Dr. Vang

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It was raining that night. I was on the couch reading the two inches thick packet that I got from Lora and Fredrick was in the kitchen making dinner. The more I read, the more confused I got. I didn't understand the purpose of same sex reproduction.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door. It must be a news reporter wanting to learn of the full story, so I looked out the window to make sure.

Turned out I was completely wrong, it was just Lora. I forgot to meet her at the cafe or call her so.

"Why the fuck you change your mind before calling me?" She was soaked. "I learnt everything through the news. Do you know how piss off I am?"

"Sorry?" I took off the scarf around me and gave it to her.

"Thanks, but for real. Is Fred here?" She wiped herself rigorously, although, she didn't dry anything at all.

"Yes he is, but do you mind taking off your shoes and taking a shower?" I tried to sound as nice as possible.

"Well, thank you, hon. I will be borrowing your closet, right?" The grin she made was absolutely irking.

"Yeah. Yeah. Why not," I push her upstairs.

"Who was it, babe?" Fredrick walked out of the kitchen with mittens.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss his chapped lips, "Just Lora. She's taking a shower right now because she is soaked in rain."

"I wonder...Is it possible to make another baby while there's already one in there?" He gently kissed me back.

"Ew. No way. Even if we can, I won't let you," I rolled my eyes with an annoying smirk on my face.

Then, with all seriousness, I mustered up all the sexiness inside me and whispered into his ear, "I love the way you make me love you."

Which I also quickly changed the subject, "What are you making? It smells so good."

But before Fredrick could reply to anything, there was another knock on the door.

"I'll get it," he quickly volunteered as if he won't get another chance to speak up. He walked to the door and without looking who it was, he opened the door widely.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kang Vang from Vang Corporation. I'm here to talk about your illegal situation," the Asian woman announced, who was also accompanied by two other women.

I got beside Fredrick and interlocked our hands.

"May we come in?" Dr. Vang said with the friendliest smile to reassure us of her good intentions.

"Just you, okay?" I compromised, which she agreed to.

I was sitting across to Dr. Vang and in between us was the two inches thick research papers while Fredrick went to give us tea.

"I know that it is probably my fault that you guys are pregnant," she started, "I should've been more careful."

"What are you talking about? How is our situation illegal, if you just admit to it?" I asked impatiently.

"Well...yes and no. It's my bad that one of my employees decided to use the drug outside of the lab; but stealing my research is your fault."

"We were just trying to understand, but your employee decided to experiment on us, two male humans, and you say 'oh, it's my bad'?!" I wasn't going to let her said those things without responsibility, so I have been recording since she entered my house using my phone.

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