You and Me

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(Alison POV)

I woke up to shuffling on my bed and a tiny pair of hands playing with my hair and another tiny body crawling onto my stomach.

I flutter my eyes open and am met with three precious faces.

"Good morning my babies." I say while playing with Asher's and Lily's hair.

They giggle. Apparently as of late, Emily and I are the funniest thing in the world.

"Good morning mommy." Emily says as if the babies were saying it.

I pull the babies down, closer to me and kiss their heads about a million times.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife." I say.

"Good morning." She smiles and leans down to give me a kiss on the lips.

The babies have cuddled into my sides and have fallen asleep again.

I look up to Emily with a pouty face at how cute they both are.

"Do you want help?" She asks.

"No, I'll just stay here." I say contently.

"I'll make breakfast." She says.

"Thank you. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says from the door frame.

(Emily POV)

I have a major surprise for Ali. The surprise is going to be revealed in hints throughout the day.

The babies just fell asleep on her so they are all are laying in bed and I'm making us breakfast.

I make us some french toast with maple syrup, fresh sliced fruits, and some fresh squeezed orange juice.

I put all of the food on the table, then I go upstairs to get Ali.

As I walk upstairs, I'm met with the beautiful sound of laughter.

I walk to the doorframe of our bedroom and see Ali on the bed giving the babies a tickle torture!

(Alison POV)

I am on the bed with Lily and Asher and then we hear Emily downstairs behaving like an elephant, so that causes the twins to wake up again.

This time, they're in a more playful mood so I decide to tickle them.

"I'm gonna tickle you! Tickle tickle tickle!" I say as I tickle the babies tummies and kiss their faces playfully.

Lily and Asher laugh so hard, it's rediculous.

"BOO!" I hear and jump looking towards the door. I put my hand over my heart as Emily makes her way into the room, almost pissing herself from laughing so hard.

"Emily! You scared me!" I say.

"Sorry! But you should've seen your face!" She says still dying of laughter.

"I hate you." I say.

"I love you too. Breakfast is ready." She says.

"Okay." I get out of bed and grab Lily and Emily gets Asher and we bring them downstairs.

We go to the table and it's already beautifully set. My favorite breakfast. French toast.

"Thank you." I say to Emily.

"De rien." She says and smiles at me.

"Nous devons aller à la pharmacie pour vos prescriptions d'hormones." Emily says.

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