relayed their news, the night was cold but as it came to a close, Flowerpelt went home with pride for her Clan and a heart full of hope.

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