Chapter 61

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Alison POV

I woke up on my side.

Emily is facing away from me.

I get up and start making breakfast.

Then the twins wake up a little later, and come into the kitchen.

"Good morning, my babies. How did you sleep?" I ask, and I bend down to hug and kiss them both.

"Good mommy." They say, and pour themselves drinks as I make their plates.

Then Emily comes into the kitchen.

"Ali?" She asks quietly.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Please come with me." She says.

I follow her into our bedroom.

"What?" I ask, and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out on you like that. I love our little family. I just wish I could spend a little more time with them. You're so good at this whole parenting thing, and it makes me feel like I'm failing." She says, and looks down.

"You're not failing. The kids love you. I love you. They couldn't ask for a better mama than you. And I couldn't ask for a better wife. I'm sorry." I say, and uncross my arms and lean in to kiss her.

"I love you too." She says after we pull away.

We stay wrapped in each others arms for a few minutes until we decide to to go and check on the kiddos.

"Everything better?" Lily asks.

"Yeah, baby. Everything's fine." Emily says and kisses her cheek.

A little while later, Emily wanted it to be a family day, so we took the kids to Central Park and played a little bit of baseball with them.

Lily didn't want to play anymore, so she sat next to me on the bench.

"Hey baby." I say, as she sits down.

"Hey." She says.

"Why aren't you playing with mama?" I ask.

"Because, sports are Asher's thing. I don't really like them anyway." She says.

"You get that from me. I didn't like them much either. But mama loves them." I say.

"What do you want to do?" I ask her.

"I don't know. Do you have that notebook in your purse, mommy?" She asks.

"I do. Why?" I ask.

"I want to help you come up with baby names." She says.

(A/N: you guys can suggest some if you want!)

"Okay." I say.

After about a half-hour, Lily and I have a whole list of baby boy and girl names.

"Do you think mama will like them?" She asks

"I do. I think the baby will like it too." I say.

"Can I talk to the baby, mommy?" She asks.

"Of course you can, lil." I say.

She leans over it, sitting next to me.

"Hi baby! I'm Lily, and I'm your big sister. I can't wait till you get here. I hope you're a girl. Because I really, really want to play with you with my dollies. And it would be a lot of fun. And we can be best friends forever. Can I have a high-five?" She asks and puts her little hand on my belly.

Just then, I feel the baby kick.

"Whoa, lil. That was the first time the baby ever kicked. Good job! You got the baby to kick, that means that you're going to be best friends forever." I say and hug her, and rub my belly.

After a few minutes, Emily and Asher walk over to us.

"Babe, guess what?" I ask.

"What?" She asks.

"The baby kicked." I say, smiling.

She shoots her head towards me.

"What? Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, big sissy Lily taught her how to high-five." I say and hug Lily from the side.

Emily hugs Lily and gives her a high-five.

Asher looks kinda left out, and sad.

"Asher baby, come here." I say.

He toddles over.

"I love you." I say, and look into his eyes.

"I love you too bud." Emily joins in.

"I love you too ashy!" Lily jumps in and hugs Asher.

"I love you too mommies. And Lily." He says, and we all hug.

Just then, a camera clicks.

I look up and see a photographer.


"It was a beautiful moment, the picture will be ready in a minute." He says.

After a few seconds, the picture comes out and he hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say.

Then Emily looks at it.

"We should frame this." She says.

"Yeah. And get new ones done when the baby's born." I say.

"Yeah. I can't wait for this little one!" She says and tickles my belly,  making me giggle.

"Me too mama!" Lily says.

Emily gives both Lily and Asher tickles.

I giggle, my family is adorable. I can't believe I thought Emily doubted that.

After that, we go to the Empire State Building.

We all look through the windows, out on the city.

"Look at all the big buildings, lil." I say, and point to the buildings.

"Mommy, I can see Central Park from here." She says.

"Thats right, baby." I say.

I watch her reactions as she looks out the window. Taking in the world around her. It's such a beautiful thing.

"You're so beautiful." I hear.

I turn around, and see Emily standing over my shoulder. I smile.

"So are you." I say.

"Hey, Ash. Look at that building, it has the Ninja Turtles on it." I say, and point to the building.

"Awesome! Michelangelo is my favorite." He says.

"Is it because you both LOVEEEE pizza?" I tease and tickle his tummy.

He flashes a bright smile and looks at the city.

"Mommy, look! It's Minnie Mouse!" Lily says excitedly.

"Yeah, baby. And there's more characters when you see Times Square." I say.

"Are we gonna go there?" She asks.

"Probably. Me and your mama loved exploring Times Square when we lived here." I say.

"You lived here?" She asks.

"Yeah, this is where we fell in love the second time." I say.

"You fell in love with her two times?" She asks.

"I fall in love with her more and more everyday." I say, truthfully and look up at Emily.

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