The Party

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That night at the party, where I first met Fredrick Turner, I was wearing a causal gray suit and he wore a brilliant yellow tux.

The contrasts in our outfits and personalities were like a blood red car with mustard gold interior. I only attended the party because my boss told me to.

"Good evening everyone," the speaker started, "this past year have been amazing. Our hospital ranked second for best staffs by The Northland Passage, ranked third for most astonishing facilities by The Architecture News , and," he paused to create dramatic tension, "ranked first for best cancer institute by FISO!"

I clapped my hands as I saw others doing it. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see my boss standing with a young female-barely old enough to be called a lady.

"Dr. Ferns, this is my daughter," my boss introduced the female proudly, "Honey, this is Dr. Ferns."

"Nice to meet you doctor," she smiled casually.

"Likewise, uh-"

"Oh, how terrible of me, her name is Yessy." In which I just nodded with a gentle smile thinking to myself: Is this why he wanted me to come here?

"I want you to show her around," he grinned and his golden tooth appear at the corner of his lips.

"Of course sir," I sticked out my elbow for her to grab. In a synchronized motion, we left my boss and I showed her various places.

"And this room is for-"

"Sorry about before with my papa," she finally said something, "he just really likes you."

"Yeah?" I awkwardly smiled.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed and her eyes lit up for the first time since we were alone, "and you really do look like my best friend."

"Your best friend?"

"Here," she opened up her phone, "see, you guys look alike."

"Do I look like a girl?" I touched my face making sure I didn't.

"Well, she's just really manly," she bit her bottom lip with a mischievous smile. She looked a lot like my boss with this grin.

"Let's grab a drink," she suggested as we approached the bar.

"Are you 21?"

"Stop it. I will be in three days," she pulled my hand and sat me down beside her.

"I don't think so," I shook my head in disapproval hoping she would change her mind. I was not about to risk my job for her naivety.

Before I could stop her, she was already pretty light headed and talking to another individual to her left.

They leaned in for a kiss and I intersected them, "Let's get back to your papa."

Suddenly the other man bursted into a crying laughter, but I ignored him and pulled her away. Shit. Shit.

"Did she gave you a hard time?" I heard my boss behind me. I turned to see his golden tooth gleaming, "Sorry, I told her you look like her best friend and she suddenly wanted to meet you."

"It's no problem sir. Next time I would prefer not babysitting," I said jokingly and then faked a chuckle.

I thought my boss was going to send some bullets my way for the comment I made, but he seemed to like it as well. Soon they left, leaving me behind with the man Yessy almost kissed.

Trying to wash away the nervousness from earlier, I probably drank more than what was good for me. It was also my first taste of liquor. My head became a little light but I was still conscience, a plus I guessed.

"Did you called her dad, papa?" I choked on a shot.

"Is there a problem? I only called him what she called him," I retorted.

"Oh no. No problem. It's just really cute when you say papa."

"Papa?" He cracked up again which made me keep on saying it.

"Stop, stop. I'm dying already," he begged.

"Sure papa," I winked at him. I was sure it was just the influence of the alcohol; but this time, instead of laughing, he gave me a genuine smile and pulled in for a kiss.

His lips were chapped, aligned teeth and a hyperactive tongue. The kiss was more than I ever had, it made me melt and throb with his rythme. We both tasted and smelt like liquor.

"Get a room." The bartender teased. He finally let go of the kiss-but unwillingly, of course.

My face felt as hot as the magma inside a volcano ready to erupt at any moment. I noticed his face was the same as well.

"Want to get a room?" He whispered shyly into my ear. "If yes, wait for me across the street."

Then he left. I was too excited. I don't think I'll get a room with him, and as if the bartender knew of my decision, "Fuck. Just go. Just look at him. How lucky can one get?"

"Haha. No. You can go for me," I said drunkly. "And I don't swing that way."


"Yeah, really," I assured him. Then he gave me another shot and said it was on the house. The drink was bitter at first but once it touched the back of my tongue and down my throat, it became hot and sweet.

I was wasted as I walked out of the party, and across the street I saw some men acting suspicious. If they were that yellow suited guy's men then I made the right choice to not getting a room with him.

Instead of crossing the street, I pretended to not notice them and walked down the street I was on to my car.

"Were you planning to leave me hanging?" I heard the man's voice behind me.

"Well, I didn't feel safe crossing the street this wasted. And I don't even know your name," I turned to face him while my hands are locked behind me.

"Was that your concern?" He walked up to me and peaked my cheek. "I was sure so you knew who I was already."

"Maybe I want a personal escort and for you to introduce yourself to me," I tried to sound annoying, but it didn't work. He seemed to fall more in love with me, "I am Fredrick G. Turner. And you?"

"Call me Dan."

I felt his arms wrapped around me; and as we both were influence by alcohol, I returned his little kiss. Which he took my car keys from my hand and threw it at someone else.

The person with the key opened the door to my car and Fredrick pushed us inside and we began making out. The rest of my decisions that New Year Eve were just as irrational because the next morning I was left alone and naked in a hotel room.

Don't get bored just yet, I promise you there will be a twist. Anticipate it! Thank you for reading 😁😁

[This chapter is edited with the help of jesslauren67.]

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