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A/N: I know this isn't the house from the last one but let's pretend it is!😂

(Emily POV)

It's 6:30am here and I get a phone call.... it's Spencer.

Spencer-"where are you and Ali? We haven't talked to you guys in ages."

Me-"we're back in Rosewood right now, visiting our parents."

Spencer-"when are you guys coming back?"

Then it dawns on me... we haven't told them that we're moving yet...

Me-"uhm... Spence... I don't think we're coming back. I mean, we are but not permanently."

Spencer-"What? What do you mean?"

Me-"I mean, we are having a baby and it seems logical that she lives in a proper family neighborhood, not the middle of New York City, in an apartment complex. So Ali and I are moving. So are our parents."

Spencer-"when? And where are you moving?" Spencer asks.

Me-"we're moving in about a month. Ali and I are going to be moving to Wisconsin." I say.

Spencer-"Whoa. That's so far though." She says.

Me-"I know, but Wisconsin is really safe. Especially where we're moving."

Spencer-"I'm moving there too then. And I'll ask Aria and Hanna if they want to move too."

Me-"Spence, that's crazy. I can't believe you're actually considering."

Spencer-"I'd do anything for you and Ali. And I want to be there for the baby."

Me-"and I want you here."

Spencer-"hold on, I'm going to text Hanna and Aria and ask them."

Me-"Okay Spencer. Love you." I say and chuckle.

Spencer-"love you too, em." And she hangs up.

3 minutes later I get texts from Spencer.

Spence🏑💗: Hanna and Aria agreed to move.

Me:are you serious?

Spencer🏑💗: Yes.

I told Ali about the conversation when she got up.

Ali-"Whoa. That's a lot to take in."

"I know." I say.

"Let's get ready, we have another flight to catch today. I can't wait to see our new house." She says.

"Okay." I say.

"I'll go to the café around the corner and get us some muffins, and you get ready." Ali says.

"Okay, be careful. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says as she goes out the door.

10 minutes later.

"I'm back." Ali says as I'm in the bathroom, slightly curling my hair.

"In here." I say.

"Hi babe." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're so cute." I say.

"But you're cuter." She says back.

"Whatever you say." I say back.

"Okay, so I got you a banana nut muffin and some organic orange juice, and myself a blueberry muffin with a coffee." Ali says.

"Thank you so much babe. We were hungry." I say and finish my hair.

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