Chapter 5

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"I'm so excited!" Stormpaw ran around Flowerkit, her blue eyes bursting with joy. "You're finally going to be an apprentice!" She pushed up against Flowerkit. "Are you excited, too?"
"Of course I am!" Flowerkit exclaimed, bouncing around with her sister. I've waited a whole extra moon!" She honestly couldn't wait for it, the past few days had been endless patience, but the day was finally here.

Flowerkit looked into the nursery while Nightwing prepared her kits for the ceremony as well, Dovewish had done that earlier and now watched on as Flowerkit and Stormpaw waited together. Thornkit had been punished for his attempt at running away to the gathering, but Foxstar decided not to postpone his apprentice ceremony. He was, however, confined to the nursery and was to be watched at all times. He would also not allowed to attend the next gathering as punishment for him not waiting.

Flowerkit was still excited that he didn't get held back from being an apprentice, she knew how hard that was and didn't want her friend to have to deal with it as well. Flowerkit turned her gaze away as Nightwing fussed with Thornkit's spiky fur.

"It's time." Dovewish motioned towards Foxstar as he left the SunTree, preparing to call the Clan to gather. Dovewish looked down at Flowerkit. "I'm so happy both my kits are finally apprentices, you've been so patient to wait this long, Flowerkit." Dovewish nuzzled Flowerkit lovingly. "I'm proud of you." Flowerkit purred, feeling loved. She knew that her father would be waiting for her when the ceremony started and she knew he was just as proud of her.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" Foxstar's call rang out through the trees, making Flowerkit's heart leap. She looked to her denmates who were all scrambling out of the nursery in excitement. Nightwing followed while Tallfern and Marshpelt watched on in interest, their bellies had gotten slightly bigger but it would be awhile before they had their kits.

"Let's go!" Flowerkit called to her friends who all looked as excited as she felt. "Are you ready?" She questioned them.

"Of course!" Bramblekit exclaimed, his eyes shimmering.

"Then let's stop waiting!" Thornkit said playfully and pushed Bramblekit forward. The large group of kits started running towards the Clan who had all gathered. Flowerkit spotted Stonewhisker who looked at her proudly and lovingly. Stormpaw and Dovewish sat beside him, watching with excitement.

Flowerkit sat with the other kits as they waited for the ceremony to officially begin. Foxstar looked down at them with happiness. "Today is a proud day for SunClan, by naming apprentices we show that SunClan will remain strong for many moons to come. It's not often that we name six apprentices in one day, but I am incredibly happy to do so. We know that SunClan will have no shortage of brave warriors." The cats of SunClan chattered with agreement, Flowerkit shared an excited glance with Thornkit, they would be brave warriors! All of them.

"Flowerkit, Tigerkit, Bramblekit, Thornkit, Rainkit and Crowkit. You have all reached the age of six moons -- some even a little older." Foxstar chuckled, looking at Flowerkit. "And it is time for you to become apprentices." Foxstar looked over the kits proudly. "Tigerkit, from this day forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Tigerpaw. Your mentor will be Mallownose."

The SunClan deputy, Mallownose, stepped forward and looked at Tigerpaw with joy filled green eyes. "Mallownose," Foxstar continued. "As my deputy and as the mentor of Moonfur, I know that you will teach everything you know to young Tigerpaw."

Mallownose and Tigerpaw touched noses before going off to the side, leaving five more kits to be apprenticed. Flowerkit could hardly contain her excitement.

"Bramblekit, from this day forward you will be known as Bramblepaw." Bramblepaw's amber eyes glowed. "Fernsong, you have shown to be an incredibly brave warrior and I trust your abilities to teach an apprentice. You will be Bramblepaw mentor." Fernsong, a golden-brown she-cat stepped forward and touched noses with Bramblepaw before he joined Tigerpaw.

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