Early Call

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"Freddie? Freddie, where are you honey?" I walked into my closet.

"Go away. You don't love me anyway," his voice was unsteady with hiccups in between.

I sat Glenn on my bed and walked toward Freddie, "Of course I love you. I love you and your brother equally. You're both my angels."

"Then, w-why did you leave me? And have a baby my age and never telling me about Glenn until now?"

I really didn't know how to reply to this. This kid was too smart for his own good.

"I didn't know what I was doing, but now I realize that you're my precious Freddie. My sweet little angel," I reached my arms out to him.

"Then you must only love me. You can't love Glenn too," he covered himself in my clothes.

Since pushing was not working, I decided to pull, "Then I can't love you."

"Why?!" He peeked through the layers of cloths.

"Because, if I can't love Glenn, then I can't love you either. Unless I love you both, I love neither," I got out of the closet and sat on my bed beside Glenn.

Soon enough, Freddie got out and his tears were dried up.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I want you to love me. I don't care if I have to share you with Glenn," he quickly hugged my knees as if I would refuse to love him again.

"I love you both," I picked Freddie and Glenn up and lay down on my bed. It was certainly a long day. The three of us slept on the same bed.

My mother still woke me up in the mornings with her calls.

"Did Glenn miss us?" I could sense the cheesy competition from the other line of the phone.

"Yup, he definitely missed you guys, especially you, mom," she screamed with happiness.

"Hey, mom."


"I got another kid."

"What?! Don't try me. I love Glenn, but really, just don't," her voice became very harsh, but still very funny.

"I'm for real, here I'll send you a picture," I took a picture of Freddie and Glenn and sent it to my mother.

"Oh Jesus! They look the same. How is this kid the same age as Glenn and look like him? What kind of sorcery did Dr. Vang do this time?!"

"He's Fredrick's other son," I tried not to show any emotions toward the subject of Fredrick.

"Then why is he with you? Can't they take care of him with all their money," she recalled what Mr. Turner said to us that time at Dr. Vang's place.

"Freddie misses his mother and I look like her," I tried to explain.

"Then why can't he just visit her? Why is he with you?"

"His mother is making up for the crazy early 20's she missed by getting married at 20, and winning against me with a baby," I kissed the temple of Freddie's head. I could only imagine his early childhood without me.

"Oh," my mother paused. "Then, I'll trust him to you. I know you can be a great parent just by looking at how well you raised Glenn."

"Thanks mom. I need to get breakfast ready and get to work soon," I hung up the phone as soon as I heard her say 'bye honey'.

I took a shower like every morning and went downstairs to make breakfast. Then went back up stairs to get dress and woke the sleeping beauties.

I kissed each of their cheeks and one would smile right after another; yet they refused to open their eyes.

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