That Call

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My mother called me again on a Monday morning. We have been in New York for almost a month now.

"Good morning, honey," her voice was soft and smooth.

"Good morning, mom," I returned her greetings.

"Your dad is still mad that you choose to go back to New York with Fredrick," she left out a loud sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry. I left the house, but you guys' things are still untouched. Fredrick's dad didn't want you guys to live together."

"Well, we didn't want to live with Fredrick or his dad, so, this is just fine. Did Mr. Turner harassed you for being with Fredrick?" Her voice was filled with a mother's worries.

"No," I laughed, "he hasn't yet. He actually really love the kids."

"Oh, that's good to hear," although she was happy, her tone sounded a little disappointed. "Are you still working for Dr. Vang?"

"Tsk. No, I'm not anymore. Fredrick wouldn't let me work."


"He, how do I explain this, um," I took in a deep breath, "He said I should just worry about the kids and our parents, you guys and his dad."

"What? Why is he making you his housewife? The world needs you," her tone was harsher than before. "You didn't go to all those prestigious school with all those 6 years to just be a housewife!"

"Yeah, I know. I'll try talking to him again," I knew my mother would be on my side.

"You better." Then my phone rang again. It was Conan.

"Mom, let me call you back, someone is calling me," although I wasn't planning to call her again until tomorrow.

"Yeah, sure. Bye honey."

"Dr. Ferns," Conan voice was in tears and I could hear Gwen crying in the background. "I'm so sorry to call you when you're with your family in New York."

"It's alright. Tell me what's going on?"

"Taylor. Taylor, she..." her voice was inconsistent with her breathing. She sounded like she was running as well.

"It's okay. I'm here. Slow down and tell me what's going on?"

It took her a good minute before she finally calmed down, "Taylor went psychotic after listening to Fredrick's announcement of his wedding with you."

"How? They only met once," Taylor wasn't that weird in the lab.

"Yeah, that's what I said too," then she paused and began to cry again. "So, she kicked us out of the apartment. Dr. Ferns!! We're homeless now."

"Oh, Conan," I began to cry with her. "Don't worry. Thank you for calling me."

"Yeah," I heard Gwen crying with her mother again. "I'm sorry about calling you, but I don't have anybody else."

"Okay, I'll send you the address to my old house, okay? The key is under the left plant's pot. Stay there and I'll... never mind. Get there and call me when you got inside. Also, look out since Taylor's mom lives next door."

"Aha. Thank you. Thank you so much, Dr. Ferns," I could see the tears running down her cheeks.

"It's the least I can do. Okay, I'm going to hang up now. Take Gwen and go to my house, okay?"

That was the end of the call. I didn't know what I can do other than to go see her and comfort and stay next to her physically.

"Glenn! Freddie!"

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