Everything else...

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(Alison POV)

It's two weeks later and Emily and I still haven't told the girls that she's pregnant. They knew about the night that she slept with the guy but they didn't really have any follow up conversations about it, and soon everybody would know because she can't hide her growing belly for much longer.

"Hey em, we should make plans with the girls to tell them about the baby." I say.

"Sure, I'll text them to meet us at the cafe." I say.

Emily texts them and says that we'll be meeting them at 4:00pm. It's currently 2:00pm, as we're working but I saw her between classes.

We immediately get in the car after school to meet up with the girls.

As soon as we get to the cafe, I see Aria and Spencer sitting together.

"Where's Hanna?" I ask as we're both hugging them.

"She got a little hung up in traffic but she'll be here in like 5 minutes." Aria says.

"Perfect." Emily says.

The waiter comes to ask our orders. I order a passion iced tea, Emily orders a skinny vanilla latte-no cream, Spencer gets an americano, and Aria gets a chai latte with 2 shots of espresso just as the waiter gets here and sits down the waiter is done with arias order and then looks at her.

"I'll have a green tea latte." Hanna says.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"Can I have a cake pop added to that please?" Emily asked.

I smirk because she said that the baby wanted her to have it last week. I looked back at the girls and they looked at her weird, because she normally eats really healthy foods. I internally giggle because they don't know and i want to tell them so bad.

"Em? Why did you get a cake pop? You normally eat super healthy." Spencer asks.

"The Baby wants a cake pop." She said.

I looked at her. And we waited as none of the girls caught on to what Emily just said for another like 2 minutes. Then Emily and I burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Hanna asked.

"You didn't hear what emily just said?" I asked laughing.

"I dont get it." Aria said.

Just then Spencer looks up smiling as she realizes and I put my finger to my lips shushing her. She stays quiet as we all wait for Aria and Hanna to catch on.

"Guys! It's not that hard." Spencer says eager to congratulate us.

"Hahaha, You guys, I'm pregnant!" Emily says excitedly.

"Omg congratulations!" Aria says.

"Congratulations guys!" Hanna and Spencer said in unison.

"Thanks guys! We're so excited." I say and put my hand on Emilys slightly bigger bump and she smiles at me.

"I'm so excited to spoil them." Hanna said.

"Auntie Hanna, Auntie Spencer and Auntie Aria." Emily said.

"So, have you thought of any names?" Spencer asks.

"Uhm, I really liked Avery for a girl." I say.

"I really like Asher for a boy." Emily says.

"We're still deciding still. I think we're going to wait until we see their face before we name them." I say and Emily nods.

"Awh, I love Avery for a girls name." Hanna says.

"May I suggest a name?" Aria says.

"Shoot." Emily says.

"How about the name Aria?" Aria asks.

We all laugh.

"Hey, I have to go and help my mom with campaigning but I'm so happy for you guys and I can't wait to see the baby. Love you guys. Congrats again." Spencer says.

"Love you too, bye." We all say in unison.

"We actually have to go too guys. Love you." I say and grab Emily's hand getting up.

"Love you." Emily says as we leave.

"Love you too." They say in unison.

The rest of the time after Emily and I basically just laze around watching Netflix. She's asleep and cuddling me while I get up trying not to wake her. I get up without waking her up and go into the nursery room and start putting the things into boxes and get the room cleared while I set up a few thing for the baby and emily. Like her nursing chair and the crib. It actually didn't take too long because the instructions were pretty simple and very little steps were involved.

Just then, emily comes in. She sees me working on the crib and comes closer.

"What are You working on, babe?" She asks.

"I'm working on the crib. I want it to be perfect and safe." I say.

"Awh. I love you. Can I help?" She asks.

"Yes but be very careful." I say.

"I know. I will be." She says.

"No lifting heavy things. You're still not completely in the safe zone." I say.

"I know. I wish I was there. If anything happens to this baby, I don't know if I will be able to live with myself." She says.

"Don't think like that though. The baby will be fine. If anything happens, I'll always be here. I love you and the baby more than words. I know how you feel." I say.

"I Know but I can't help but worry. I just want them to be born healthy and happy." She says.

"I know. That's what I want too. I want you to be happy too. I'll be right back. Hold on. I have to use the restroom." I say. I lied. I got the ring and went back upstairs after a minute.

"Hey, I'm back." I say.

"Hey." She says and kisses me. I then break the kiss and show her the ring.

"Emily Catherine Fields, since the moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be. You're my other half, you're everything to me. I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I don't want to. I don't ever want to spend another day without you. I need you in my life. I want to build this family with you, I want to see our baby to grow along with ourselves. And I will cherish every sweet moment. Emily, I love you. Will you marry me?" I say with tears in both of our eyes.

"Yes, I will marry you! I love you so so much." She says and we fall into a deep, passionate kiss. I never want this kiss to end.

We pull away and look into each others eyes my hands in her hands.

"I love you so much and I can't wait to start a family with you." I say looking into her eyes, my hands on her belly.

A/N: I really hope you liked this chapter!! I loved it. Thank you for reading. I love you guys! Please leave suggestions as to how you think I could make this story better!💕💕

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