Fairy Godmother

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"So how is California for you?" Dr. Vang smiled at me.

Both Glenn and Freddie each sat beside me. They were quite quiet. Too quiet.

"Great!" I smiled, "Oh yes. I wanted to ask you something. Not because I'm nosy, just curious, which by saying out loud, I notice that is the definition of nosy. Anyway, are Taylor and Conan like me and Fredrick?"

She bit on the back of her pen and smiled, "'That's classified' is what I would have said, but I guess it's important for you to know. So, yes, they are part of the nine."

"You never really told me the real reasons, but I'm assuming the family pressured you to make a drug to separate them believing it was the drug in the first place that got them together. However, the romantic attractions were there before the drug, right?"

"What made you come to that conclusion?" She faked a smile and checked both Glenn and mine's heartbeats, which she ended up doing Freddie's as well.

"Taylor's mother is homophobic," I stated after a few months talking back and forth with the woman every morning. "So is Fredrick's father."

"Well, you're not off," she was not phased by my comments. "Y'know, I'm really tired of being part of this story. I really want some magical thing to solve you guys' problems."

"What do you mean?"

She pulled me away from the kids, "I'm sure you don't read the news because Fredrick is always on the front cover, but they got divorced."

"What?!" I whispered in frustration, "Can't they wait until Freddie goes to college?"

"Same. I told that to the man. But, my words don't mean a thing to those kind of people. Anyway, Fredrick asked me if I know where you are, but I can only do that with your permission," she raised her eyebrows for a reply.

"No. Of course not. Don't tell him," I shook my head.

"That's what I thought. Your secret is safe with me, but..." she eyeballed Freddie, who kept staring at Glenn.

"Then why did you bring him here?!"

"He wanted to see his mother," she kept on tapping her fingers. "I can't refuse kids."

"See that's where your logic is flawed. If the kid wanted to see his mother, take him to see his mother!"

"Do you think I'm dumb?" She rolled her eyes, "His mother is a crazy woman. She's don't even care about him. I'm not taking him to see that kind of people."

"Are you trying to be the fairy godmother of this stupid story? Because let me tell you, his father is just as crazy!" I slapped my forehead.

"What do I do now that Freddie is calling me 'mommy'?" I tilted my head to see the kids warming up to one another.

"I don't know. That's why I brought the kid to you," she gave me the most insincere smile.

"Then, I'll be needing a raise," I rolled my eyes.

"Done!" She didn't even hesitate.


I was buckling Glenn and Freddie up-Dr. Vang gave me an extra carseat-when Chris showed up behind me.

"May I help?" His voice was sweet and hopeful.

"I'm good. I have two very behaved kids," I shrugged him off.

"Come on, doctor. Just a cup of coffee then," he was like one of those big dog that tried the puppy eyes. It was absolutely hilarious.

"Sorry, I have two kids. I don't have the time."

"Damn it!" Chris slammed the car's door shut. It scared both Glenn and Freddie enough to make them cry.

"What the fuck!" I pushed him away, opened the door, unbuckled the kids, and comforted them. "It's okay. It's okay."

"I'm...I'm terribly sorry," Chris's voice was very apologetic. "I'll leave for today."

And then he left.

It was not because Chris was my subordinate that I refused him nor the fact that he was quite cocky. I was not waiting for Fredrick to redeem himself either. I was done with relationships and reverting back to my original plan: staying single for life.

Dr. Vang told me Freddie's things will be transported to my house either that night or the very next day. So, I wasn't planning to buy him any new clothes.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Freddie asked.

"To the store. We need some extra groceries," I looked at the rear mirror to see the excitement in Freddie's eyes; while Glenn was gloomy.

"Glenn, what do you want for dinner honey?"

"I don't want anything...maybe warm milk?" Glenn did look at the rear mirror like how he usually do.

"Oh, I want warm milk as well," Freddie jumped.


That night while Freddie fell asleep beside Glenn in his bed, Glenn refused to fall asleep.

"Read me another story," he pouted.

"It's getting late, I'll read another one tomorrow," I whispered, not wanting to wake Freddie up.

"But I'm not sleepy," he began to cry. I pulled him into my arms and tightly hugged him.

"What's wrong? Please tell me."

"You d-don't love me anymore," he sobbed in a soft squeaky voice.

"Shsh, What made you think that? Of course I love you. You're my precious baby," I kissed his forehead.

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"What?" I smiled and putted him on my laps, "Are you just jealous? Glenn can get jealous??"

"What does jealous mean?" He pouted again noticing how happy I was.

"It means you only want me for yourself," I held both of his hands in mines.

"Then I am jealous. I want daddy for myself," he smiled.

"Of course! I'm all yours, Glenn," I assured his security in my heart.

"Then you don't love me?!" Freddie woke up and began crying.

I messed up. What have I done?!

"Of course I love you too," I tried to weaved my way back. "I'm both yours."

"Daddy?" Glenn was confused.

"No. You don't love me. You love your new baby more!!" After shouting it, he jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room.

"You understand me, right?" I picked Glenn up as we were about to search for Freddie.

"I know that you love both Freddie and me equally. Daddy belong to the two of us," he kissed my cheek. Which made me question, how did they raise Freddie?

Yup, this section was hella long 🤧 I was tired half way through, but I needed a cliffhanger. Anyway, there are a lot of drama I need to fix 🙃🙃 WTF Fredrick!

Spoilers!! I'm gonna use magic and make Dan and Fredrick end up together. 😗

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