At Long LAST

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After some times and conversing with Fredrick, I began to recall what happened that night.

When we got inside my car, it didn't take much effort for us to start making out.

My body was on top of his as his hands ran all about my body very loosely so that he didn't feel tempted to undress me. Even then Fredrick was a gentleman to me-and to every girl he met of course.

I felt the need to remind the world that Fredrick was my first time since I wasn't looking or have any motivation to be looking for any sort of physical or romantic relationships.

After Ellie, our daughter, was born, we did it again many times. During our trip to the Philippines I brought up our first time and Fredrick laughed at me, "Dan, you were so awkward in the car that time. If I didn't love you, I would've left the second Yessy got up to leave."

"But that was way before we even talked," I was confused.

"Exactly!" He laughed at me with the world's sexiest eyes rolling expression.

"Well," I started hoping something smart will come out of my mouth, "Ellie will be our last child and this is our last time. No more buns for you."

"But I love buns!" Fredrick groped both of my bottoms, "Especially these."

I bit my bottom lips as I tried not to smile at his annoying personality, "Those were the ones I meant."

"But I still get the hole in between, right?" This time I just gave him the biggest smile ever to throw him off. And it seemed to work because his cute pouty face turned sour.

"Don't tell me I don't get the sweet donut with a small hole?" I sense his finger approaching the hole he just described.

"Nope," I slapped his hand as I get up to get a shower. "I'm done with your personality during sex."

He silently chuckled and pulled me back onto the bed. Fredrick's arms were on top of me like Thor's hammer.

"You're mine forever, Dan. Even in the next life and every one after that," he gently placed his lips on top of mine like how he usually do to make me like him again.

There, Fredrick wait patiently for me to give in and kiss him back, which I usually fall back into because I get bored staying mad at the person I started a family with.

I parted my lips and teeth and Fredrick didn't hesitate to slip his tongue inside my mouth. I loved the taste of him in my mouth and the ways he move his tongue about.

After a good 5 minutes or so, he finally release my swollen jaw.

I giggled as I snuggled on his broad chest, "I love you, Fredrick."

"I love you too, Dan," he paused and tears began to form in his light brown eyes, "I love the ways you make me love.

The way you changed me to put family first. I love the way you love our children, especially Freddie. I love the way you cherish me even though I was such a jerk in both of our past.

Dan, I really love you and appreciate you for all the things you have done and given me."

"Oh, Stop. You're making me cry too." My voice cracked half way through my insult and on my face was the same smile I gave him on our wedding day.

Suddenly I felt the warmly erected rod Fredrick have been hiding beneath the white sheet, "Are you a god? We literally just did it."

"But you're so sexy, Dan," he blew me a smooch. "I'm always like this around you."

I settled myself around my husband and declared, "It's my turn this time."

Without a word, he made that majestic smile where I was the only thing on his mind and he gestured for me to continue.

While facing him, I reached for his penis behind me as I slowing try to put the thread through the needle hole.

"Let me-"

"I can do it," I felt a blood rush to my head feeling incredibly embarrassed because we have done this so many time yet every time it was my turn, I reverted back to a virgin.

A small grin began forming at the corner of his lips and I reached out my free hand to cover his mouth.

I slowly slide the closing skin of the anus onto the base of his penis and waited for a while to verbally release my accomplishment.

My eyes gently roll backward as the lids shut closed. I just sat there sensing my entire body and every function it perform; from the ways my muscles contracted as Fredrick rubbed my butt and my lower back to the ways my heart still throbbed even though I know he is mine.

"Please moan for me," I heard him begged as he sat up to put my in his arms like how the sky hugs the earth.

Knowing that Fredrick is comfortable with me, I want to show him the same respect and began to moan as I moved.

It was beautiful.

"Freddie told me he wants a little brother," Fredrick sucked my nipple.

"How did you guys even have that conversation?" I laid back already given up on my turn because I simply just don't have the same stamina as Fredrick.

"When he learned we were having a honeymoon."

"But he already have a brother and sister," I wrapped my arms around his body as I looked into his intense stare of lust.

"They way he explained," Fredrick straighten his back, "sorry, but I'm coming now.

Okay," he then just continued to thrust into of me, "Freddie explained that Glenn is too mean so he wants another brother."

"What? When was Glenn ever mean? I thought they loved each other," I pouted.

He laughed and said, "I'm kidding! He just hope we're not making another kid because you are already spending less time with him."

"Aw, Freddie is adorable," I smiled and kissed Fredrick's forehead as he continued to work hard. "I promise to spend more time with him and both of his siblings as well."

"Thank you," Fredrick's eyes became watery again.

"What is it darling?" I formed my palms around his face.

"I'm just so happy that you're the mother Freddie is able to have."

"Of course, but are you playing favorite now?"

"No. No. I'm not, it's just...Coral and I did a terrible job raising him and...I hope that didn't scar him-"

"Is this really the time to reflect about Coral? Or was this what you were getting at the whole time? Especially with all of your 'thank you?'"

I stared at him intensively waiting for him to satisfy my slight irritation.

"Dan, I'm sorry. I want to get a divorce."

I pushed him away and ran out of the room. He didn't bothered to chase after me.

Thank you! Thank you!! We got 75k +!! I would really appreciate it if you could go give my other book a view 😁

This event between Dan and Fredrick will be explained in Then I Quit, and I will highly encourage for you to go read (even if it is just those 2 chapters) it for closures about Fredrick's unannounced words of divorce.

You can find how Dan looks like in the following link. You can download, color it, and tag me (in my conversations, you can find how to make sure I see your coloring).

The drawing for the Characters Poll will be out soon 🙂

Anyway, thank you for reading, voting, and adding it to your reading lists!! ❤️❤️

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