Chapter 18:

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"What? Babe, but we already started planning and everything." He explained. "I don't want to scare a little baby!" I yelled. "Shhh." He said. He held me close to him and started comforting me. I cried myself to sleep.

~~~next morning~~~

I woke up and Liam wasn't there. My dream kept replaying in my head. I was about to loose it. I looked next to me, to the night table, and saw a note.

'Good morning, princess. I hope you are feeling better. I'm sorry I left before you got up. Don't worry, I'm okay. I'm working out with my trainer. Chill out today. Send me a text as soon as you finish reading this. Love you, shorty!

Love you,

Batman xx.'

I read. It was obviously from Liam. I grabbed my phone, next to the note, and sent him a text. 'Good morning, Batman. I love you, xx.' I pressed send. He got the message, but I knew he couldn't reply now. I got up and grabbed some clothes. I went to take a shower. I went back to bed and watched Netflix. I can't wait for 1D Day. Liam says it's going to be amazing.

~~~1D day~~~

"Wake up!" Liam yelled excited. "Wake up, shorty! Come on! Let's go! It's 1D Day!" He yelled. I sat up and playfully slapped him. I went back to sleep. He carried me out of bed. "Stop!" I whined. He put me down and I looked at him furiously. "So cute." He played with my dimples. I slapped his hand away and crossed my arms. "Come on." He held me close to him. He had his hands on my waist and leaned over to kiss me.

I kissed him back and he stopped. "Please, go get ready, shorty." He begged. I groaned and went to get ready. I was wearing short shorts, a tank top and I kept my hair in a braid. I had eyeliner on and you could see almost all of my tattoos. "They won't see me, right?" I asked Liam. He nodded bitting his lower lip. "Uh, babe?" I asked. He seemed lost while scanning my body. He moaned. "Stop." I told him. "Okay, I will try." He kissed me. He got ready and I saw a costume. It had 'Payne Train' across it. "Babe?" I asked him. "You will see." He kissed me.

I fold it for him as he finished. We went to the sat together holding hands. As soon as we got there, I saw Zayn. "Hey!" He came up to us. He hugged me and spun me around. "Hey, sis." He kissed my cheek and put me down. "Hey, bro." He told Liam. They hugged and looked at me. They hugged me tight. I felt a bit sick. "5... 4... 3... 2... We are on air!" Management yelled. They both kissed my cheek and left.

Liam waved at me and I smiled. Somebody tapped my shoulder. I looked back and saw Angie. We hugged. "Hey, how you doing?" I asked her. "Pregnant." She rubbed her bump. "Do you know what is it?" I asked. "A girl." She smiled. "That's so cute!" I squealed. I remembered my dream and I felt like I was going to throw up. "Hold up." I told her. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I washed my mouth and flushed the toilet.

I went back with Angie and Liam looked at me. He seemed worried, but I smiled at him like saying I was okay. He understood and kept going with 1D Day. "Are you okay?" Angie asked me. "I'm fine, I just feel a bit sick." I explained. "Have you been eating lately?" She asked. "Salad." I mumbled. "Steph, you know that's not good for you, less if you are pregnant." She told me. "How do you know?" I asked. "Do you know who my brother is?" She asked, sarcastically. I smiled and hugged her.

"Do you think I'm making the right choice?" I asked her. "He really wants to be a dad. Maybe you should let him be a dad. You are his fiancé anyways." She smiled. I smiled and looked at my ring.


I was at Disney World in Paris with Liam. It was night and the fireworks were booming. I stood up to see better and looked down to see Liam on the floor. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asked as 'SHORTY, WILL YOU MARRY ME?' Was in the sky from the fireworks. I nodded and he stood up to kiss me. As we kissed, he slid the ring on my finger and a giant pink heart firework illuminated the sky.

•flashback over•

Tears of joy rolled down my face as I hugged Angie. "It was so cute, I can't believe fans posted it." She said rubbing my back. I smiled at her and wiped the tears away. Liam didn't seem to notice it at all. The lads went on for another 3 hours. Liam and Harry came over to us. Harry kissed Angie while Liam and I kissed. Harry had his left hand on Angie's bump.

They kissed again and Liam held my hands. I looked at him and smiled. "We should get married in a week." He suggested. "Babe, we need time to plan everything." I told him. "I won't have time after that, babe." He pouted. We heard kissing sound. I looked at Angie and saw Harry kissing her. I looked back at Liam. "I guess we can get married in a week, but just a normal wedding, nothing too big." I informed him. He smiled and kissed me.

"I want this to be your dream wedding." He kissed my nose. "Wedding?! We can have a double wedding! We can have fireworks, invite everyone we know, this is going to be awesome." Angie's smile was HUGE. "Calm down! There won't be a big wedding just something normal, please." I begged. "It's a wedding! Every girl has an idea of a perfect wedding." She explained. "Not every girl. I will tell you this, how about you come up with the wedding?" I proposed to Angie. "Too much work." She lazily answered. "Come on! You are the one that wants this cool wedding, not me." I said. "True... Fine, anything the princess requests?" She asked.

"Why do you talk about yourself like that?" Harry kissed her. "Something pink and we are going to get married in Paris." I said. "Got it." She kissed Harry. Liam cleared his throat. They stopped and looked at Liam as they held hands. "S-Sorry." Angie stuttered. "Are you pregnant?" Liam asked looking at her bump. "Yes." Harry smiled. He kissed her. "What?! Harold-" I cut Liam off by kissing him. I pinched him in the arm so he would be sorry. "I'm sorry." He rubbed his arm. "What are you guys having?" He asked innocently. I kissed his cheek. "A-A baby g-girl." Angie stuttered.


What do you guys think of the new cover? It's more like me that's why I changed it. Comment what you think of this chapter, this fanfic, and the new cover. Love you, guys. Xx

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