Quite Lost

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"Could we compromise for it to be a part-time job? If so, I'll just take half of what you originally offered," I asked as Estella was about to take me away.

Dr. Vang's eyes smiled, "That was what I was hoping for."

"Then, may I assume that as a 'yes'?"

And once she nodded and reassured my contract with a signature on of a piece of paper, my sight became blurry.

A black and airy surrounding was presented as reality. I could feel the cold hard ground, but nothing else. I must have fainted.


The ceiling lights hit my eyes like the bright sun when one came out of the hospital. Hospital?

"Wait a minute," I suddenly got up. The bump in front of me was no more.

I was scared. Who could've took my child?

I pulled out the needles and electrical monitoring pads from my arms and and body. Readily to go in search of my child; although, I didn't even know how it looked like or its gender.

Then all of a sudden, I heard a group of people huddling in the hall and it felt as if they must've notice that I was up.

In stead of rushing out the door like how it was done in the movies, I made it looked like I abruptly left the room as soon as I regained consciousness.

I hid beside the counter beside the bed and facing away from the door. Which I was barely finished setting up when the door was almost knocked down by a group of nerds.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!! Dr. Vang is going to kill us," a nurse yelled. The others made a heavy exhale sound and if my estimation was correct, there were about seven of them.

"He's weak. He shouldn't be able to go too far," a different nurse commented. Then about six pairs of feet ran off, which meant, one of them was still here.

I tightly hugged my legs and tried to not make a sound. But soon enough, I noticed the person gave up and left to join the others.

I waited because I didn't want that person and I too awkwardly stare at each other as if I was a prisoner leaving his cell without permit.

While wondering the halls like a spy, I saw a big window and behind it was Dr. Vang. I wondered why she did what she did and what she did to my child.

Without a solid plan, I knocked on the window so that she would hear me.

"Dr. Ferns?" I only saw the movements of her lips. Her eyes widened like a surprised puppy. She quickly opened the door and pulled me into the room with the big window.

"Where have you been, Dr. Ferns?" Her pen was being tapped irritatingly, "Do you know that it wasn't a good idea to play a prank on my nurses and doctors like that?"

"Where's my child?" I ignored everything she just said.

"What?" She made it sound like I was hallucinating and I never had a child.

"My baby. I have a baby. It was here before," I gestured to my flat belly.

"What? What are you talking about? Baby what?"

"Fuck. Don't even fucking be playing with me. I was impregnated by Fredrick with the help of a stupid drug you developed!" I was extremely frustrated. I didn't need Dr. Vang to be a jerk.

"Oh, the baby. He's with your parents, they're in my living room," she smirked like an idiot trying to get back at me. "But really, you shouldn't had ran away like that. All of my employees were so worried."

"Of course they were. You're a monster in disguise," I murmured in a low voice.

"Anyway, we need to do some testing on you before letting you meet your child," then she walked me into another room.

"So, I was just wondering. What happen if it's Y-Y?" I acted as if it will be okay if she didn't answer.

"Was that what you're worried about? Don't worry, your little angel is X-Y." She checked my blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer.

"Thank you, but I was asking does Y-Y happens, and if so, what are the effects of it," I really started to hate how she never answer anything.

She made a fake smile and she withdrew the sphygmomanometer, "Don't worry about it. Your baby is perfectly healthy."

"Dr. Vang, you should answer your patient when he addresses you with health problems, even if they are what-if's."

"Dr. Ferns, you're a neurosurgeon. I'm sure there were times when you don't feel like answering your patients' idiotic questions too," it wasn't her comment that irked me, but rather her tone.

"Then let me ask again, is it even possible to have Y-Y for a baby boy?"

"No. It's not. There are you happy?"

"Yes. I am. Are you done yet?" I looked over her shoulder as she noted down my health stuffs.

"Yes. Yes, you are," her tone was sweet and knackered. "Estella? Please lead Dr. Ferns to his child and parents. Stay there because I'll be there shortly as well."

When we were near the living room from my first time here, I heard yelling. I believed it was between my father and another older man, although I was sure I didn't know who.

Then hearing the cries of a child, I knew it was my child.

"This is my grandson. He should be living with us. Not you people!" An old man shouted.

"Your son was the one who didn't want my son and the child. He already agreed that the child will be in our care!" The tone of my father's voice was like that time I came home a minute passed nine.

"We didn't know that it will be a son!"

"So you only want my grandchild now that he's born a boy? What kind of sick person are you!"

"Shut the fuck up. The child is better with us than you scums, and you know it too. Are you really taking the luxurious life from him?"

"Who are you?" I interrupted their argument. I went to my mother and grabbed my newly born child.

The child knew right away who I was.

So there are a lot of time-skips 😅 I would sometimes use the line of dashes to clearly show that, while other times I just assume you guys knew. Therefore, if in the future, if I wasn't clear in time-skips, just comment or PM me if you're more comfortable that way.

Thank you so much for reading, voting (especially @messiah2017 and @Nwamuo), and adding it to your reading lists!!

(Read the comments if you need an explanation. I made it confusing, but it turned out really confusing 😅)

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