Chapter 27

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"Snowtail! Icepetal! Snowtail! Icepetal!" The cats of SunClan cheered their newly named warriors. Flowerpelt watched, pride burning in her chest as she watched Snowtail and Icepetal run over to their parents in sheer joy about being made warriors. Both of them had done perfect on their warrior assessments and Flowerpelt and Stormwind couldn't deny them their warrior names.

I feel so proud of Icepetal. Flowerpelt thought, her chest feeling warm. I can't imagine the pride that Frostclaw and Jayflight are feeling. Flowerpelt watched the family, wondering what it felt like to watch kits turn into warriors. She tried to hide the thought but it didn't leave her mind.

Over the past moon Flowerpelt and Thornpelt had become much closer, they slept beside each other in the warrior's den and hunted together whenever they could. Whenever Flowerpelt was around him her heart fluttered and she felt like she could take on the forest. Much like with Stormwind and Snakewhisker, most cats in SunClan had assumed they were mates. Flowerpelt honestly didn't know if they were or if she wanted to be, she just loved being around him.

"Hey, Flowerpelt!" Flowerpelt heard an eager voice calling her name, she turned to see Tallfern and Berrypaw. Flowerpelt padded over to the two of them, Berrypaw looked excited.

"I know you just finished training an apprentice, but I was wondering if you wanted to come hunting with us by the AshClan border." Tallfern questioned. "I was hoping you would show her that bird hunting technique you taught Icepetal, I was never good at catching them."

"I'd love to." Flowerpelt purred, it was a beautiful day out and she already missed having an apprentice to train. She always had something to do while Icepetal was still training, helping with Berrypaw would help keep her busy.

With the excited apprentice in two, Flowerpelt and Tallfern headed into the forest. "There's a tree near the border that almost always has birds in it." Flowerpelt explained as they neared the border. "We should be able to easily find birds around it."

"Thanks for doing this." Tallfern said quietly, looking over her shoulder at Berrypaw. "Berrypaw is so full of energy, I can't keep up with her half the time. I'm getting too old for this." She let out a exasperated chuckled. "But she keeps me on my toes, I might retire after she becomes a warrior."

"Sounds like a good plan." Flowerpelt purred. "Will Flintstripe be joining you?"

"I hope so. He's older than me, Snakewhisker will be having his own kits soon and I want to relax. Let all these younger cats look out for the Clan, you know?"

Flowerpelt couldn't relate that well, she wasn't old at all, but she could understand the struggle of having an energetic apprentice. Icepetal was relatively calm, but Berrypaw was incredibly exuberant, it couldn't be easy.

Just as Flowerpelt predicted, there were several birds around the area where she had said there would be. "Listen to me, Berrypaw." Flowerpelt pulled the apprentice's attention. "When you're hunting with birds you have to be focused and careful." Berrypaw gave a determined nod and looked at a sparrow on the ground. "You have to get close, if you're not close enough then a bird could easily fly away. Even with how close you get, you should be prepared to give a big leap to catch them."

Berrypaw nodded, she appeared to have listened. Tallfern and Flowerpelt stepped back and let Berrypaw hunt. She dropped into a crouch and began stalking the sparrow. Her form was pretty good for only have been an apprentice for less than two moons, Tallfern had taught her well. Berrypaw neared the sparrow, less than a tail length behind it. Her tail brushed a shrub and the bird began to fly away.

Berrypaw let out a gasp and jumped upwards, her claws hooking the sparrow's wing. Both she and the sparrow hit the ground, the white and brown apprentices landed on her stomach with a huff but she killed the sparrow.

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