Chapter 57

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(Alison POV)
*The next morning.*

I woke up on my stomach.

Shit. Shouldn't be laying on my belly.

I carefully get up and sprint to the bathroom, vomit.

I wash my face, taking deep breaths trying to calm down, then take a shower.

After, I take my prenatal vitamins and folic acid.

I brush my teeth and put my hair in a half up, and half down look with my hair curled a little bit. Then I put on a grey top and some blue skinny jeans. Which BARELY fit anymore.

When I'm done, I sit and watch tv and wait for the rest of my family to wake up. This baby is making me starve though, I swear.

I look down and smile, thinking of the new little life growing inside of me.

"Mommy?" I look up to see Asher up and rubbing his eyes tiredly.

I get up and pick him up. He wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

"Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" I ask him quietly in his ear.

"Good... I'm hungry." He says and pulls away from our little good morning hug.

"Me too." I say.

"How about we get you ready for today while we wait for mama and sissy to wake up. Yeah?" I ask.

He nods his head.

I give him a quick bath and help him brush his teeth.

"Mommy, I don't like spicy toothpaste." He says and refuses to brush his teeth.

I roll my eyes discreetly.

"Ashy, this one makes people thing your breath smell yummy..." I say trying to convince him to use it.

"Fine." He says and starts brushing.

I smile and run my hand through his hair.

I walk over to his suitcase and put his comb through his hair.

"Let's go wake up mama and sissy. Your baby brother or sister is telling me that it's time to eat." I say and kiss his cheek.

He nods.

"You go watch cartoons, okay?" I say and turn the tv to his favorite show.

I walk to the twins room and sit on the bed next to Lily.

"Lilybug, time to wake up." I say in a low volume and rub her back.

She groans and stirs.

"Baby, we've gotta get up and get breakfast." I say.

She opens her eyes and I help her get out of bed and into the shower.

I get her a towel and hang up her dress for her to put on next to the shower for when she gets out.

Then I go to mine and Emilys room.

"Em, Babe, it's time to get up." I say.

She doesn't get up.

I sit on her back (because she's on her stomach) and rub my hands down her back.

"Babe. Get up." I say, and kiss the exposed skin on the back of her neck.

She groans and flips underneath me from her stomach to her back.

She opens her eyes and smiles up at me, putting her left hands on my hips and running her thumbs on my belly in small circles.

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