The Days

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Fredrick removed himself from me.

"How about we just share the child, but not get married?" Once he started, every word that followed was with joy and certainty.

"We're both men. We can't get married, that's absurd!" He laughed, "It was just the drugs. Oh, how glad I am. I'm not gay!!"

Each word that came out of his mouth pang my heart to have to listen. One, the tone he had and I didn't agree with. Two, I was the only one who was still in love.

"Yeah, but the child stays with me," I have no choice but to agree and at the very least have the last say.

"Yes! Thank the lord! I really didn't want a child. My fiancé is also pregnant. Two kids would be hell, y'know?" his proclamation gave me a wan and disgusted taste in my mouth. I wanted to vomit my good feelings about him out of my body.

He finally turned his body toward me for the first time after drinking the poison he called cure, "Do you still want the ring?"

"May I?" He was confused, "how else will the child knows that he had a mother?"

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever let you sleep at night," once he was done, he got up and went into the kitchen.

After a few moments, all three of them came back to the living room. Both Fredrick and Dr. Vang's face we're satisfied, while Lora expressed the physical anger I couldn't show.

Fredrick left my house without ever looking back at me to say 'good-bye'. If I admitted that I did wanted one during that moment, I don't think I would've been that calm.

Dr. Vang left my house with only one message, "This is my fault. Call me if you need anything at all. Here is my business card."

Lora stayed that night at my place, but I didn't wanted to talk at all. That was the longest night in my life, and I would listen to my recording of that night over and over again. Forever wanted to be stuck in that time.

The night felt longer than the nights I spent studying, longer than the nights I spent anticipating my scores, and definitely longer the nights I spent reading Wattpad stories.

In this day and time, marriage didn't go through without the consents of both sides, even if one impregnated the other.

I regretted suggesting we should try the drugs. It is my fault that the baby inside of me won't be liked by his father, even if it was just drugs.


After a week, Fredrick announced his wedding with Coral again. Just learning this made me ignored the existence of the news. I didn't care who he will marry and or where and or when.

But, something happy happened after two months of regrets and frustrations, which was the return of my parents. With this occasion, I put on my best behavior and pretended that everything was okay and that I was happy.

My mother wasn't fooled though. She knew right away at the airport that there was something wrong with me, and tried to make me communicate my disappointment with her.

Soon, my father too caught the drift. Unlike my calm mother, my father was furious and even more angry than I was.

"Why are you so sad?! A child is going to be born," my father begged for an answer.

"I'm not sad," I giggled at my father trying to dull away my intense emotions.

"Yes, you are. Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I'm not sad, dad," I made a smile so big, it almost looked unreal.

"Your mom and I are very worried and we have been this way since we came back. It's making us think that you don't want us in your life anymore," I quickly shook my head. I didn't understand why they were making it so complicated.

"Then, tell me." I looked into his aging eyes glaring at me like I was still a small child. He wanted an answer I still wasn't able to give myself.

Like usual, I made something up, "Dad. I'm really fine. I love mom and you very much. I'm just really nervous about the child inside of me."

"What? Why? She'll be beautiful!"

"She?!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah. Your mom and I made a bet. I said your baby is a girl and your mom said the baby is boy."

"Well, what's the prize?"

"Another child," he smirked at me with the most loving expression.

I laughed thinking that he remembered my comment. Then he joined me. It was a great laugh, one that almost erase Fredrick's existence from my memory.

Stupidity was what I allowed to bring in happiness disguised as a drug and taken by a drug.

I shouldn't dragged it on any longer. I can't see the future with him weighing on my shoulders. I must move passed this.

Thus, I decided to get help from Dr. Vang. If she could take what made Fredrick love me away, then she must have one for me too. I dialed her number and waited.

"Hello. This is Estella Sabres, the secretary of Dr. Kang Vang. How may I help you?"

"May I talk to Dr. Vang?"

"Yes. Would you like to meet her today at 3:00 PM? Or maybe some other day?"

"Today will be fine."

"Okay, then. I will come by to pick you up around 1:45 PM today. Our Headquarter is not exactly normal, please try to understand."

"Yeah, sure. See you then."

"Bye." And that was the end of that. Will Lora wanted to go with me?, I thought, but concluded that she was too busy.

It was five till one, so I decided to get ready. But as I looked for an outfit, I didn't know what to wear. None of my clothes fit.

The only thing that got was the white maternity dress Lora got for me a while back. Once I putted it on, I realized how I missed dressing up in the morning and styling my hair for the perfect shape.

It looked so perfect on me as if it was made for me and my baby. Then, I heard a honk coming from the driveway. It was Estella Sabres.

Lol, I originally had a different idea for the A/N, but something stroke me. How did you guys even find this story 😂😂. So when I said thank you for reading, I really meant it. Your actions touched my heart ❤️

If you ever wondered how I can post a chapter a day, it because I'm full IB. I just bs things. Jk, I like working ahead. For example, when this chapter uploaded, I'm already writing about the baby; which is like 3-4 chapters ahead (yes, I am stating that the baby will finally coming out soon).

Thank you for reading!!

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