Wedding Invite

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Well fuck it! He's only been engaged for a month, I told myself as I got out of the house.

I walked into my car and turned on the radio as loud as it could go. I submerged myself into the beat and the road helped me clear my mind.

I wasn't worried about a change in diet because my family and I were already eating pregnancy food. What I meant was that we were health fanatics.

I parked my car and walked into the elevator to my floor on this giant hospital.

"Wait!" Lora shouted, I held the door open with my hands until she had entered the elevator, "Thanks!"

She was out of breath. She was also a doctor here and started a little after I did.

"Good morning, doctor." I greeted her with sarcasm.

"Good morning to you too doctor," she winked at me, trying not to laugh.

The door of the elevator opened once again and we each went our separate ways. Throughout the morning, all I thought about was calling Fredrick, but I thought I need to know how this happened. How was it possible that I, a male, got pregnant?

During lunch, Lora and I sat alone at a corner of the hospital café.

"So, have any male came to you impregnated?" I tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Aha. What kind of joke is that?!" She laughed loudly. I giggled a little, so it wouldn't be awkward, but shit I knew I shouldn't have asked her.

"Well, sometimes," she said after a while.


"Yeah, although they are transgenders."


"Why? Are you?" She asked confusedly yet curiously.

"Of course not," I laughed, "How can I possibly get myself or another guy pregnant?"

"You know, you suck at lying doctor," she smirked. "So, who is it?"

"What are you talking about doctor?" I forced myself to be convincing.

"You! Obviously," she pointed her fork at me dangerously, "if you tell me which guy is pregnant, I'll tell you a little something."

"Ha! And what might that little something be?"

"Nope. Nope. I'm not falling for that shit. I heard rumors that you can make people talk like little birdies." She covered her eyes, which really made me laugh for real. "Just tell me who, if you want to know."

"Well, I will be going back to work now doctor," I said. I will get what I wanted sooner or later.

Later that week, my parents continued with their plans, which were traveling and more traveling after I assured them that I would be fine, and they deserved it. I thought they had visited every touristy country. Anyhow, they said they'll shorten their trip to four months, so they'll be here during my last trimester.

I needed to be my own doctor in this, so I bought some medical books. I planned to give birth either at home or out of the country.

Fredrick had announced his wedding today. He said their wedding will be in a month or so because his fiancé got pregnant. Which was great because I knew he would never know about me and the little guy inside of me. I didn't need him to feel disgusted as he learned that I got pregnant or remind him that he's not exactly straight.


"So, have you decided to tell me yet?" I felt Lora's breath on my neck.

"Stop it. We both know that it's not possible, or at least in our lifetime. Yes, science and medicine are improving every day, but male pregnancy is probably not one of them," I laughed it off.

"Because society still can't accept it even if it is possible."

"Yeah, yeah smart guy and I know it's you already," she sat beside me and opened her lunch box.

"Well, you can think whatever you want because I'm not," I picked up my glass of green liquid.

"Oh, come on Dan. Pregnancy is my specialty," she winked at me.

"So, what if I am, what are you going to tell me?" I added a little sass to show my irritation.

"It is clinically possible, but I think your case is natural. Nonetheless, I know how you got pregnant."

"Yeah and?"

"There's a gene thing which you should probably already know. So basically, it's like Crisper but it's completely natural. Not a lot about it have been shared, but I know this much: it's a one-time thing. Meaning that after that child is born, you won't get pregnant unless you sleep with the baby's daddy or someone like him."

"In short, it's a common cold."

"Yeah," she made a confused face and rock her head from side to side. "So, who impregnated you?"

"Not you or anyone here," I laughed but Lora stared a hole through me.

As we got up to get back to work, a man walked toward us.

"Is it him?" Lora whispered.

"Fuck no!" I whispered back.

"Hello Dr. Daniel Ferns," he totally ignored the existence of Lora and handed me an envelope, "This is an invitation to Mr. Fredrick Turner's wedding. We hope you can make it."

He had left as quickly as he came. Fuck.

"Want it?" I asked Lora.

"What? When did you personally know Mr. Fredrick Turner?" She asked in a sarcastic voice blurred with amusement.

"I asked first. Answer me then I'll answer you."

"Sure! This is a once in a lifetime chance," I gave her the envelope and she observed it. "Wait, this is a VIP invite. When the fuck did you know Mr. Fredrick Turner?!"

Thank your for reading!!❤️❤️

[This chapter is edited by jesslauren67.]

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