She Returned

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"Freddie, call your dad," Mr. Turner-I mean dad smiled at him from the passenger seat.

Without replying 'okay' or 'yes', the little boy pulled out his phone and called his father.

Luckily, he answered.

"Daddy, we're being chased...I don't know either...he said he doesn't know either...okay...I can see the bridge to Manhattan in the distance...I counted 6 cars with 13 snipers so far-oops, 14 now...yes...okay...I love you too, daddy. Daddy said he'll come get us," Freddie putted his phone away and held onto his brother's hand again.

"You missed 7, there are 21 snipers," dad concluded.

"Does this happen often? Because I'm really worried that Freddie counted snipers and you correcting him," I looked at the rear view mirror to see a shaken up Glenn while Freddie was emotionless.

"I say about every time we leave the house. This time is more than usual though."

"Um, I'm actually really frightened right now, so, I won't yell at you or Fredrick."

Then the old man laughed and pulled out a gun from the side of the car. With a serious face, he said, "I have hurt my only son's family enough. I will sacrifice myself to protect you guys."

He opened the car and jumped out.

"Dad!/ Grandpa!" We all cried out. Should I stop the car and go check if he was okay? Or follow his wishes and continue on?

I looked at the rear view mirror to see three cars tackled him from each side. While his body was in the air, bullets went through his body like winds blowing on a wet sheet.

Yet I continued on with tears in my eyes and snobs in my children.

"Mommy! They killed grandpa," Glenn cried out while Freddie hugged him into a ball. Freddie knew the drill, but Glenn was in shock, whether or not to blame me.

I drove on the bridge and there were police cars driving passed us with helicopters hovering in the air. For a while we stuck there and once the cops passed by, we were in traffic.

"Mommy! They're coming," now Freddie was sacred too.

I looked to my left and saw what Freddie pointed out. There were at least 20 men in black and armed with weapons from heads to toes. And the worst thing was I made eyes contact and they were coming for us.

I unbuckled my own belt and jumped to the back and I did theirs as well. I decided that we weren't safe if we stay here or outside of the car. The best choice would be to jump off the bridge.

"Freddie. Glenn. I need you two to be strong okay? We are going to jump off the bridge." Freddie quickly opened the seat up and got out some snorkels and goggles.

I put them on Freddie and Glenn first and then myself. My dress was not working well, so, now I was in my underwear. Luckily, I was wearing a boxer and not a thong.

I grabbed two extra snorkels in my hands and the kids in my arms. I slowly opened the door and sneaked out. The bad guys were about 15 feet away.

We jumped.


"... Just yesterday, Mr. Fredrick Turner, the CEO of the successful Fredrick and Turners Industry, lost all of his family. His father died in the street with three cars tackled him into the air and shot by 16 bullets. His fiancé and his two kids all jumped down the Manhattan bridge when 23 men in black approached their car. No witnesses know where these 23 men went, nor Fredrick's fiancé and kids-"

"Wake the fuck up already!" I heard a familiar voice.

Glenn and Freddie were still beside me and asleep.

"You witch! I said wake up!" I shot my eyes opened and it was a screen with Lora's face.

I looked around to see nothing but whiteness. We were the only thing inside of this nothingness.

"Don't look so surprised, doctor. We both knew today would happen," Lora's voice was vile with sarcasm. She was also wearing the silver dress I left behind.

"What do you want?"

"Y'know," she rolled her eyes while biting her bottom lips, "I originally just wanted to be Fredrick's maid of honor. That was all I really wanted. But no! It had to be Yessy at his first wedding and now stupid Kang with yours! That witch stole the formula I bought from that shitting guy that got you guys pregnant!"

The screen lowered where it was only one and a half feet away from my face.

"Now, I want be the bride at his wedding," she smacked her lips. "Don't worry though, I'll never let you out once the wedding is done."

"But aren't you guys cousins?"

"NO!!" She shouted and startled both Glenn and Freddie, "I was adopted."

"Actually, I really hated the fact that I was adopted, but now it's my blessing. Aren't you happy for me?"

I glared into her pitiful self and not saying anything. Then, I gave her a smirk to show how sarcastically happy I was.

"Fuck you!" Then the screen went back to the news and it lifted up.

I didn't know Dr. Vang was the maid of honor at my wedding. Actually, I didn't know my wedding was going to be large enough where Lora will be invited; because I insisted on a 50 people wedding.

9 will be mines and the rest will be his business partners and close friends. However, we were already officially married with papers and stuffs, just haven't had a public ceremony.

"Mommy, who's she?" Glenn asked in a small voice.

"An old friend who needs medical attention," I hugged and kissed the temple of his head.

"Where's grandpa?" With all the craziness yesterday, he must've forgotten. I started making up a story to tell him.

"He went to heaven," Freddie began. He was stronger than I was. "He was protecting us."

"Where's daddy?"

"He's coming," I promised. I held them both really close to me. I didn't know why I was so weak. I didn't know why I'm still the crazy man at the edge of the cliff when Fredrick promised to marry me-even if it was just for the kids.

His face appeared on the screen and he looked miserable. Lora was sitting beside him in my dress and crying.

"Don't fall for her trap, Fredrick. We're alive, so come find us," I said it in my mind hoping he could hear it.

The camera went along to Fredrick's right and there were pictures of my parents and his father. At the corner of Lora's face was a smile of victory.

"Are they your fiancé's parents?" The news anchor asked.

"Yes. They are." His voice was still like a note always hitting that low C, or just husky.

"Granny? And grandpa and grandpa?" Glenn was confused.

"It must be very sad for you, Mr. Turner. After your father's death and disappearance of your fiancé and kids, now your future-in-laws has left you as well. How are you keeping up?"

I physically turned the kids and I away from the screen, and tried my hardest to close their ears and distracted myself from the noises coming from the screen.

However, my efforts were useless as Glenn began to cry and Freddie joined him. I couldn't help but allowed my grief to show itself.

I don't know if this counts as tragedy 😂 sooo, tell me and I'll add it to the tags.

Anyhow, thank you to all 76 of you guys who voted and or added this story to your reading lists! And yes! I noticed, although I may not be able to know you guys by name, I recognized and counted your actions 😊 In addition, thank you to all that simply pass by!

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Once again, thank you for reading, voting, and adding it to your reading lists!! ❤️❤️

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