Kill Like a Parent

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"Well, let me say that the problem here is not that I'm pregnant, but I don't know who the other father is," I tried to explain to my parents.

"Wait. Wait. Mom. Don't hit me," I grabbed her hand just as she was about to hit my face.

"Then explain to me why I'm going to have grandkids," she said, going back to her seat next to my father.

"Um, grandkid. Just one. Just the one."

"That doesn't explain a f- " she cut herself off, her lips clenching together. She had never cursed around me and damn, I was glad she didn't start that day.

"That doesn't explain anything," my father finished my mother's sentence for her.

"Yeah, I know. It's just I really have no clue who the other parent is."

"All right, enough about who that person is," my father gave me the 'because I said so' look. "So, how are you even pregnant?"

Great question dad! Because I don't fucking know either! So instead of screaming that out, I averted my eyes and shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey Dan. I'm asking a serious question here," I heard his breaths become heavier, more rapid.

"I don't know," I said at last.

"What do you mean you don't know? Don't you have a MD in medicine?" My mom rolled her eyes.

"I just don't okay?!" I said, raising my voice. Perhaps that was too loud because they fell silent.

After much time thinking and realizing how they were looking back at me for a proper explanation. Then I felt a sudden urge to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom, my stomach tightening and then my breakfast made a reappearance. Once I finished and felt better, I looked up to discover my mother at the door.

"Is this how you got curious and took a pregnancy test?" She pinched the bridge of her nose while I nodded in response.

"Well, this is the first time I have ever seen a pregnant man, whether it's natural or not, I went through it once, so I'll help you," my mother smiled at me like she used to when I was younger.

"Thanks mom," I smiled up at her, then I vomited, again.

"There, there." She sat beside me and rubbed circles on my back.

Oh my fucking god, why are my parents so great? I couldn't keep the secret from them forever. The guilt was getting to me.

"I think I know who the other parent is," I muttered.

"Who?" My father pushed at the bathroom door, armed with a rifle.

"Oh my god, dad!" I shouted in disbelief.

"What? I'm going to kill this son of a," he paused, "because they impregnated my son and ran away."

"I don't think he did dad-"

"He?" My father interrupted.

"Yes. At least I think so," they each raise an eyebrow, "and no, I'm not gay. But it was consensual, and I am sure he didn't know that I could get pregnant either."

"Furthermore, as you probably guessed we didn't use a condom because we thought we couldn't get pregnant," I said ashamedly. This was so embarrassing.

"Well, I'm still going to kill that boy because he impregnated you," I rolled my eyes.

"Dad. You can't do that. And I won't let you either," I said, trying to defend a man I barely knew. A man I had met for a one-night stand.

"Give us the name already Dan," my mother begged.

"I think his name is Fredrick Turner?" I whispered, hoping they wouldn't hear it.

"Fredrick Turner? The Fredrick Turner that brought his family company from bankruptcy? That Fredrick Turner?"

"Yes. He's the one, mom." I was not ready for any more of this drama. I picked myself up and walked out of the bathroom, into my bedroom.

My parents were my best friends, but I knew they couldn't play that part when times like these came up. I almost threw myself onto my bed, but remembered that my body is not just mine anymore.

I closed my eyes as I laid silently on my bed. I couldn't confront Fredrick because he was engaged. I couldn't ruin his life because I was pregnant, he had finally found the person he loved after years of playing around.

I put my hands on my abdomen, trying to feel another living human being, but there was nothing. Almost as if all of this is made up.

If only I didn't attend that party and met Fredrick. If only I didn't get nervous and drink like a maniac. If only I hadn't slept with him. If only I knew I could get pregnant.

For the first time in years, I cried myself to sleep.

This chapter is edited by jesslauren67.

Thank you for reading!!❤️❤️

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